A New Home

Warning(s): Spanking, including for cathartic/settling purposes; mentions of abuse in terms of body modification as punishment


Three days. Everyone had been there for three days and were working really well together like well-oiled machines; like they'd always been together. Ward could tell it upset some of the 'teens' to see how easily someone else could step in and do their job. He was feeling a bit upset himself because he was feeling a bit useless.

He'd done everything possible to mess up the finances of the HYDRA cell they had uncovered. There were some things that needed a personal touch, though; and he'd pretty much been told he couldn't do it because it might draw attention to him.

That's how he found himself standing in front of the huge window of the viewing deck on the main level of the headquarters. Yes, it was the public area, but the family floors were below ground and he wanted to look outside through a real window instead of a viewing screen (as nice as those were). The rest of the 'adults' had gone on a mission to take out the cell whose finances he had damaged- not ruined, since he couldn't handle the items needing a face to face touch- damaged; it was frustrating.

Peter Parker was much more inclined to get into mischief than his younger compatriots and it hadn't taken him long to figure out Ward was not happy with the way things had gone. Besides, his spidey tense was warning him.

Even though he wasn't allowed in the labs, Peter had modified his spider web gauntlets to use them in his new form. He just hadn't told any of his family he was doing that. It enabled him to swing above Ward's head as he followed the man who his uncle Fury wanted to adopt. Well, along with Robbie...but Robbie seemed more amenable than Ward.

Ward wasn't a trained agent, so he couldn't see Peter following him, though he had a sense that something wasn't quite right. That sense didn't stop him from making the decision that popped into his head.

Without any thought at all to danger, he head toward the garage. The only thing he was good at was business and if he was going to do a thorough job, he needed to go in person to close the account he'd transferred the remaining money to. So they couldn't find it again. The fact he'd been told not to didn't matter.

He quickly unlocked his car, then walked over to the security booth to let the guards know what time he planned to be back, in case something went wrong. He may not care about following a direct order to not take chances, but there was no reason to be stupid while doing so.

Sneaking into the backseat of the car was easy to do. Peter lay flat on floor, which was much easier now that his size was so much smaller. And it wasn't as if he thought Ward would be likely to look behind. Still, he wasn't going to make himself even slightly visible.

After letting the guards know what time he planned to be back, Ward got into the car and headed for the bank. With any luck, he'd be through within three hours and home before the mission had finished and the others returned.

Peter only raised his head enough to be certain of where they were headed, making sure he kept out of sight of the rear-view mirrors.

Ward parked in front of the bank, still having no clue Peter was in the car. It ended up taking him a lot longer to withdraw the money and close the account, even though he had all the needed information and permissions. For one brief, panicked moment, he thought that HYDRA had figured out what he'd done and found a way to reverse it, but finally, he had a briefcase full of money and was returning to his car. He didn't look in the backseat...again.

Peter lay flat, but peeked up when he saw Ward exit the bank. He might have been deaged, but his mind still worked and he didn't need to be a genius to figure out what Ward had done. He did, however, spot the men who were approaching from the other side of the road, clearly after someone.

Ward may not be an agent, but years of dealing with his father and paranoia being drilled into him meant he saw the men headed his direction. He sped up just enough to reach the car and get in before they reached him without it being obvious he'd seen them. He didn't even buckle his seat belt, just tossing the briefcase on the seat next to him and taking off immediately.

Peter sat up enough so he could take note of the men, realising they'd probably observed the licence plate and make of the car. He bit his lip, knowing he was going to have to warn the family members. His cell phone was on him and he took it out, tapping out a quick message to the parents. Yes, he was telling on Ward (and himself), but he knew safety was a high priority. Of course, the message was more in the tone of a seven-year-old than his normal age, but the urgency still translated.

Ward drove all around in an effort to lose any tails before heading back to the compound. He could only hope those he'd avoided hadn't gotten his plate numbers; but even if they had, the car was registered to him. With all the news about his father recently, they'd likely think he was acting to steal from them on his own and wouldn't associate him with the Avengers. That could only be good in his eyes, since it meant they wouldn't suspect they'd been found out and the Avengers could finish taking them out. He hoped.

As a result of everything, he returned an hour and a half later than he'd planned.

By then, the parents had returned home. The only reason Fury and Bruce were the only two standing outside was because Peter had replied with reassurances to every worried message he'd received, including informing them that, 'Cousin Ward's trying to lose the bad guys'.

Ward pulled in and parked, getting out of the car slowly, his hands shaking slightly. Taking a deep breath, he turned to enter the building and stopped short at seeing Fury and Bruce there. "Wha....?"

Bruce stepped forward. "You can come with me, Peter," he called out softly, ignoring the wide-eyed shock that crossed Ward's face.

Peter slowly levered himself out of the backseat, walking over to his father, glancing at Bruce's face to try and guess at how much trouble he was in.

Bruce wrapped an arm around his son's shoulders, but Ward's horrified, "I didn't know he was there!" kept him from saying anything. He looked at the man he was fairly certain would be his cousin and nodded. "That's the only reason the other guy isn't going after you right now..." he said calmly. Turning to Peter, he said, "Let's go to my room and you can explain what happened and why."

Ward's face was a mix of horrified apology. If he'd known the young boy was in the car, he would have never gone on his 'mission'. "I didn't know..." he turned toward Nick and said weakly.

Peter nodded, obediently going with his father.

Fury stepped over to Ward and placed a hand gently on the younger man's shoulder. He made certain that the movement couldn't be mistaken for aggression and squeezed gently. "I know," he replied. "I believe you wouldn't have done anything to deliberately endanger anyone here...especially not one of the kids. I find it more concerning that you chose to put your own life in danger."


Bruce had picked Peter up and carried him on his hip as soon as they were inside the building, finding it quicker. Plus, it enabled him to snuggle the boy without it being obvious that's what he was doing. He waited until they were on the elevator toward the family floor before he said anything else, though. "I'm proud of you for contacting us as soon as you realized what Ward was doing. I'm not quite as proud at the fact you chose to sneak into his car in the first place, when you had no clue where he was going or why. Any number of things could have gone wrong beyond what did go wrong."

Peter hadn't fought being picked up and carried, even though his more adult mind was still fighting to get a foothold. He was still frustrated, but above that, he was now starting to feel guilty. "Don't like being useless." There was more to it than that, but it was hard to find the words. Peter pressed closer to his father. "He would have done something worse next time," he mumbled against Bruce's shirt.

"Maybe he would have done something worse next time..." Bruce agreed. "But that's for his future father to take care of. Not his younger cousin." They finally made it to the family floor and Bruce moved immediately to his room so that they wouldn't have an audience. Once inside with the door securely closed, Bruce set Peter down and gave him a stern look. "And that doesn't explain why you thought it was a good idea to sneak into his car. You could have been badly hurt because he didn't know he needed to take you into consideration when he was escaping."

Peter frowned and bit his lip. "I could have spun away...." He'd rolled his sleeves up in case he needed access to his webbing, so the webslingers were in clear view.

Bruce sighed and sat down on the bed, pulling Peter to stand in front of him so that he could look into his eyes. "Petey...I have no doubt you have many things you could have done if something went wrong...but there was no guarantee that it would have succeeded. You could have been badly hurt. And if you hadn't have had the foresight to call us and let us know what was happening, you could have been hurt and no one would have been able to help you." He pulled his son in close and just held him tightly, relieved that it hadn't come to that, before gently pushing him back so he could look him in the eye again. "I wouldn't have let you do something like that at your normal age. There's no way I can let it go now...."

"I know, daddy," Peter whispered. For once, his 'adult' mind was in agreement with the child's. He knew he shouldn't have sneaked into the backseat of Ward's car, no matter how bored and useless he felt.

Bruce gently brushed a finger over Peter's cheek before giving him a sad smile. "You did do one thing very right. You called as soon as you realized what Ward was doing and kept us informed. Because of that, we had people ready to move in if necessary. And you stayed in the car and out of sight instead of trying to take care of the bad guys on your own. I'm proud of you for thinking and not just jumping in. So I think I can afford a little bit of leniency. I won't be spanking you, this time. If you sneak out of the compound again? You will be getting a spanking, no matter what your reason. I won't be spanking you, but you will be grounded. For the rest of this week, there will be no electronics and you will need to check with me before you go anywhere that isn't on the family floor. That includes going outside on the compound grounds. Am I clear?"

Peter sighed and nodded, knowing being grounded was going to suck. He stripped off the webslingers and held them out to his father. "You wanna take these." Otherwise the temptation to use them would be too great.

"Thank you, son." Bruce smiled. "I'll keep them safe for you to use when we practice later....". He knew how hard it was on those who had been deaged, especially those who'd deaged so far as his son. He wanted to help ease that difficulty as much as possible, so allowing Peter to train with him hopefully would help the younger man realize he wasn't expected to give up everything; just judiciously choose when to use his abilities.

Peter hesitated, but knowing that his father would realise anyway, mumbled, "They're new ones. So I can use them now." He quickly added, "But I didn't use the lab."

Bruce glanced at the web slingers. "You did this outside the lab? I'm impressed. How did you do it without the equipment you usually use?" He listened closely as Peter explained.


Ward stood awkwardly as Bruce led Peter away before looking back at Fury. "It wasn't meant to be dangerous. I should have been able to flip into the bank, do what was necessary, and leave before they had time to figure out what was occurring. They must have had someone on the inside to warn them when the account I set up became active...." He swallowed again, not able to shake the queasy feeling he had at having taken a child into a dangerous situation, no matter if it was accidentally done.

Fury nodded slowly. "HYDRA hasn't got to where they are without reach in a lot of places. That was precisely one of the reasons you were told not to do it. One of the messages Peter sent indicated that they probably caught the licence plate of your car, which puts a target on your back immediately."

Ward stiffened at that news, then slumped. "I'm a screwup..." he said softly. "I'm useless here; I don't know why Danny even brought me. The one thing I can do and I manage to screw up and get caught...."

Fury shook his head firmly. "Making a mistake...an error in judgement...doesn't make you a screwup. You aren't the first one here to do something without fully thinking it through and I suspect you won't be the last." Gently squeezing Ward's shoulder, he continued, "We'll continue this conversation inside." He began gently leading his son (and he was already thinking of Ward like that) into the compound.

