Another Chance

Summary: Follows Back Into The Fold. Director Clavell punishes the (former) leader of Team Star for their actions; not in forming Team Star, but in how everything was handled since...including hacking into the Pokémon League's database to steal League Points
Warning(s): Spanking with a slipper; spoilers for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet; references to bullying; AU
Author's Note: After completing the storyline involving Team Star, Director Clavell calls Penny 'young lady' and makes reference to punishment, so of course, that seeded this idea in my mind. And the idea was further cemented when Penny goes to Director Clavell's office and pretty much says she doesn't feel like she's been punished enough, so...yeah.
I also have one last idea for Pokémon Scarlet, but after that, no more for the time being, I'm afraid! But I hope readers enjoy this one...and even if I don't respond to reviews, please know that every comment makes me happy! (Except for the flames, but that goes without saying).
Okay, I will stop talking now...and once again, I hope you enjoy!


Penny couldn't help but fidget slightly as Scarlet left the Director's office. It was hard, looking at the man she'd believed to be Clive, a fellow student. His disguise had been too good for her to see through...but then again, she hadn't spent that much time with the Director. He'd only joined the academy a year ago, after Team Star had finally stood up for themselves against the bullies who'd made their lives and their time at the academy so miserable.

"I don't know what you'd like me to do, Penny," Director Clavell said, once Scarlet had closed the door behind them. "I can't really punish you for taking the league points. I'm not an official part of the Pokémon League, after all."

"I know you were a champion," Penny said. "And you could easily be a part of the League, if you wanted to. But I...." Her voice faltered and trailed off. How could she explain what she meant to him? Would he even understand if she tried? She really wasn't used to talking this much, which was why she'd hidden behind the identity of Cassiopea. Somehow, it had been easier to talk to other people when they didn't know that she was truly Penny.

"I believe I've been more than fair in how I've handled this situation," Director Clavell said, when Penny didn't continue her train of thought. "I told the truth when I apologised to you and the rest of Team Star. The academy failed all of you and made you feel like you couldn't return. Yes, your actions were deserving of punishment. But I'm satisfied that the punishment given to each of you is more than fair."

"I talked to Atticus." Penny said the words in a rush, ducking her head as she felt her cheeks grow hot. She was fairly certain she was blushing. But even though being here and talking to the Director face to face was one of the last things she wanted to do, she couldn't shake the feeling that, as the instigator of Team Star and Operation Starfall, she deserved worse punishment than her friends had received.

"I see." Director Clavell looked thoughtful for a few moments before he stood up slowly. "How I handled things with Atticus, and the other bosses, was partly to give them a clean slate...but also to give them an incentive to come back to the academy. You returned to the academy without needing any outside influence."

"I...I think I need a clean slate," Penny said quietly.

The smile that touched Director Clavell's lips was gentle and he nodded before saying, quietly, "Very well. In that case, I will handle this in the same way I handled it with your friends." He stood up and walked round to the front of his desk, opening a bag that rested on the surface. He took out a large, worn looking slipper and then moved back round behind the desk, pulling his chair out and setting it in the middle of the floor. He then sat down on the chair and looked into Penny's eyes. "Take your backpack off and come here," he ordered.

Slowly, very slowly, Penny slipped her arms out through the straps of the rucksack and placed it on the floor, making sure it was out of the way of anyone who might come into the office. She hoped no one would come in, of course, as she didn't want anyone to see what was about to happen. However, she had to consider it was a possibility.

And she was overthinking this and not acting. She was allowing her nerves to get the better of her. Taking a deep breath, she walked slowly over to his side...and then hesitated, not sure what he was expecting her to do next.

Not saying anything, Director Clavell reached out and gently closed his fingers around her wrist. He then guided her across his knees, making sure she was positioned comfortably before he tugged her shorts down.

Penny whimpered softly and shifted slightly, unable to help feeling exposed and vulnerable. When the director gently tapped the slipper against her backside, she couldn't help but tense up slightly. It didn't hurt, but as soon as he brought it down with any kind of force, it was going to hurt.

"When this is over, Penny, there will be a clean slate," Director Clavell promised. "You won't need to feel guilty anymore. I hope you will be able to forgive yourself after this."

Penny shifted slightly, not sure if he was expecting a response from her or not. Before she could formulate a response, though, she felt the slipper raised and then it landed across her backside with more force than she was expecting.

The sting was immediate and intense and Penny gasped out loud. She wanted to throw her hand back over her bottom to stop the rest of the punishment, but she'd been the one to prompt this...and she wasn't going to try and stop the punishment before Director Clavell decided to.

But it still hurt. And the pain was even worse when a second strike was delivered just below the first, leaving a second line of fire. Her underwear didn't offer much protection and when the slipper landed for the third time, it caught the top of her thighs, where her underwear didn't cover. Penny couldn't help yelping loudly in response and reached down to grab hold of Director Clavell's ankle, so that she didn't throw her hand back over her bottom.

When the fourth stroke landed, in almost the same spot as the first, the first sob was torn from Penny's throat and tears began to stream down her cheeks. When the fifth stroke landed, though, she couldn't help it and threw her hand back to cover her backside. "Please," she sobbed out.

Director Clavell took hold of her hand and held it out of the way, against the small of her back. "One more to go, Penny." His voice was gentle and reassuring.

Penny's sobs increased a fraction in force when the slipper tapped lightly against her stinging, burning backside. She couldn't help but tense up in anticipation of the final stroke.

When the slipper landed for the final time, Penny cried out and her whole body jerked before she slumped over Director Clavell's lap. Her bottom ached and burned, but inside, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her.

Director Clavell moved her shorts back into place once her tears had quietened down, then rubbed her back for a few moments before he helped her to stand up. "It's over now, Penny," he said gently. "The punishment is finished, and now you have a clean slate. You're completely forgiven."

More tears slid down Penny's cheeks, and without really thinking about it, she threw her arms around Director Clavell and hugged him. "Thank you."

Slowly, almost uncertainly, he raised his own arms and wrapped them around her, hugging her tightly in return. "You're welcome, Penny. I hope that from now on, you'll feel able to turn to me if you have any more trouble with bullying."

She nodded, taking a deep breath before taking a step back and wiping at her eyes. "I don't think there'll be anymore problems with bullying now." After all, the bullies had all left the academy...and she believed Director Clavell would make sure no bullying occurred again. "Team Star served its purpose. Putting Operation Starfall in place was a difficult decision, but...I think it was the right one in the end," she admitted.

"I agree. And I feel you were very brave to make that decision, even if it was the best one for your friends." Director Clavell rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Now, you'll still need to talk to the League about what you did in hacking them and taking their league points, but I'll be right there with you to support you," he promised.

"Thank you." Penny gave him a slightly trembling smile and then took a deep breath. "I need to face them now, or at least as soon as possible." She squared her shoulders and turned towards the door, feeling more confident than before with Director Clavell next to her and supporting her.

The End