Brave of Heart and Hard of Head
Chapter One

The trouble had begun when the world started to lose the gifts that Prometheus had gifted to mankind. They had lost the ability to heal themselves, so that meant only one thing: Prometheus had been captured by the Gods. 

Hercules and Iolaus knew that this wasn’t a good thing; but it never was once good people started to die. A cut here, infection setting in and then they were dead. Hercules had gone to the cave of Hephaestus. 

Iolaus remained behind while Hercules went to find the sword, knowing he would meet with the demi-god. It seemed that destiny would put them in the direct path of Xena and Gabrielle.

Iolaus was bored and had heard the voices in the merchant’s tent. He had been on his way to find Hercules. Perhaps they knew where he could find him. He noticed the pretty blonde and smirked. Hmm, well she was pretty cute, but seemed a little too innocent to be a warrior like he was. 

Looks could be deceiving, though. He cleared his throat and spoke up. “Hello.”

The man looked from the girl towards the blond hunter and he couldn’t help but smirk. The man was clearly trying to make a sale. It would have been more amusing if the world and lives weren’t at stake. “Hello.  You’re the one interested in the Aphrodite shell, right?  Better snap it up quick before he gets it-- five dinars.”

“I’m afraid you have me confused with someone else.  I wanna know if you’ve seen a friend of mine.  He’s-- uh-- tall, broad shoulders, big arms, very handsome--” Iolaus started and sighed. 

Why did everyone get the idea of who he was talking about with the handsome term? Couldn’t they get that he was searching for the demi-god by the rest of it? The girl, who introduced herself as Xena’s friend….

Xena...Now that was someone that he’d not seen in a while and if they were running from Hercules, then they would have to do better than pointing a sword at him. Yep, life was never dull in Greece.


Iolaus had been right when he assumed that things would be heating up when the heroes headed towards their destiny. He still hadn’t known why Hercules and Xena were fighting over who struck the blow until he saw for himself. The sword had struck Hercules’ gauntlets, turning the man wielding it into dust. Well, now he got it but that was the least of his concerns right now. 

Watching the others leave the barn, Iolaus felt the pain in his left side. Drawing his hand back, he saw blood. That meant that not only were other lives on the line, so was his. His life didn’t matter as much as helping Hercules save mankind and if he told them, they would all worry about him. There were bigger fish to fry.


The walk towards the cave was exhausting and painful, but at least the girl, who he now knew was Gabrielle, talked to him. It was rather pleasant but she couldn’t know his hidden agony. 

There was nothing any of them could do for him while Prometheus was still bound. They had to break the chains before they could tend to his wound. 

The only problem was that the pain revealed itself to them all and the hunter cringed a little when Hercules spoke. Yep, he looked mad and that never bode well for Iolaus.

Xena looked at Iolaus and then her own companion. "Why didn't you tell us?" Her tone seemed concerned yet hard. 

Iolaus had the feeling that Gabrielle was in as much trouble as he was. The hunter was grateful that she had tried to respect his wishes. It wasn't fair to ask Gabrielle to hide his condition, but it was Hercules that he had to answer to. If he were lucky, the demi-god would just give him a lecture. Gabrielle looked just as guilty as he did.

“Because, he’s brave of heart and hard of head.” Hercules' voice was firm and the look on his face told it all.

Yep, Iolaus knew that he was in deep trouble if he survived this. Thankfully, he did and his wound started to heal once again. It had been close, but the sword had broken the chains without causing either of the heroes to turn to ash. A sword thrown, a well positioned rock and Prometheus was free.

Mankind was saved, but Iolaus had the feeling he was in for a long lecture on the value of his life. Also for not telling Hercules when he was injured. It wouldn’t have helped either way until the chains were struck, only worry them all.


Iolaus soon headed back with Hercules and watched the two women leave. It was nice getting to know Gabrielle and seeing Xena again, finding that he didn’t have any anger towards her. He sighed, knowing that the demi-god was still angry. 

With another exasperated sigh, the hunter looked at Hercules even while they walked along the grassy road. “You’re still mad at me. Don’t deny it. Your nostrils flare when I piss you off or something does, so go ahead. Lecture me and get it out, Herc, so you can feel better about it. You know there was nothing you could have done, yeah? I know telling you would have been good. You and Xena had too much to worry over besides my wound and not being able to do anything. So go ahead and yell at me for it, Herc and get past your anger.” Man, it wasn’t a good thing to have Hercules mad at you, considering he had the temper of a God.

Hercules had been struggling to keep his temper since freeing Prometheus and having to get past his fear at seeing Iolaus wounded. Maybe he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, but he still should have been told.