Ward didn't fight Fury's grip on him and let the older man lead him inside. After putting one of the children in danger, he fully deserved and expected to be berated. He was grateful Fury planned to do it inside, where only the family could hear, though. The less who knew of what had happened, the less he'd feel the need to recluse himself away in solitude.

Fury led Ward to the elevator and stepped inside, setting it to go to the family floor. As he waited for it to reach the destination, he commented, "This doesn't change anything about how I feel about you."

"How can it not?" Ward's voice was filled with self-loathing. "My father was right. I'm a complete failure, a disappointing waste of space and resources. And now I'm a danger to your family. I'll get my things and be out of your sight as soon as possible..." His voice was apologetic.

"Your father was wrong. Completely wrong." The elevator stopped and Fury guided Ward off it, not speaking again until they were inside his room. "I'm not asking you to leave. I don't want you to leave."

"What do you want?" Ward asked suspiciously. In his experience, nothing good ever came out of being wanted.

"You. Specifically, to adopt you as my son," Fury answered, honestly and without hesitation.

"Why?" Ward couldn't keep the confusion out of his voice. "If you're hoping to get a foothold into Meachum's board, I lost any control I had when the board threw my sister, Danny and I out. I lost everything. I fail to see how I'm any use without that...."

"I don't want you for something," Fury replied. "I want you because, just like Trip, Brock and Kara, I like you. I feel drawn to you. I want you. Just for you."

"At the risk of sounding stupid...I don't get it..." Ward shook his head in befuddlement.

"What are you having trouble with?" Fury asked gently.

"No one wants me for just me...you must need me to do something...be something..." Ward sounded honestly confused.

"What about Danny?" Fury had seen the two men interacting and was reasonably sure their friendship came with no strings attached.

Ward blinked as he honestly thought about the question. For a long time, he'd thought Danny was like his father, only wanting Ward around because Ward was a foothold into the company. Then he thought maybe he wanted him around because he needed someone to help buffer him from the rest of the world until he got his feet under him again after being gone so long. Now? "I don't deserve him..." he said softly. "I have done nothing but give him grief since we were children. I have nothing to offer now, so can't fathom why he wants me around...."

"Because he likes you and he cares about you, I imagine, the same way I do," Fury said honestly, wrapping his arm around Ward's shoulders. "You've been here three days now. I didn't even need one to know I want you. Not out of any ulterior motive, but because you're you. I know how to recognise this feeling because I experienced it with your brothers and sister."

Ward stiffened at the words, suddenly feeling out of control of the situation. How in the world could this man have decided he cared so much when he barely knew Ward? After all the questionable things Ward had done? And it wasn't just that Fury was thinking of adopting him; it was like he already had in his mind, since he was referring to him in a way that indicated that all that was missing was a signature on a legal document. How could Fury know so quickly and so certainly? The man had barely even reacted when Ward admitted to killing Harold Meachum. Twice. How could he know? "You shouldn't want me...I'm bad news..." he finally forced out, his voice shaky and giving away his obvious panic. "I'm an addict...spent time in a mental facility coming clean, but I still.... And I'm not a nice person. Just ask Danny. He seems able to forgive anything, but I haven't given him reason to. What I did today? It won't be the last time I mess up and it may not even be the worst way I can mess up...." He tried to talk Nick out of what he thought was a mistake on the older man's part.

"You aren't bad news." Fury's response was immediate and sincere. "Neither are you the only one to 'mess up', as you put it. A lot of people here have made mistakes. One agent was revealed to be a double agent working for HYDRA. Mistakes have been made, but it changes nothing about how they're felt about. No matter what you do, even if you think it's the worst possible thing, it won't change anything. Because this isn't conditional on you conforming or how you behave. When something happens, you'll get punished. Spanked. And that'll be an end of it. You'll be forgiven. It won't be brought up again. And no one will make fun of you, because everyone's experienced the way the family does things."

Ward's eyes darted toward Fury, widening slightly. "I...I can't...I won't..." He swallowed. How could he allow himself to be spanked? He put up with his father beating him for years and promised himself never again; never anyone else. And while he knew what Fury was talking about wasn't like what his father had done, the fact was it was still physical punishment. He didn't know if he could submit to that. No matter how different it was and no matter if the reasons for it were different.

Fury touched his son's face, gently stroking his cheek. "I know you told me your biological father beat you. And I know you're intelligent enough to know the difference between a beating and a spanking. The fact is, you took yourself into a dangerous situation where you came close to putting a target on your back. I don't care if they knew you were with us or not. I care about what you did to you. And, yes, I know you didn't realise Peter was there...but he was still able to sneak into your car because you were doing something you knew wasn't acceptable."

Ward closed his eyes at the mention of Peter, his guilt at putting the child in harm's way, even if unknowingly, making him reassess his words. If putting a child into the crosshairs of men who'd do worse than kill him wasn't reason to accept a beating, then nothing was. And he knew a spanking was not a beating...not necessarily, unless Fury was angry enough at him to just begin pounding him, but then it wouldn't be a spanking anymore. He swallowed hard and nodded, not able to voice the words, but accepting that he did deserve something for his actions. Not because he had put himself into danger- he didn't think he mattered that much, even if Fury kept saying he did- but because he'd put Peter into danger.

Talking to Ward about the differences in what Fury was going to do compared to what had been done to him wouldn't do any good. Fury knew he was going to have to act and hope he could reach his son through his actions. He didn't want Ward to be blindsided by anything, though, so as he led him across to the bed, he said quietly, "I'm going to sit down and put you across my knee. Then I'm going to bare your backside and spank you." His voice was soft and didn't carry any threats, only sounding as reassuring as he could make it. He proceeded to put action to words.

It felt like a dream almost, as if he really wasn't in his body; although he wasn't doing anything silly like floating above himself and watching either. It was all just a bit foggy and before he knew it, he was lying across the older man's lap and his backside was bared to the world. He didn't even remember walking to the bed. Shivering slightly, he couldn't help but immediately put his hand back to cover himself, even as he pushed against the floor in an attempt to stand back up. "Noooo..." He blushed at how his voice came out in a frightened whimper instead of in a firm, confident refusal. He believed too strongly that he deserved something for taking Peter into danger. Believing that didn't make it any easier to accept bravely, though.

Fury took hold of Ward's hand, holding it and gently pushing down across Ward's back with the same arm. Not to hurt, but to keep his son in place. He lifted his other hand and brought it down in a swat he made sure was nothing like his full strength. While it would sting, it couldn't truly be called hard. For a first-time offence with his skittish son, he could afford to be lenient. He repeated the swat, pulling Ward tighter against his stomach.

Ward closed his eyes tightly and tried not to make any noise as the first swat landed, but the realization that it really wasn't a beating caused him to whimper pathetically. Despite Fury's words, he'd expected closed handed fists to pound into his torso. A favorite target of Howard had been his kidneys; the faint traces of blood whenever he had to urinate for however long it took for them to heal an added reminder of not to disappoint the man. Nick's hand was open, though and only struck his backside; the area more cushioned and able to handle a blow. And it wasn't even a blow- Ward could tell that immediately. It stung, to be certain, but it couldn't rightly be called painful. It confused him. Whimpering again, he dared to say, "You aren't hurting me....?"

"It's not about hurting you. Not about how much pain you can take. I would never hurt any of my children." Fury's hand continued to fall on every other word, each swat carefully controlled. He couldn't fathom how any parent could hurt their child...damage them as surely as Ward had been damaged, even though he knew there were many family members who had experienced it.

Ward swallowed back another whimper, instead focusing on Nick's words and the firm smacks he was delivering. The sting was just enough to keep him from withdrawing into his own head again, the repetition was enough to help him focus...and he was focused. Every word Nick said was being heard. "You don't want to hurt me? I disobeyed you..." he finally whispered. "...I defied you. I thought you'd want me to hurt...." He left the implication that he was Nick's child unremarked on, for the moment. He was beginning to believe that Nick really did view him as his child and he didn't want to examine his own feelings on the matter just yet.

"No, son." Fury went down to Ward's thighs and then started over from the top, keeping the swats still at the same force. "There would never be a time I'd want to hurt you or see you hurt." He took a deep breath. "I was scared for your safety when I knew how close you'd come to tangling with HYDRA."

Ward winced at the admission and felt guilty about being the cause of that fear. "I didn't mean to draw their attention. I didn't mean to scare you...I didn't think you would be..." he admitted in a tiny voice, his breath hitching toward the end as the sting began to stay past the swat. He wriggled his bottom a tiny bit, but Nick's grip was secure and he couldn't shift very far.

"I know," Fury replied. "We had people ready to move if it became necessary. If it hadn't been for your cousin keeping us updated, I would have jumped into one of the cars and come for you straight away." He began a third circuit of swats, still not increasing the force or the speed.

Ward didn't understand what it was about the methodical warming of his backside that broke him. Numerous beatings and he'd managed to stand tall and proud after and pretend like he wasn't phased; was expected to, really. Being over Nick's knee receiving what was really a mild smacking had him wanting to cry like a baby. It didn't even really hurt, though he knew that was because Nick was deliberately going easy on him; it could have been much harder, he knew. Sniffling, he slumped slightly. "I'm sorry. It... shouldn't have been necessary. I should have heeded your orders..." he said softly, swallowing again.

Fury paused the spanking, his hand resting on Ward's backside and gently rubbing the warmed skin. "I was going to come after you because I was frightened I would lose you. Because you're important to me, no matter what you think about yourself."

At those words, Ward slumped the rest of the way, his hand leaving the floor to grasp onto Fury's ankle tightly. It had been confusing enough when the man was gently smacking his backside. To have him offering comfort by rubbing the sting away? Was so completely unexpected, he didn't know how to react. It didn't even feel weird or unsettling, which he had thought it would have. Maybe if it was someone else, it would have. Fury's declarations of wanting Ward for his son and treating him as such may have been making more of an impression than Ward had realized, which was scarier than anything else that had occurred. "I... I'm sorry I frightened you. It was bad of me..." he said quietly, his voice subdued.

"It wasn't 'bad'," Fury corrected. "You aren't bad." Deeply hurt by someone who should have protected and loved him...Fury almost regretted not being able to get after Howard Meachem himself. He had a whole new respect for Phil's ability to stay calm when faced with everything Grant had suffered.

