Bobbi Morse

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Full Name: Bobbi Morse
Portrayed by: Adrianne Palicki
First Appearance: Adding Three More
Parent: Phil Coulson
Grandparent: Ben Coulson
Aunt/Uncle: Paul Coulson, Cathy Coulson
Siblings: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Raina, Grant Coulson, Gamora, Nebula, Jeffrey Mace
Nieces/Nephews: Wanda, Pietro, Lincoln, Valkyrie

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“I’d also like to apologise on behalf of Hunter. He likely won’t see the need himself; he’s often blind to the fact that his actions do affect other people and not just himself.”

Bobbi, to Bucky. Adding Three More

Bobbi joined Coulson and the mix of SHIELD agents and Avengers along with Lance and Mack. Unlike her two compatriots, however, she was more reticient to being drawn into the family. It took Coulson a lot of time to convince her that she was wanted and needed; and that it didn’t matter what was going on, it wouldn’t change.

Still, Bobbi’s secrets wound up with her completely eaten by guilt that manifested itself in stomach ulcers. And even now, at times of stress, they still act up…often requiring her father to notice and step in, as she often doesn’t want to cause him to worry about her.

“I’ve been in places higher and more dangerous than that. That’s easy compared to some of the ops we’ve done in the past! Just because you two don’t have the guts to attempt it….”

Bobbi, to Brock and Lance. Forging Bonds

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Bobbi’s relationship with Lance is an extremely complicated one, having been a couple in the past and then splitting up. They both still care deeply for each other, even after the secret came out about who Bobbi and Mack really were working for.

Bobbi’s relationship with her father is more childlike and needy. Coulson gives her the space she needs to experience a childhood she never truly had before; and even if it does worry her at times, her father understands and gives her what she needs when she needs it.

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Random Facts

  • She and Lance are still married, since getting drunk and accidentally marrying under their real names while on an op.

  • To date, she’s the only one in the family who has actively participated in responding to Wade’s blog.