When Iolaus spoke to him, Hercules turned with narrowed eyes. "Of course I'm mad at you, Iolaus. You were hurt and you didn't tell me. Even if there was nothing I could have done to help, I still needed to know. I need to know when you're hurt, so that I can make sure you don't get hurt worse."

Iolaus had expected something more than a short lecture. He had expected Hercules to lecture him, to raise his voice or anything. The words did hurt, though, feeling like he had let Herc down  a bit. He had kept that to himself, but even then, guilt would always get the better of him. "I know, I know, Herc. I just didn't want to worry you guys and not be there with you to the end. You needed me and so did the entire world."

Iolaus watched his lover and sighed. Yes, he loved the demi-god and trusted him with his life, but sometimes Herc was so stubborn. The blond moved to stand in front of the taller man, grabbing his yellow vest in his fists. He pulled Hercules towards him, kissing him with a ferver. "Herc. I hate when we fight like this or you're mad at me. Come on, talk to me about this and then we don't have this hanging between us."

Hercules kissed back before he really thought about it, hands gliding down Iolaus' arms and pulling the other man in close. Letting Iolaus feel just how Hercules was affected, having him so close.

But it didn't take long before his mind asserted itself and Hercules was pushing Iolaus back in order to look into his eyes. "We won't be talking, Iolaus. I'm going to deal with your reckless behaviour. I'm going to spank you for it. And then it will no longer be between us."

Iolaus gulped and chewed his lower lip. He hadn't expected that, but then again, perhaps he should have. This wouldn't be the first time his lover had spanked him. It didn't seem fair, but it would be better to put this aside. 

The blond just stood there, his voice a whisper. "Yeah, I guess I should be punished for it, Herc. I just didn't want you to worry. There was nothing you, Gabrielle, or Xena could have done until Prometheus was freed. I couldn't just leave your side."

"I still needed to know, Iolaus. Not only because of our relationship, but because I would have needed to know in order to change plans and reactions," Hercules said seriously. He took hold of Iolaus and began to lead his lover into the town.

Iolaus cringed and felt his stomach aching. "But how could you have done that, Herc? We needed to free Prometheus. People were dying. What if you or the others were injured? I love you too much to let you die. The mission had to go on and I should have told you, but I couldn't let innocents die for me."

"Um, Hercules. Why are we headed this way? You're not going to...Around people?"

"No," Hercules replied. "But I'm not going to take care of this on the side of the road, where anyone could see." He walked to an inn, headed inside and paid for a room for the night. He then led Iolaus to the room.


Iolaus felt like a man heading to the noose right now, considering he was in trouble. The blond could only stand there and gulped, his stomach in knots. "I guess I deserve this. I know I should have told you. You guys had so much to worry over."

"I can't lose you," Hercules said seriously, after making sure the door was shut behind them. "You're absolutely right. You do deserve this, Iolaus." He walked over to the mattress.

Iolaus grumbled a bit, knowing that he was in deep, his ass quivering a little. This wasn’t the first time his lover had to punish him, but it was far from pleasant. "I know. I can't lose you either. I am really glad you're not a pile of ashes, Herc. My ass right now isn't, but that's because you're going to punish me. I love you."

Iolaus sighed, but knew better to let this hang over their heads. The hunter unceremoniously disarmed himself, his weapons now resting on the table. Completely defenseless, Iolaus unbuckled his weapons belt, tossing it gently to join his weapons. Truth be told, even without his weapons, the blond was far from defenseless. He then waited nervously. "Are we having a discussion first, or...?"

"Do you have anything to add?" Hercules asked. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"No. I think you pretty much know the how and why of my crimes on this matter. I just assume you wanted to lecture me some more?" Iolaus chimed nervously, hoping to delay it for a bit.

Hercules shook his head. "Like you, I've said all I needed to." He reached out and drew Iolaus closer to him, then settled his lover across his lap.

Iolaus said nothing more. There was nothing more he could say, even when he felt his belt unbuckled, his boots were taken off and pants pulled down. The hunter grunted a bit being pulled over Hercules' lap, struggling to not tense up. The blond hated being spanked, since it hurt, but he knew he deserved it. There was no point in arguing or fighting the good grip on his waist. 

The same mantra was always said when he got into trouble and his ass tanned. Don't tense up, don't tense up and don't fight him. The downside was, it never worked when Iolaus was getting a spanking. He still squirmed like a fish out of water. The worst part besides a sore ass was the anticipation.

Hercules wrapped his arm around Iolaus' waist, drawing his lover in tight, and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

"Ohhh! Owww! Dammit, Hercules!" Iolaus was already squirming over his lover's lap. His cheeks felt the burning fire of Hercules' imparted lesson and this was only the beginning. The blond groaned and knew this would be a long night.