"I disobeyed...What would you call it if not 'bad'?" Ward tried to sound sarcastically flippant- it didn't work; he sounded genuinely curious and hopeful. He didn't want to be bad.

"Being temporarily 'naughty'," Fury responded, still continuing the gentle rubbing. "That's dealt with when you're spanked and forgiven. And always loved." At the beginning, it had been harder to voice words like that. Now, with four children (and he expected Robbie would be a fifth), it was easier to voice.

Ward blushed when a tiny giggle of surprise escaped. He didn't think the situation was funny at all, it was just... "...Naughty makes me seem like a kid...a child...." he said hesitantly. "...Then again, I'm over your knee getting my bare butt spanked. Guess the term fits..." He sniffled slightly. "I am sorry about scaring you..." he said hesitantly. "...I really didn't mean to do something dangerous. I know it was, though..." He swallowed and shifted minutely. "...I know I deserve to be punished...." He bit his lip, afraid to ask if he'd really be forgiven.

"And forgiven," Fury added gently. "And loved. Looked after. Cared for. No matter what happens, no matter what you do, it won't change anything." He began swatting again, still no harder than he had previously.

Ward wasn't sure what it said about his state of mind that he was thankful when Fury began swatting again. The guilt that had begun to blossom in his stomach when he realized just how much he had upset Fury was being met head on by the man in question taking control and punishing him. He was grateful and so he let himself lie over Nick's lap and didn't move, accepting the swats as his due. "I...I believe you..." he finally admitted, a hint of his fear at that fact clear in his voice. "I...I believe you and I'm sorry and... and... " He bit his lip uncertainly. "...Thank you for looking after me...." he finally finished, even though it felt weird to thank the man for spanking him.

"I'll always look after you, no matter what form that takes," Fury replied. "I won't ever give up on you." He stayed on Ward's sit spots and thighs for a bit, making sure his son would feel the spanking even though it wasn't anywhere close to a hard one.

"I'm afraid..." Ward admitted hoarsely. "...What if I forget...start to doubt...? I know I'll be able to remember the rest of today at least..." He huffed slightly, his eyes beginning to water from the sting that he knew he'd feel for at least a few hours after Nick stopped. "...What about after, though?" What about when the sting was no longer reminding him that Nick wanted him and was willing to step in to make sure he stayed alive and healthy and his?

"It won't matter, because if you forget or start to doubt, I'll be right here to remind you. To pull you back to me if it's necessary," Fury promised. "And there won't be just me to remind you, because you'll have the rest of the family too."

"You'll pull me back?" Ward didn't mean to sound so hopeful, but his attempts at flippancy, sarcasm and aloofness just weren't working. He wanted a place to belong and he hadn't realized how much until Fury was offering it. He swallowed yet again and shifted slightly, his bottom actually beginning to feel a bit sore.

"I will," Fury promised. "And I'll continue to remind you, each and every time you need me to, that you're mine. My son."

"Like....like this?" Ward couldn't help but ask with a tiny whine, though again the hopeful tone was there, so what the heck?

"If necessary. If you need me to remind you like this," Fury replied honestly. "But also in keeping you close to me. Spending time with you...and you spending time with me and your siblings."

"You actually just want to spend time with me? Even if I don't do anything for you?" Ward's voice was low and almost choked.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Fury said. "I want you. I love you. No conditions or strings attached."

"I...I want that," Ward whispered, before letting himself go limp over Fury's knee. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it completely. That meant submitting, even if his normal paranoia urged him to fight.

Fury brought the spanking to a stop and didn't waste any time in drawing Ward into his arms, settling him on his lap, hugging him tightly.

Ward wasn't sure at first what to do...he'd never been comforted after being punished when he'd upset Howard. Being sat on Fury's lap was out of his realm of experience. Finally letting his own emotions guide him, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Fury's waist and let his head rest on the older man's shoulder. "I might need a lot of reminding..." he said carefully, hating to admit how much he needed the man who would be his father, but knowing he did need him.

"It won't matter," Fury promised, tightening his embrace. "I won't stop reminding you. I won't grow tired of you. I won't let you go."

Ward relaxed at the words, believing them completely. "Okay...I...I want that," he hesitantly admitted, shifting just enough that he could feel the sting. He smiled crookedly and gave Fury an uncertain look. "It doesn't really hurt...not bad. It...it doesn't feel like I was punished for disobeying...not completely...?" He couldn't bring himself to ask if the punishment was really over, or if that was just the warm up for something a bit harsher.

"This was a first time offence," Fury replied. "And as much about proving I will keep my promises as about punishing you." He gently stroked Ward's cheek. "I don't think you need to be punished more."

Ward relaxed at those words, pressing his cheek into Nick's hand before letting his head rest on the older man's shoulder again. He wriggled a little more, thinking he should fix his clothing but waiting for permission. Punishment over or not, Nick was in charge now and Ward was reluctant to do anything without being told; at least as long as Nick held him on his lap.

"If you're ready to get up, perhaps we could talk to Matt and Foggy about getting the paperwork finalised," Fury suggested, gently stroking the back of Ward's head.

"You're going to make me truly yours?" Ward glanced up.

"In every way I can," Fury promised.

Ward's smile was hesitant but genuine. "I...I'm ready then. If you're certain...."

"One hundred per cent certain," Fury replied. "I want you. And it won't change. And I hope that, knowing it's completely official, will make you feel more settled."

Ward nodded. "So...we can go now?" He hesitantly got up and fixed his clothing, watching his father to see if he was allowed to get up. It was obvious he was used to being under someone else's thumb, despite his aggressive posturing of not listening to anyone and doing his own thing.

"Of course." Fury stood up as well, wrapping his arm around Ward's shoulders. "And once that's done, I'll introduce you properly to your siblings."

"Surprise...it's a boy!" Ward joked feebly, not certain he would be welcomed as easily by the rest of the family.

Fury squeezed him gently, able to see the underlying uncertainty. "They'll accept you just as readily as I have," he promised, steering his son out of the room and checking with Friday where Foggy and Matt were.

Foggy had already got all the paperwork together and was heading toward the office before Fury and Ward were even to their door, thanks to Veronica. Matt followed along to be witness, but he hadn't had to do anything and he was feeling that fact keenly. He felt so useless, he could fully understand why Ward had snuck off to actually do something. Not that he'd do that himself, not knowing how Sam would react, but he could fully understand it.

"Better get that self-pitying line of thought out of your head right now, pal," Foggy admonished, "...before you do something that causes you to receive something you don't want."

Matt frowned. It wasn't clear, but Foggy's tone indicated it wouldn't be Sam sharing this unwanted item. "Foooooggyyyyy!" he moaned melodramatically, not noticing that Fury and Ward had arrived in time to hear the exchange.

Fury raised his eyebrows at the exchange, still keeping his arm wrapped around Ward's shoulders. "Your dad's back from the mission as well," he commented to Matt in a neutral tone. "When we're done here, maybe you can seek him out." His voice was firm and no-nonsense. He had no problem taking one of his nephews, or even a niece, in hand if it was necessary.

Matt jumped slightly, having not noticed that his uncle and new cousin were there. He pouted toward Foggy, sensing his brother in all but legalities was biting his lip to keep from laughing at his reaction, and then turned toward Nick. "Yes, sir..." he said respectfully. Even when he wasn't deaged to nearly a child, he respected Nick a great deal and that hadn't changed; even if his hormones made it difficult to keep control of his emotions.

Ward smiled crookedly. "Maybe you can help me out after you talk to your dad? You lost your age, not your intelligence. There's a lot of information in that head of yours that could help me do things in a way that, if HYDRA ever tries to undo it, they risk exposing themselves...." Not that Ward didn't already know most of the information to be able to do that, but if it helped Matt feel more useful, it would be a good thing. Plus, it would let him get to know his cousin better.

Foggy's smile grew. "See? You can still help out. Here are the papers that need signing, Uncle Nick..." He turned toward Fury, automatically falling into the same form of address as his friend and girlfriend would, even if he wasn't an official part of the family. "I've flagged all the areas you need to fill in or sign; it's pretty much the standard 'family form' that everyone has been signing...Power of Attorney, Medical Proxy, etcetera, etcetera...."

Fury nodded with a smile, both at Foggy's form of address and at Ward's suggestion to Matt. He gave his newest son another tight squeeze, trying to show through action that he was proud of him for thinking of Matt... even though he wouldn't voice it out loud and embarrass his nephew. "I don't need to read the form to sign it," he said to Ward. "But you might want to. In case there's anything you feel needs to be amended."

Ward shook his head. "If it's what everyone else in the family signed and you think it's good, I don't need to amend anything. I trust you..." He smiled again crookedly. The trust was more a case of he needed to trust Nick. He was afraid if he started going over every little thing with a fine-tooth comb, he'd talk himself out of joining this family; and something in him knew that would be a mistake. In this case, it was better to forge ahead and not stop to look at the details.

Fury smiled at his son and picked up the pen, signing the document without hesitation before passing the pen to Ward, still keeping in close physical contact.

Ward quickly signed everywhere he was meant to sign, letting out his breath with a soft whoosh as the last signature was entered. "...It's done," he whispered. "I'm yours now...." He leaned into Nick more firmly, suddenly weak-kneed and light-headed at how quickly he'd allowed himself to move. It wasn't like him at all and it was a bit overwhelming. He didn't regret it, but he couldn't help but wonder what made this family so different that they had so quickly overcome his natural paranoia and distrust enough for him to submit so quickly.

Fury wrapped both arms around Ward, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Danny's been adopted by Melinda, so you aren't the only one to become part of the family so fast," he murmured to his son.

Ward glanced up at that, leaning even more firmly into his father. "He has? I haven't talked to him in several days..." he admitted sheepishly. He'd been trying too hard to be useful and not have everyone wonder why he'd been brought along, given his lack of 'abilities'.

"You should," Fury said gently. "I'm sure he'd want to know about this."

"Yeah...he would..." Ward nodded. If there was one thing he knew about Danny, it was that the kid would be all excited, like an eager puppy, to learn how Ward had become part of the family. He felt the same way about Danny finding someone to bond with. It made him a bit sad that Joy wouldn't be a part of this, but she had distanced herself from both him and Danny and would likely look on his joining Fury as another 'betrayal' of their father. She refused to see what a monster Howard Meachum had been.

