Death doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

You sit perched on the edge of the old woman’s bed. She can’t see you and she can’t feel you. Her body isn’t aware of anything. Not anymore.

She looks tiny and frail. So many wires sticking out of her body. You can barely make out her thin, papery skin, apart from one hand resting next to her. You place your own hand on top of it, squeezing the delicate skin, even though she won’t be able to feel your touch. The machine next to her beeps, slow and steady.

“They’re going to turn off her life support today.”

You cast a glance back over your shoulder, where Dorian Hook stands in the doorway. Light surrounds him, making it look like he has a halo until he steps further into the room. He rests his hand on your shoulder and leans in close. “Are you going to guide her through to the next life?”

“When it’s time.” You place your other hand on top of his and squeeze.

It’s still a novel experience, this. Not being a guardian alone. You let your eyes move over the old woman’s body, then tilt your head back.

In response to your movement, Dorian presses a kiss to your lips. You close your eyes and push back against him, releasing the woman’s hand to wrap your arms around his partner’s body.

The kiss lasts as long as it takes for a shockwave to rip through you.

It hurts. Like someone’s reached into you and ripped out your guts. Your hands slide down Dorian’s arms and you double over.

By the time the pain fades, your body is half hanging off the bed. Only Dorian’s arms wrapped around your waist keep you from falling.

“What happened? Anubis?” Dorian’s hands move to your face, cupping it. He stares into your eyes, his own wide before they narrow in concern. “Are you okay?”

You’ve got used to doing everything alone. Being the only one who knows what’s going on. But Dorian Hook is your partner now. Don’t you owe him an explanation?