Hercules held Iolaus tight against his stomach, settling quickly into a pattern of swats, working over every inch of Iolaus' backside from the crest down to mid-thigh before starting over from the top.

Iolaus had tried to squirm around and avoid the hard smacks. Each spank lit a fire in his cheeks, forcing the blond to endure it.

Hercules wasn't letting him off the hook on this one and soon he got vocal. "Owww! Awww, come on, Herc. Uhhhh! OK, OK...I surrender!" Iolaus howled when the swats increased in force and tempo.

"I won't lose you, Iolaus." Hercules spoke in a very low, very intense voice as he began a third circuit of swats.

"I can't lose you either." Iolaus had to admit that if he ever lost Hercules, it would break his heart. The world could have lost him today and that was hard enough. 

If it ever happened, the hunter would forever grieve for the loss of someone he held so dear. He yelped and finally broke down. His face twisted with the agony of such a thought, along with the pain.

"I need you to stay alive. I love you." Hercules continued to swat, since this wasn't the first time they'd had to deal with this. "I could have truly lost you. You don't have the right to take yourself away from me, Iolaus."

"Ahhh!...Owww!" Iolaus howled and was sobbing, squirming from the fire in his backside caused by his lover.

Hercules paused, rubbing Iolaus' back gently, and then began to remove his belt.

Iolaus tried to squirm and move but couldn't. Hercules was using some of his strength to hold him down. He just felt the tears flowing and grunted. "Herc. Um why won't you let me up? Aren't you done?" Iolaus gulped and frowned a bit, uncertain why his lover stopped but wouldn't let him up.

"I'm not done yet," Hercules replied quietly. He took a tighter grip on Iolaus and doubled the belt over in his hand, bringing it down in a strike that, although firm, wasn't too hard.

Iolaus let out a whimper when the realization hit him. His spanking wasn't done and then the fire in his ass registered. The hunter felt the line that quickly followed the path of the leather. The white hot agony forced a strangled cry in alarm. "Ahhh! No, please, Herc! That really h...hurts." His voice was a broken sob.

Hardening himself against the words and tears, Hercules brought the belt down a second and third time, carefully controlling his strength. "You were nearly taken away from me again, Iolaus. This is lenient. I should make you go out and cut a switch."

Iolaus shook his head, his face soaked with his pain, his heart aching just as the floor was bathed in tears. His ass really hurt and the blond could do nothing to stop it. "No...I..You...Can't. Please, Herc. I'm sorry...It hurts too much and please...not that!" Iolaus knew that he was begging and his pride had a hard time with this.

"Please. Hercules. Don't make me do t...that...Never felt one but...You said that is worse? Gahhh! Oww!" Iolaus was unable to even squirm or talk his way out of this one. He was pretty sure his ass looked like he had sat on Apollo's chariot near the sun, it had to be that burnt; and it was only the beginning.

"If this happens again, I will make you." Hercules kept his voice serious. Stern. "I need to make sure you remember this for next time."

Iolaus whimpered and just lay there, limp. His ass was burning, his eyes just as red from crying. Hercules was still granting his hunter no mercy. "No...Please, Herc...I'm s...Sorry! It hurts..."

Hercules delivered a full dozen strikes with the belt and then he stopped. Letting the belt fall, he then quickly moved Iolaus into his arms, hugging his lover tight.

Iolaus hissed from the final slaps of the belt. His ass was on fire and the hunter was beyond crying, holding onto his lover. "S...Sorry, Herc. I messed up and I deserved that." His blue eyes were growing heavy, but he wanted to have sex. Iolaus was always up for it, but the day had taken too much from his energy stores.

Hercules held Iolaus close. "It's been a long day. You need to sleep." He knew what Iolaus was like, but his lover needed to rest. Hercules' tone wasn't one that encouraged argument.

Hercules held Iolaus for a few more moments, just allowing himself to feel that his best friend and lover was safe in his arms. Then, he carefully settled Iolaus onto the bed, covering him with a blanket so that he was comfortable.

Iolaus soon was fast asleep and as usual, the hunter was a cuddler. His hair seemed to caress Hercules' chiseled chest and his leg sneaked between Hercules’. His ass burned, but exhaustion had already taken its toll, along with the small injury. 

Tiny mewls and a sigh escaped his parted petal pink lips. Hair the color of the sun glistened around his face. Yep, he had gotten into trouble; but that wasn’t unusual for him. 

He still loved Herc, even when he got spanked. A thought made him smile. Would they ever do this for sex? Iolaus loved it when Hercules got a bit dominant in bed and perhaps he could spank him during sex? 

The few smacks to his butt when Iolaus was being naughty, teasing got him hot after all. It drove him insane with desire. It burned the fire in his groin but he wasn't sure if his lover would go for it. Hercules seemed to be afraid of hurting him.