"Why don't we go and see your siblings and then, before you and Matt sit down and talk, we can find out where Danny is and you two can figure out when's best to catch up?" Fury suggested.

"Yes, sir...I...I'd like that..." Ward nodded. "Thank you..."

Hugging his son tight, Fury said an affectionate goodbye to his nephews, reminding Matt to see his father, and then checked with Friday about where his other children were, not sure if Kara was with both Trip and Brock or just one or the other.

"Masters Trip and Brock are frantically scouring the family quarters, trying to locate Miss Kara, as she decided it was time to play hide-and-seek with her brothers and refuses to answer their calls for her," Friday said calmly, with a hint of what could only be termed exasperated fondness.

Ward blinked at this. "Where is she, then?" he asked curiously.

"Hiding under your father's bed..." the AI said drolly. "I am just waiting for Masters Trip and Brock to remember I am here and ask me so that I can tell them where she is as well...."

Fury couldn't help but laugh as he steered Ward in that direction. "Thank you, Friday," he said to the AI, before adding to his son, "We'll see if we can sneak in and retrieve her without your brothers realising."

Ward laughed as well. "This should be fun..." He grinned as he prepared to follow his father.

Fury stayed close to Ward as he headed to the family quarters and made his way to his room. Having had plenty of practise, he was able to sneak quickly past his other sons and head to his bedroom, opening the door and then crouching down to peer under his bed. "Kara," he called softly. "Come meet your new brother."

Within seconds of Fury's request, a tiny, wide-eyed girl was scrambling out from under his bed. Giving Ward a hesitant, shy look, she popped her thumb into her mouth and held out the other hand for him to take. Would her new brother feel about her the way her other brothers did, or would he just tolerate her?

Ward smiled at the show of trust and gently took her hand in his. His smile grew into a full grin when she removed her thumb from her mouth at his acceptance and turned toward him, holding out her other arm. "Up!" she demanded, like a princess. He quickly obliged, giving his father a surprised yet hopeful look. If Kara accepted him this easily, maybe the other two would as well.

Fury smiled warmly at both his son and daughter, gently squeezing Ward's shoulder even as he said mildly to his daughter, "Shall we put your other brothers out of their misery and let them know where you are?" He was beginning to grow even more concerned, even though he tried to hide it. While he accepted everything about his daughter...about his children...he was concerned his daughter's toddler mind was overwhelming her.

Kara nodded vigorously, snuggling into Ward and pointing toward the door.

Ward had caught Fury's worry, even if the man was trying to keep it from Kara at the least. He smiled over his sister's head and mouthed, 'We'll help her.'

Fury smiled gratefully at Ward, giving his shoulder another gentle squeeze, and began guiding him (and Kara) out of the room, heading towards where Trip and Brock were.

Brock glance over and saw his father walking toward them. "Oh thank... Dad! Kara decided to hide from us and we can't find her any..." He blinked as he finally noticed Ward standing behind Fury, holding his baby sister. "You found her!" His voice was filled with so much relief, it was painful to hear.

Trip rushed over upon hearing his brother and began checking over his little sister as much as he was able to without dislodging her from Ward's arms. "Where was she?" he asked, his own worry bleeding out in his voice.

"Daddy bed!" Kara beamed proudly at having managed to hide from her brothers so successfully, not picking up on the fact they had been frantic over her.

Robbie, who'd been recruited to help find the littlest girl, gave a relieved smile, but hung back to let her brothers fuss over her.

Fury could tell how worried and frantic his other sons had been and reached out to gently squeeze each of their shoulders. "When I asked Friday where you were, she informed me that you were looking for Kara...." He left it at that, knowing Brock and Trip had likely been too scared to think of asking one of the AIs for help. He didn't immediately mention what had been done, as he wanted to make sure Trip and Brock felt better emotionally before informing them they had a new brother.

"Yeah, Friday asked us why we were running all over the...." Trip's voice trailed off as he realized that, while he'd been commiserating with the AI about not finding his sister, he hadn't once asked the AI where Kara was. "....Oh maaan!" he groaned. "I'm sorry, Friday. I should have asked you..."

Brock just put his hand over his face and turned bright red.

Kara giggled.

"It is alright, Master Trip. If she had been in danger, I would have informed you immediately without you asking." The AI sounded sheepish and a slight bit apologetic.

Gabe had been helping his brother help the other men and couldn't help but start to laugh. "Serves us right for taking Friday for granted..." he said, rolling his wheelchair up to be beside Ward and looking up at the giggling toddler. "Hey, Kar-bear. Did you have fun playing hide-and-seek?"

"YES!" Kara clapped her hands before throwing her arms around Ward again.

Trip noticed how Kara was clinging to someone other than her father. "She likes you, Ward..." he said, with a grin and a hint of question in his tone.

Fury smiled. "That's because I told her about her new brother." Clasping Ward gently on the shoulder, he continued, "It's just been made official." He'd already told Trip and Brock how he felt...and he didn't miss that Robbie, and Gabe as well, had been growing close to his sons. When Ward was settled, he wondered if there might be another adoption occurring.

"Well let me be the third to welcome you to the family, then..." Brock grinned and patted Ward on the shoulder, winking at his sister.

Trip play pouted. "No fair! That means I'm last!"

Kara giggled again, snuggling closer to Ward, who reacted by tightening his grip slightly and kissing her on the top of the head.

Fury smiled and then turned to Robbie and Gabe. "Would you two like to join us for lunch?" he asked. "I think it's splitting into smaller family groups time...."

Robbie glanced at Gabe, content to let his brother make the decision.

"I'd like that...thanks..." Gabe smiled at the older man. He'd enjoyed spending time with Trip and Brock and he knew his brother had as well. They all three got along easily; it was almost like having two new older brothers. He was curious to see how Ward fit in with the group; although if Kara's reaction was anything to go by, he'd fit in well.

Fury nodded. "Maybe we could eat outside," he suggested. "We have a lot of picnic items in...."


Werner had managed quite well without having a drink, but after waking up from a nightmare in a cold sweat, he really needed a drink. Heading to the common dining area, he walked over to the bar, intending to get himself a beer.

"You shouldn't do that," a quiet, childish voice said from behind him.

Werner turned, not surprised to see Harry stood behind him. "Shouldn't you be with Peter?"

"Peter got in trouble. I asked Friday where you were and she said you were here." Harry stepped closer to him.

Tony had heard about Peter being grounded and had decided he'd go look for Harry to make certain he was okay. When he noted Werner with Harry, however, he decided to wait a moment to see what the younger men did before he stepped in. If it looked like Werner was about to do something that would get him into trouble, he'd step in. If it looked like he and Harry were bonding and everything was okay, he'd leave them alone a while longer.

Werner blinked, wondering what kind of trouble the admittedly headstrong young boy had got into that left him separated from who seemed to be his best friend. "Did you need something?"

Harry didn't respond, but stepped over to him and held his hand out. "I'm hungry. I can't get food myself. I'm too little." Any members of the family who knew him well would likely recognise that Harry was doing more than just asking for help. He knew the dangers of losing control with alcohol and he figured he could draw Werner away from temptation.

"I just wanted to get a drink," Werner said, not sure why he was trying to justify himself to the youngster.

"No," Harry said, with perhaps surprising insightfulness. "It's just taking the easy way out." He continued to hold his hand out.

"He's right, you know..." Tony stepped into view. "It only postpones whatever it is you're trying to avoid or numb and often makes it more difficult. I should know. I used that method of avoidance for years...."

Werner blinked, surprised by Tony's sudden appearance. "I wasn't going to...." His voice trailed off and he sighed, deciding not to argue. If he made too much trouble, maybe he'd be forced to leave. And he was surprised to realise he didn't want to.

Tony's look was knowing and sympathetic, but he didn't call Werner on what could have been a slight untruth. "My reputation as a party animal back in the day might disagree with you," he said drolly. "I was wondering if both of you would like to grab your mother and grandparents and go on a walk?" He included Werner as part of the family naturally and without thought. He already felt like the boy was his.

Not sure he was actually being included, Werner really didn't know what to make of Tony including both of them. Harry was quick to grab his hand and nod. "Can we take snacks and drinks?" the small boy asked.

"We can pack a picnic...." Tony easily agreed. "How about I go pack the food and drink up, while both of you go bat your baby blues at the rest of the family and get them to come?" Tony grinned.

"Okay!" Still holding his big brother's hand (it was official in Harry's mind, even if Werner didn't know), Harry asked, "Friday, where are Momma, Grandaddy and Grandmama?"

"They are in the observation area of the SHIELD public area, master Harry. Shall I lead you to them, or have them come to you?" Friday answered.

"We'll go to them," Harry decided. "Thank you, Friday." Still holding Werner's hand, he began following Friday's lead.

Pepper was trying very hard to be understanding and not a complete brat. Her parents' constant surprise and questions about everything were becoming wearing, though. Especially when they noticed little things that meant she would need to explain the family method of dealing with misbehavior and probably soon. She was grateful when Harry showed up, pulling Werner behind him.

"Hi, Momma." Harry let go of Werner's hand to hug Pepper, even though the size and age difference made her look less like his mother and more like his big sister. "Daddy wanted us to ask if you and Grandaddy and Grandmama wanted to come and join us for a picnic."

Pepper's eyes brightened and she smiled wide. "I'd love to! Did you hear that, mom and dad? Tony wants to have a picnic!" She turned toward her parents.

"And a walk, too," Harry was quick to add, smiling at his mother's enthusiasm. Stepping back, he reached out to grab Werner's hand once more... as the other man had started edging towards the door, assuming he'd only been invited because, for some reason, the young boy had become attached to him.

Pepper's mother smiled. "A picnic would be lovely, dear, though I don't expect either of us will be able to walk very fast or far."

"That's okay. We don't have to walk very far," Harry was quick to suggest.

"There's a spot just outside the building where the agents go to eat their lunch," Pepper added, "with picnic tables and shade. It's really rather pretty." She'd noticed Werner trying to move away by this point and knowing that Tony felt a connection to the younger man- as well as Harry feeling connected- moved to wrap an arm around his shoulder. "This will be the perfect time for the family to get to know each other better!"

Surprised, Werner looked between Pepper and Harry. He wondered if he should speak up and point out he wasn't actually part of the family...and then he realised he actually did want to be a part of it, but he shouldn't. Should he? It was so confusing....

Pepper could tell Werner was uncertain and squeezed him more tightly. "I know for a fact Tony wants it legal as soon as possible and is only waiting for me to return to my normal age so I can be included in the decision..." she said softly to the younger man.

Werner blinked, not sure if he was really understanding Pepper's words and, if he was, how he felt about it. Things would be different once things had calmed down. He was certain of that.

Harry still held onto Werner, but held his other hand out to his grandparents. "Will you come?"

His grandfather smiled and took the small hand. "We'd love to."


It hadn't taken Tony long to get the food together and he'd let his father know what was going on; hinting that, if things went well, Steve might be getting another grandson.

Steve had been happy to hear that and had told Tony to keep him updated about the situation.

It wasn't long before Harry, his parents, grandparents and big brother were settled outside.


"Are you certain the information has them going this way?" Gamora asked Rocket, for what felt like the thousandth time. She didn't think Peter would ever come back to this particular galaxy.

"Of course," Rocket answered. "They might not have chosen to come this way...but my information is never wrong."

"I am Groot," his tiny tree friend replied.

"That wasn't the same thing and you know it," Rocket retorted.

Nebula just narrowed her eyes, but the 'idiots' was as plain as if she'd actually spoken it out loud.

Gamora snorted. "Very well," she said. "Did your information tell where we are to land?"

"It's a big planet," Rocket replied. "Luckily, I thought to get a small amount of his DNA and after a few modifications, we should be able to use the ship to scan for his unique signature."

"I am Groot."

"He would have given his permission if I'd had time to ask," Rocket defended himself.

Nebula snorted.

"You will tell him you took his DNA when we find him. He will want to know." Gamora's tone was implacable.

"Yeah yeah. Did you want me to scan or not?" Rocket asked.

Gamora just gave him a look that indicated he'd be missing a few parts if he didn't get started. She was worried and not in the mood for what she considered foolish questions.

"I am Groot," the little tree put his own comment in.

Rocket snorted and shook his head. "I know that." He began working with the ship's onboard computer, scanning the DNA he'd appropriated and widening the ship's range. "The power won't hold for long, so better get closer to the atmosphere before I start the scanner."

Gamora nodded and began her part in manoeuvring the ship close enough to scan without (hopefully) alerting the planet residents. She'd had enough being shot at for a while now, thank you very much.

Rocket held off starting the scan until they were close enough to cover as wide an area as possible before the power burned out. Still, it was a close call, as the location only just flashed right before it switched off. "There!" He pointed one paw, sounding inordinately pleased with himself.

Gamora let out a tiny relieved breath, surprised when Nebula echoed her reaction. "Great job, Rocket...Let's go get our boys...."

"I am Groot," Groot agreed.

"Sure, but we'd better come up with a plan," Rocket commented. "According to what I've just found, we're likely to stick out. Even more than usual. At least Peter seems to be somewhere out of the way," he commented, bringing up the feed on the screen of the area. "Out in the middle of nowhere...does that strike anyone else as odd?"

"I am Groot."

"Yeah, it probably is heavily secured." Rocket nodded. "Good job we've got experience breaking into these kinds of places."

"I was not aware that this planet would be capable of holding someone with the Star Lord's experience in escape..." Nebula commented, with a hint of curiosity.

Gamora frowned. "Maybe they are not as technologically inferior as Peter believed...he has been gone for a quarter of a century...."

Rocket shrugged. "Or maybe he's staying by choice."

"I am Groot."

"Yeah, you're right," Rocket said. "Could be Yondu caught up to him. The guy didn't say much after we got off the ship, but he seemed worried."

"Yondu was worried?" Gamora was surprised. "I thought he was angry at Peter for tricking him into giving up the orb...."

Rocket shrugged. "He gave up taking us in and a high-paying job. Whole crew mutinied. By the time we got out...."

"I am Groot," Groot said; well, growled, really.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't ever talk about it," Rocket replied. "Point is, the whole crew's dead. Apart from Yondu and Kraglin."

Gamora's eyes were wide. "He gave up everything to help Peter?"

"I am Groot." This time, the tone carried a trace of sadness.

"He did raise him," Rocket said. "I didn't get all of the details, but I'd guess taking him from Terra was about more than it appeared."

"The way Peter talked, Yondu only kept him around cuz he was good at stealing. You saw something different," Gamora said, almost in a question.

"I saw him give up everything to protect him," Rocket replied.

"Does Peter know? I think that is something he needs to know," Gamora said softly.

"Well, if he doesn't, I'll make sure to tell him," Rocket replied. "You know. Just as soon as we get him and Drax safely back on the ship."

"I am Groot."

"Of course he's going to want to leave with us," Rocket replied.

"Why wouldn't he want to leave with us?!" Gamora added, almost sounding offended.

Nebula snorted. "Maybe because this is the planet of his people and he hasn't been around anyone like him since he was a child?" she said, in what she thought was a reasonable tone of voice. The look the others gave her indicated she might be a bit optimistic about her efforts.

Grumbling under his breath, Rocket waved at the view screen. "Can't see what kind of security the place might have from this view, but it looks like this is the back."

"Let us land, then. We will retrieve him...and Drax as well, if he is there," Gamora demanded.

Mantis had remained quiet and out of the way through most of the voyage, to the point they forgot she was there. Because of that, she startled them when she spoke up. "I would like very much to retrieve Drax as well...."

"I am Groot."

"I know." Rocket addressed Mantis as he moved to copilot. "We forgot you were there."

"Is it normal to forget someone is with you?" Mantis asked curiously, not really expecting an answer. She missed Drax.

"We should be landing in fifteen minutes. Then we need to get into the building." Gamora didn't answer the question; since it wasn't normal and she was embarrassed to have forgotten the other woman.

"I am Groot." The little tree patted Mantis' leg with what was probably meant to be reassurance.

"Thank you, Groot. That is very sweet." Mantis smiled.

Groot grinned at Mantis and settled next to her as the ship continued its slow descent.

Gamora probably should have realized it was too easy: landing in the clearing in the woods, making their way to what was a rather large building...sneaking in. She was too focused on reaching Peter, though and she didn't realize.


"There are intruders in the building," Veronica announced. "I have redirected them to an area where they can do no damage. They cannot hear me. Shall I knock them unconscious?"

Coulson, involved in a meeting with Natasha, was quick to respond to the AI. "Please do. Where are they and are they armed?" He waved his daughter to follow him from his office.

Veronica was quick to do as instructed. "Sir, the shortest intruder is unconscious; it appears to be a raccoon with some type of modification done to him. The female with antenna is also asleep. The others are not unconscious, but if I give them more of the gas, it may harm the first two. Also, there is a small tree that is...causing a commotion about the raccoon falling asleep...." The AI sounded flummoxed. "They are armed and now they are agitated because of the gas, although they appear sluggish and may be overcome if you are careful. They are in the west wing of the compound. Where the non-weapon supplies are stored."

"Thank you." Although he was quite confused regarding the descriptions of the intruders (a modified raccoon and a tree?), Coulson was quick to act. Stopping off so that he and Natasha could retrieve weapons-better to have them and not need them than to find themselves caught short-the two were quick to make their way to the west wing of the compound.

Gamora was not happy. Somehow, those holding Peter prisoner must have learned of their presence; how else to explain the way they'd been 'led' to an empty room and locked in while a noxious gas filled the air and incapacitated two of their team and made it difficult for the rest of them to function fully? "I'll kill them..." she mumbled, finding it difficult not to slur her words. "I'll rip their limbs from their body and stuff them down their throats...."

"We'll be lucky if we aren't sold back to father..." Nebula murmured sluggishly, pessimistic that they'd get out of this unscathed, considering how easily this gas was taking them down.

"I am Groot!" the tiny tree complained, adding in his own two cents.

Despite knowing how capable her father was, Natasha insisted on entering the room first. While they'd made their way there, the two had made contact with the other family specialists, ensuring they were on standby in case needed.

Gamora, despite being severely compromised by the gas, was aware when one of the doors was unlocked and was already moving toward it before it was fully open, throwing herself at the woman who was walking through and growling like a feral animal in the hopes of startling her and getting the upper hand. Considering how weakened she was, it was her only hope of gaining an advantage.

Nebula, meanwhile, was crouched to the left, ready to attack whoever came in from behind, knowing that her sister wouldn't be able to take on more than one at a time and hoping that Gamora would be able to take the woman out and be ready for a third person should one be there, while she dealt with the man she could glimpse just behind the woman.

Aware that two of them weren't knocked out by the gas, Natasha had gone in as if she herself was stuck in the room. She wasn't surprised or startled enough by the woman's appearance to do anything other than react and she twisted her body to the side, ducking under Gamora and then coming round, reaching out to grab her in a headlock.

Gamora was frustrated that her attempt to catch the person by surprise didn't work. She was more frustrated that the woman appeared to be just as good at fighting as Gamora was. She wondered if the woman would fight dirty; like Gamora had learned to do at a very young age. When you were Thanos' daughter, you quickly learned that you fought to win no matter what. The alternative could easily be death. To that end, she twisted around and threw herself at Natasha. She could not afford to lose this fight.

Meanwhile, Nebula had skirted around her fighting sister and honed in on Coulson.

Natasha's reaction times, not affected by having breathed in the gas, kept her out of Gamora's reach. When she attacked, it was with the intent to disable, not harm. These people weren't human, even if three of them appeared humanoid.

Coulson had begun thinking along the same lines as his daughter, but neither did that thinking affect his own reactions. He waited for the second woman to come to him, but spoke to Veronica. "Can you ask Peter and Drax to come here?" The fact these beings were so obviously alien had him wondering if they were the two's companions.

"I am Groot!" The tiny tree heard the names and while he wasn't loud like the adults, he did voice it as loud as he could.

Gamora had also heard Coulson's request. The words did not calm her, though. "I KNEW they had taken him!" Her growl was closer to a screech and, while she'd deny it later when Nebula pointed out with a large amount of smug amusement, she lost her focus, swinging and attacking wildly in her upset at what she perceived these Terran's sins against her 'family'.

Keeping her own focus, Natasha easily ducked the woman's wild attacks, staying calm and in control. A slight smile on her face indicated she was enjoying herself, though. In a sparring session, she and this woman would be evenly matched.

Nebula was a bit more cautious than her sister. While she was equally unhappy about her companions being knocked unconscious and being locked up, she wasn't as upset about the fact they had Peter. She was only part of this group because of wishing to stay close to her sister and she hadn't really had time to forma relationship with any of the others, except perhaps Rocket. Since her emotions were calmer, she was able to focus more of her energy and fight Coulson with a bit more thought, instead of wildly attacking.

Coulson had always found it easier to cultivate a more harmless appearance, helped by the fact he was older and left most of the fighting to the younger agents. However, he was in good shape and, as particularly Grant had discovered, he was more than capable of fighting when the situation called for it. Before moving further into the room, he took a deep breath of the clean air and then focused fully on Nebula, though just like Natasha and Gamora, he didn't intend to seriously harm the woman.

Nebula couldn't help but smirk. She should be able to take this aging male down with little to no difficulty and then go and help her embattled sister, since Gamora seemed to be stuck in a stale-mate with her opponent. To that end, she quickly moved in, using a move that was designed for quick and easy take-down but telegraphed itself clearly to anyone who had any experience fighting.

The move was easy to defend against and Coulson blocked, then quickly eased into one of his own, feinting to draw her in and then switching what appeared to be his dominant side to come at the opposite angle.

Nebula was surprised at the fact she was so easily blocked by the 'old man'. Surprised enough that she didn't focus enough on what he was doing and fell for his feint. When she next attacked, upping her game a bit and using one of the moves she used on someone who actually knew how to fight, he wasn't where she expected him to be at all and it caused her to stumble forward.

Coulson circled round the woman and used the fact she was off balance to wrap his arms around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides and pulling her against his body. "We're not going to hurt you or your friends," he murmured softly. "Your companions aren't prisoners. They've been trying to find a way to reach you."

Nebula stilled at the words, not certain if she should believe him. She quickly went through the events from recent memory; and had to conclude that he wasn't lying...the gas hadn't knocked her, Gamora or Groot out; just the smaller Rocket and the non-enhanced Mantis. They could have easily incapacitated Gamora and herself by exposing them to a stronger gas, if they didn't care about possibly killing Rocket or Mantis. Instead, they had come in person to try and subdue her and her sister. On top of that, he could have easily caused damage to her- it was obvious he was more skilled in fighting than she had given him credit for- but instead, he'd pulled her close and attempted to calm her down. In short, everything done so far indicated a reluctance to harm her and her companions. Therefore, she thought she could believe his words.

She stopped struggling to the point she didn't even attempt to withdraw from his arms. (A very small, minute, tiny part of herself that she would never acknowledge actually liked being held this close and firm. Thanos was not affectionate and discouraged affection among his children. Other than Gamora, she'd not indulged in a 'hug' since she'd been ripped from her family just before they were murdered in front of her. Coulson's grip invoked memories of the time 'before' when she was hugged often and loved.)

Gamora had noticed her sister being restrained by this point and the fact that Nebula was most decidedly not fighting. "What did you do to her!?" she yelled, suddenly abandoning her fight with Natasha to go rescue the sister she'd finally been reconnected to.

"Whoa! Gamora! It's alright! They aren't hurting her! They didn't hurt me or Drax! Everything is alright!" Peter had slipped into the room, just in time to see Gamora launch herself at his Uncle Phil and stepped in front of the older man to catch her mid-attack and hug her close.

Gamora struggled like a wild-cat until it registered that it was Peter in front of her. With a tiny sob (that on anyone else would sound like a squeak), she threw her arms around Peter and held on tightly.

Coulson noticed that the other woman wasn't fighting to break free and instead of letting go of her, he just held on; not restraining, but hugging. It was a sad truth that he'd come to recognise the signs of a child...of his children...who had been starved for affection for so long.

Natasha stepped back, primarily because Drax, who had come with Peter, had spotted the two unconscious figures on the floor. Without hesitation, the large alien rushed to Mantis' side to check her over. He might have checked Rocket, too, but Groot had returned to his friend's side and was anxiously patting Rocket's furry face.

Gamora, to her embarrassment, burst out in tears and held onto Peter so tightly, he began to struggle slightly. "Ca...n't breathe...loosen grip...Mora...." he wheezed. She loosed her hold enough that he stopped turning blue and could inhale, but she didn't let go (not that he was trying to get away).

Nebula's eyes widened at seeing Gamora crying. Her sister never cried. Not even in the most horrible pain due to Thanos did Gamora cry. "You sorry excuse for Kree excrement!" she growled at Peter. "How dare you make her eyes leak!" She began to struggle again...this time so she could show Peter what exactly she thought about his making her sister upset.

Peter's eyes widened at the angry blue woman and he twisted around so that he was still holding Gamora, but she was between him and the upset Nebula. "I didn't do anything!" he croaked out.

Meanwhile, enough clean air had come back into the room that Mantis began blinking her eyes and waking up. The first person she saw was Drax and she smiled up at him happily. "We found you!" she said in her lyrical voice, reaching up to touch his face. "You are worried..." Her voice turned slightly concerned and her smile faltered as she slanted her head, but then her smile was there again with a small hint of surprise. "...You were worried for me?"

Coulson generally didn't discipline his children (or other members of his family) in front of others, even though spanking wasn't actually a secret and all of the parents and some of the older siblings used the punishment when necessary. He didn't let go of Nebula and instead tightened his grip. The swat he delivered was purely a subconscious reaction to the fact that his heart had already decided what his mind was catching up to. "Settle down," he said firmly. "He isn't hurting her."

Drax was quick to cover Mantis' hand with his own. "I have been worried. I am very glad you are safe," he said, firmly and sincerely.

Rocket was taking a bit longer to come round, due to having inhaled more gas in proportion to his smaller figure than Mantis'.

Nebula struggled for a few more seconds before her mind caught up with the fact that she'd just been swatted like a naughty toddler. Her eyes going even wider, she turned back to face Coulson. "You...you...." She didn't know what to say, though. No one had disciplined her in that manner since she was a toddler. She was too shocked to be angry and wasn't entirely certain what she thought had occurred had actually occurred. She began to struggle again more frantically, though the look on her face indicated she wasn't upset and was actually testing Coulson.

Mantis turned her hand so that she was holding Drax's hand instead of her hand being covered by his. Carefully, she sat up, then looked toward Rocket and Groot. "Will he be alright?" she asked nervously.

Gamora, by this time, had calmed enough that she was no longer crying and was just holding onto Peter. "You weren't hurt...you were safe all this time...and we were worried about you!" She stepped back and swatted Peter on the shoulder. "Why didn't you send a message?!" She swatted his other shoulder.

"Ow! Stop that!" Peter danced around, trying to avoid Gamora's hands. "We couldn't! We tried, but we couldn't get a signal to reach you!" He pouted and began rubbing his shoulders and chest, as she finally stopped swatting at him long enough to listen.

Coulson didn't let go of Nebula, instead tightening his arms around her and swatting her a second time. Again, it wasn't that hard...but he was definitely responding to her testing him. Fortunately, the fact it had occurred with all of his children to one extent or another allowed him to recognise that behaviour.

Holding Mantis' hand, Drax helped her to sit up, also glancing towards Rocket and Groot. "He is smaller than you and is likely more affected by the gas."

As if on cue, Rocket began to properly sit up, waving at Groot as the tiny tree began patting his fur. "I'm fine. But I've got a headache and...." His voice broke off and he stared at Peter in utter bewilderment. "I confess I don't know much about Terran physiology, but you shouldn't be younger."

Gamora had been looking toward Rocket in relief when his words registered and she looked back at Peter, suddenly realizing he was a lot shorter than the last time she'd seen him. "What in the world happened to you?!" Her eyes were wide and she shook her head.

"Uh...experiment gone wonky?" Peter asked instead of stated, blushing at the fact that everyone was now looking at him and seeing him as a teenager again, acne and all.

Nebula bit her lower lip and stared at Coulson for a moment, as if debating pushing him just that much further to see how far he was willing to take 'taking her in hand', but she got distracted by Rocket's words and her sister's shocked voice, looking toward Peter and Gamora once more. "I do not remember you being so short..." she said quizzically. "What experiment would do such a thing?" She slanted her head. "It is not cybernetic..." She flexed her own cybernetic hand gently, not noticing that at some point, she'd somehow wrapped her arms around Coulson in a slight hug, giving him permission (however unthinkingly) to keep holding her.

"It is not just physical..." Mantis slanted her head, letting out a tiny giggle. "...His emotions are younger as well...."

"Aw c'mon, man! Not cool!" Peter protested, his blush darkening.

Gamora straightened up and stepped back quickly, her own face taking on a slightly pink tone under the green. It wasn't appropriate to hang off of someone so much younger, they could be considered a child in some places. No matter if he'd been an adult the last time she'd seen him. She glanced toward Nebula. "Be quiet!" she ordered peevishly, noticing that her sister was fighting the desire to laugh.

"It wasn't a cybernetic change," Coulson replied, not actually letting go of Nebula. He could feel his other daughter's eyes on him, but Nat didn't voice whatever was going through her mind. "It was an experiment mixed with a food item that was supposed to extend life."

"Instead, it turned many younger," Drax added. "Most only had some years taken off. Several, like Peter, became teenagers once more. And three have become even younger than that."

Gamora blinked at that information, then turned toward Peter. "You are lucky you are a teenager and not younger. I would not want to return to the way things were when I was younger..." She visibly shuddered.

Peter grimaced. "It isn't so bad now.... It helps that I'm not scared all the time, though...."

Nebula shuddered as well, despite her attempts to keep herself under control. She didn't want the man holding her to realize how the thought of returning to such a vulnerable age scared her. Even if she was no longer under Thanos' control.

Mantis frowned slightly, looking from Gamora to Peter to Nebula and back again. "There is no reason for any of you to be afraid..." she said, inadvertently letting anyone who didn't already realize know that the three of them were afraid.

"I know that!" Peter protested, giving Drax a sheepish look. "Drax has my back...and Yondu and Kraglin...and Uncle Phil and Nat and everyone else here...."

Mantis nodded. "You are still scared, though...not as much as Gamora and Nebula, but still scared!" She glanced at Gamora. "And now you are irritated...."

"This is a safe place," Coulson said. "None of you are in any danger here." While he was speaking primarily to Nebula and Gamora, he was also including the other newcomers in that.

Rocket was standing now, grimacing. "That gas gave me a headache...but it could be very useful. I wonder if I can get some samples of it to add to one of my guns...." he mused out loud.

"I am Groot!" the tiny tree said insistently, tugging on Rocket's leg.

Rocket gave a long-suffering sigh and complained, "I don't think she meant tell him now...."

Nat sidled up to her father, making sure she didn't take Nebula by surprise. While she'd only glimpsed the blue woman out of the corner of her eye while Nebula had been fighting Phil, she was fairly sure both women had had similar training in battle to her. "Dad, might I suggest we get everyone settled so they're comfortable and then perhaps update everyone?"

Nebula glanced at Natasha, seeing a fellow warrior. When Natasha referred to Coulson as her father, however, she gave him a considering look. He'd already proven he was more ready for battle than she'd originally assumed, but if he'd raised a daughter that could face Gamora and come out on top (even if Gamora had been drugged), then there was even more to him than she'd realized.

"Tell him-who? And tell him what?" Peter blinked, confused, at Rocket.

Coulson nodded. "There's certainly more than enough rooms." He looked at Nebula, addressing her. "Drax experienced a period of adjustment when he first arrived here, especially in regards to food. Peter did as well, but for a shorter time. I think we have some suitable food, but I'll make sure to order in more." Especially if they might need specialised food for the little tree.

"Tell you that I took some of your DNA, which I didn't get a chance to ask for permission, but it helped us track you here," Rocket replied. "Oh and that Yondu gave up pretty much everything just to make sure you were safe. But maybe you already knew that."

Nebula blinked. "You will feed me? After I attacked you? Without my having to work for the food?" She sounded confused.

Gamora smiled at her sister. "Not everyone is like Thanos, Nebula." She smiled at Peter. "If most Terrans are like Peter, they would not think of starving you for an honest mistake."

Peter looked at Rocket and smiled. "It helped you find us, so it's alright. And yeah. Yondu found me. He and Drax came to an understanding...."

Mantis wrinkled her nose, turning toward Drax. "You love him...."

"What..?" Gamora gave the two men a confused look.

"Feed you and give you somewhere to stay," Coulson replied. His smile was gentle. "As your sister said, we would not see any harm come to you when you didn't know it was safe." While not completely certain the two women were sisters, he'd come to the conclusion they were similar enough in temperament and fighting styles that it was more likely than not.

Drax rested his hand on Peter's shoulder, smiling. "He is my son. Mine and Yondu's." The words were simply said and completely honest and sincere.

Nebula swallowed then nodded. "I thank you, then."

Mantis' look was one of complete confusion. "I thought he was Terran. And I did not realize men were able to bear children. It would explain why he constantly argued with you, though. Ego said children and parents often argued." She nodded.

Peter's mouth fell open and he looked a bit squeamish. "No! No no no. Terran men do not get pregnant, no matter what weird stories you might read! Ow!" He shivered melodramatically.

Gamora rolled her eyes. "Idiot..." she said fondly.

"I am Groot," the little tree said.

"Yeah, I'm thinking adoption, too," Rocket replied. Then he added, "But what kind of an understanding gets Drax and Yondu as his dads?"

Drax overheard the raccoon. "It is simple. He has two fathers. His brother has two fathers."

"It's not so unusual for us here," Natasha commented. "Everyone here is family of some kind or other. It's just that some of them haven't realised it yet." She wasn't looking at Nebula when she said that, but her father didn't need to be a genius to know who she was currently referring to.

"Adoption is not unheard of in our galaxy either..." Gamora said, giving Nebula a 'look'.

Nebula nodded. "It is how Gamora and I became sisters. We had a shared need to excel so that father would not kill us." Her tone was matter-of-fact, as if the idea of their father killing them was an expected outcome for failure.

Coulson didn't show any outward reaction to that, but his arms tightened a fraction around Nebula. It wasn't unusual for him to connect quickly to one of his kids. After all, he'd decided fast when it came to Clint. And he wanted Nebula. Gamora, too, if he was honest...but it was Nebula he currently held onto. "This would be very different to what you're used to, then. Everyone spars here, but there's no danger. Whether physical or emotional. Sparring is about being able to protect yourself."

"And I would like to spar with you again," Natasha said to Gamora. "Without the effects of the gas. I think we're fairly evenly matched."

Gamora nodded. "I would like that myself when I am able to do my best."

"I think I would like to do that as well." Nebula gave Coulson a sly look. "When I am not underestimating you...." She still hadn't stepped out of his arms, even though she suspected he'd allow her to, now. If it had been Thanos she'd underestimated, she'd be on the ground bleeding, with at least one broken bone. That she'd escaped with little more than a slight sting on her backside allowed her to feel safe.

"So...uh...can we hear back to the family floor?" Peter asked hopefully. "I'm hungry again...." He didn't remember eating so much the first time he was a teenager but Yondu wasn't surprised by his appetite, so maybe he had.

Coulson smiled. "When you're more settled, we can arrange a sparring session," he promised, then glanced at Peter. "I think it's about lunchtime in any case. Why don't we sort out room arrangements and then we can eat lunch?" he suggested.

Natasha smiled at her father. "I can retrieve Lincoln and the rest of our immediate family...." Including her grandfather. She might also have a quiet word with them about the two additions she was positive they'd get.

"Great! I'll go find Yondu and Kraglin! They aren't gonna believe this!" Peter beamed.

"Might I stay near you?" Mantis asked Drax.

Nebula didn't say anything, but looked agreeable to Coulson's suggestion. She noticed Gamora nodding.

"Of course." Drax glanced at Coulson to confirm.

Coulson nodded. "When you indicated you had crew members with you, we made sure there were other rooms close by," he said. Looking at the newcomers, he asked, "Is there anything you need to get from your ship?"

"Yes!" Rocket was quick to nod. "And I want samples of that gas...."

"I am Groot."

"I know what I'm doing," the raccoon protested.

"If you want to experiment with it, maybe you should talk with Tony and Bruce...they're the family scientist inventors..." Peter said hesitantly.

Nebula shrugged. "I have few personal items," she admitted.

"I have only a few more than Nebula," Gamora stated. "If you wish to send someone with me and Rocket, we will gather everything for everyone else."

"I'll go." Natasha had been tapping out a message on the comms to her son and siblings. "I'm curious to see your ship." And to learn more about one of the two women she was certain her father was going to adopt. "I've let the others know to meet in the family dining room, Dad," she added.

Coulson nodded. "Also, please let us know if there is anything special you need to eat," he said to Rocket and Groot. "I'm certain we can find something."

"I am Groot."

"Anything that's not meat," Rocket translated.

Peter nodded at Groot. "Of course, Little Buddy! I'm pretty sure Bruce will have some good vegetarian options for you!"

Gamora smiled at Natasha. "I will be happy to show it to you."

By this time, Nebula was beginning to feel a bit sheepish, still holding onto Coulson like she was, but now it was a game of wills to see who would let go first and she was determined not to lose.

"As soon as you're ready, lead the way," Natasha said.

"You coming with us, or staying?" Rocket asked Groot.

In answer, the little tree headed over to Peter.

Gamora nodded and quickly headed back the way she'd come in, heading toward the ship.

Peter picked Groot up and put him on his shoulder, before motioning for Rocket to follow. "Let's get you all something to eat," he grinned.

Nebula looked at Coulson and slanted her head, waiting to have him tell her to let go of him; expecting it, really. "Do you often spank those who attack you?" she found herself asking, still finding it hard to believe he hadn't wanted to hurt her.

Holding Mantis' hand, Drax followed on after Peter, Groot and Rocket.

Coulson transferred his hold so he could wrap an arm around Nebula's shoulders, enabling them to walk while still keeping in contact with her. "Spanking is a family punishment. I use it on my children when required. On people I feel drawn to in the same way as my other children." By putting it in those words, he hoped to make his feelings towards her clear.

Nebula blinked. "So...you were punishing me for attacking you? But...I was not injured. Punishments always end in injury..." She looked at her cybernetic arm. "If a body part is not lost, how can it be considered punishing?" She was more inquisitive about how Coulson thought and did things than upset to learn he'd felt the need to punish her behavior. She saw nothing odd in the fact a near stranger had decided to correct her.

"A spanking is not about causing you injury or permanent or even lasting harm," Coulson replied gently. "It is about teaching a better way to act. And it's given with care. Affection. Love. I can't imagine you had any of those growing up."

"When Thanos took me, any love I'd ever received stopped. All I knew after was fear and hate. Except for Gamora. But even with her, all we knew was pain..." Nebula spoke as if she were talking about the weather for all the emotion she put in her voice. "I wonder if I should have been upset that you decided to correct my behavior when you did not even know me, but I find myself not minding. Perhaps even being glad of it." She wrinkled her nose thoughtfully. "I find myself wanting to receive more of your correction. Is that odd?"

"I wouldn't say so," Coulson replied honestly. "I'd like to think you feel drawn to me in the same way I feel drawn to you. And children who have received very little in the way of caring, loving boundaries often need them even when grown."

"I am not afraid of you..." Nebula said. It wasn't a boast or an attempt to look brave, either. It was a pure admission, allowing him to see that he'd already begun to affect her and draw her to him.

"Good," Coulson replied, gently stroking her shoulder. "I don't want you to be afraid of me."

"I...regret attacking you. I am glad you subdued me..." she admitted, rubbing her bottom at the remembered sting that had stalled her attack.

Coulson smiled. "You don't need to feel regret about it. I'm glad it gave me the chance to meet you."

Nebula' smile back was hesitant but genuine. "You want me...do you not?" Her question was straightforward. She saw no reason to play games.

"I do," Coulson replied, instantly and without hesitation, squeezing her closer against his side.

Nebula thought about it for a few seconds. "You would not remove parts of me and replace them with mechanics or weapons to make me stronger and more deadly? You would not punish me for failures I have no control over? It would be my choice?" She looked at him, her gaze serious.

Coulson nodded. "If it ever became necessary to, I would only punish you by spanking you. That would only occur if you did something that endangered yourself or others. Never for any kind of 'failure'. I wouldn't want to change any part of you." His voice was honest and sincere.

"There are no other expectations that might earn punishment if I did not follow them? And all you would do if I earned punishment from you is pull me close and swat my gluteus maximus? That only stung a little; I am not certain how that is a proper punishment..." She couldn't help but sound suspicious. One of Thanos' favorite things to do was lead you to believe something would be a certain way, then pull the rug out from under you and make it so, so much worse.

"If it got to the point where a spanking is necessary, I would put you over my knee, bare you and spank you," Coulson said, plainly and simply. "It would be more than just two swats, but the pain isn't unbearable. I think a spanking is more effective because of the emotions the punishment evokes."

"I learned to control my emotions long ago," Nebula said, just as plainly. "You will resort to stronger punishments when you realize I'm unaffected." Her tone wasn't challenging, but she honestly did not believe Coulson would be able to refrain from harsher means if she did something deserving of punishment. Harsh would be the only way he could be effective.

"It's easy to say you won't be affected when you haven't experienced it," Coulson replied gently. "You're not the first one of my children to keep an iron control over your emotions."

"I...I need to know. I need to know if I do something you feel needs punishment that you won't feel that you must resort to stronger measures once you see your normal methods do not work." Nebula swallowed. "I need to know that either you are right and spanking me will affect me enough to take care of my deeds...or that if it doesn't, I won't suddenly find myself missing my other arm...." Nebula didn't mean to be cruel, but her only experience was Thanos and a spanking for her mistakes would never been enough for him. "I can't belong to you unless I can trust that...." She glanced at him. "That is why I ask you to spank me...now. Help me believe you...,"

Coulson took a moment or two to respond, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders. "I understand wanting to know what you are getting into," he said gently, "but it doesn't feel right to spank you when you haven't done anything wrong. I wouldn't class attacking me as something you need to be punished for, as you had no way to know we were safe."

"Attacking you was a mistake based on ignorance of who you were," Nebula agreed. "I did worse. I worked with Ronan to try and destroy an entire planet. I would have killed my own sister because I felt betrayed.... I shot Yondu Undata's crest from his head and allowed his crew to mutiny, leading to much lost life, nearly including him. I am no innocent; I deserve punishment for many things I did not get it for." She looked back at Coulson. "I want to believe you. I want to believe it is enough. I'm not sure I can."

Coulson nodded, glancing at the others ahead of them. "Then we will move to my room and rejoin the others afterwards," he decided, steering his daughter in that direction. He couldn't fault her need to know...and perhaps a spanking now would do more than just let her know what to expect.

Nebula easily followed along, relieved that he wasn't going to argue against it further. She wouldn't have begged, but she knew part of her would always be waiting for the kindness to end if she messed up. If he proved to her that his method was punishing without being damaging, it would make it easier for her to accept what she knew he wanted and what she was finding she wanted too.

Reaching his room, Coulson guided her inside, having already tapped out a message to let the others know he and Nebula would be a little late. He gave her a gentle squeeze. "Unless there's anything else you need to know or say, I'm going to sit down on the bed and put you over my knee," he said.

Nebula shook her head. "I will learn what I need to know shortly. If I confess all my sins, we will be here for hours." Her tone was bland, but the tiny smile on her face indicated she was teasing- slightly.

Coulson smiled affectionately at her and gently guided her to the bed. Taking a seat, he helped her across his lap, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her securely against his stomach, then proceeded to bare her.

Nebula reached down and gripped Phil's ankle. There was a moment's hesitation when she realized he'd be able to see more scars and how much Thanos had torn her apart. He wanted to be her father, though. She needed him to see them. See what he was getting with her.

The scars were difficult to see. It was always hard to see how much his children had suffered, whether the scars were visible or not. Coulson rubbed her lower back gently. "You're safe here. With me," he murmured, before lifting his hand and bringing it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

"I want to be..." Nebula admitted softly.

Coulson continued the pattern of swats down to her thighs before starting over from the top. The smacks weren't anything like as hard as he could make them, but neither were they the gentle taps he tended to give his children when they needed reminding. He respected the fact that she needed to know this. "I'm not ever going to turn the tables on you," he promised her. "No matter what happens, you won't ever have to worry that I'll change my mind on anything between us."

"Even if I do something that needs punishing? And this doesn't work?" Nebula asked quietly. It stung, the swatting, but it didn't hurt enough to make her feel like she was paying for her bad actions.

"Even then." Coulson continued swatting, but his other hand gently rubbed over her back. He wasn't sure the spanking itself would have the effects it needed to, but she'd responded and reciprocated when he'd hugged her. Perhaps the combination would work more effectively. "This isn't about damaging you or forcing you to be something you're not."

"You don't wish to change me? I'm an assassin. You can't wish for that to stay the same...." Nebula moved slightly; not because of the swats, but because the gentle rubbing of her back was distracting her from her normal laser focus on blocking the pain. As a result, she not only felt every swat, but she could feel the affection accompanying them.

Coulson kept up with both the swats and the gentle affection, tugging her closer against his stomach so she wouldn't fall. "Your sister Natasha was trained to be an assassin. That training can come in useful when missions need to be carried out. Many of the family here have had to take lives when it's necessary. I want to keep you safe, but I won't force you to conform into something you are not."

Nebula didn't understand the care Coulson was taking with her. Not only was he not causing her excruciating pain- although the sting had begun to turn into a slight throbbing- he was holding her close and providing care that she wasn't used to. Even the affection she shared with Gamora was awkward and uneasy, due to neither of them knowing how to be affectionate. Coulson was touching her like she was important- precious- to him. A funny squirmy warmth filled her tummy and chest as she realized just how careful of her he was being. "You mean that...you don't want to change me or hurt me...."

"No, never," Coulson replied. "I want you. For you. I know you've been hurt before, but if you let me, I'll take care of you...love you...and that won't change. No matter what happens," he promised.

Nebula was confused. She didn't like being confused. She didn't like that she completely believed him as well, as she never truly believed anyone normally. "Why?" she finally asked, losing her iron clad control over her body as the confusion took over and beginning to squirm from the spanking she still received. Only his hand on the small of her back, still gently caressing, kept her from squirming herself directly onto the floor.

Coulson kept her against him, keeping the swats at the same force as he also continued the gentle stroking and rubbing. "Because I know you're mine." His voice was simple but sincere.

"But...h..how?" Nebula winced as her voice caught. She'd been so sure she'd be unaffected by a punishment that, compared to what she'd received in the past, amounted to little more than love pats. The problem was, she hadn't counted on them being administered so...lovingly. It was messing up her ability to distance herself. It was ruining her ability not to be affected. And even though it truly wasn't painful compared to being surgically modified, it could still be felt and knowing that sting was because of poor decisions she made (even if she asked for it) and knowing that those decisions would disappoint this man who was being so careful of her if she did them now? Did hurt. Her instinct to get closer to him and trust him had increased, not decreased, and she knew now that he had been right. This punishment of his would work on her, because it was working on her. That was terrifying and Nebula had not been scared in a very long time.

Throwing her hand back to cover her bottom and dislodge the hand providing comfort at the same time, she demanded, "Stop. It is not working and I grow weary of the attempt." So what if it was a lie? She was feeling decidedly out of control and she was always in control...well, as long as she wasn't enraged and in a fight. This wasn't that, though, and she wanted her control back.

Coulson knew it was a lie. And, yes, he was doing this because Nebula had asked him to; and for her sake, he knew he had to see it through. He took hold of her hand, gently lacing his fingers through hers. "I know it's scary," he murmured. "But you don't have to be scared to lose control. You don't have to be scared to let go, because you aren't alone. Because I'm not leaving you alone."

Nebula's eyes widened as she realized he wasn't stopping...wasn't listening to her demand. She knew she could likely get loose if she actually fought, but she didn't want to fight. Didn't want to hurt him. Especially not when he was doing this for her. "Why won't you let me go?! I told you to stop..." Her voice shook as the implications of him not stopping were clear. She'd either have to fight him to assert her right to control what happened, or she'd have to accept that he would decide when to stop and cede him all control over her for this moment; and she wasn't a fool. She knew if she ceded control to him now, he'd keep that control over her from this point on, at least in so far as being the one to decide when she'd stepped over a line and needed to be brought back into line. She hadn't considered that when she'd made her request. She hadn't considered that when she'd thought it wouldn't work. Of course it would work, if she wasn't in control of the situation.

Even when Thanos was torturing her for her failures, she'd always had control over herself. She'd fought him all the way, futile as it was, because if she didn't fight him, the results would be so much worse (Thanos only respected strength, after all). Every choice either to allow what was happening to occur or not had been her choice. With one action of taking her hand and moving it out of the way so he could continue spanking, Coulson had ignored her 'choice' and taken her control from her and now the only choice she was left with was to fight to keep her control over the situation (like Thanos would have expected), or submit and let Coulson do what he felt needed doing. She wasn't just scared. She was beyond scared.

"You're telling me to let you go, but I don't believe that's what you really want or need," Coulson said gently. "You've responded quickly to my stepping in, even before I put you across my knee. Even before I swatted you to settle you down. I believe you want and need me as much as I do you."

Nebula squirmed a little bit harder...not certain if she wanted to free herself or find that his hold was too firm. He was right, though; she had responded to him quickly when he'd stepped in. If she hadn't, his swatting her wouldn't have made a bit of difference and she wouldn't have eagerly listened to his words when he said he wanted her. She wouldn't have pushed for him to prove himself, either; she knew that's what she'd done. And he was right, she didn't want to be let go...she wanted to be able to let go herself, to trust him to catch her and help her be better. "I...I want to be yours...I need you to have me..." she whispered faintly, voicing what she was recognizing herself. "...How do I...? I'm scared..." Her voice was still faint and even tinier when she admitted out loud that she was afraid. She'd maintained an iron control over herself for so long, she didn't know how to let him be in charge. She squirmed harder yet.

"I know," Coulson replied gently, still holding her hand...still swatting her. "It's okay to be scared, but I've got you. I'm not going to let you go. Not ever." Before this point, if she'd pulled back, he would have let her. Now? He had no intention of doing so. As far as he was concerned, she was his just as much as her siblings.

Nebula blinked at his words, surprised to find her face wet. "My eyes are leaking..." she whispered in a surprised voice, still squirming, but the squirming was becoming less frantic as his words were connecting in her mind. "...Why are my eyes leaking?" she asked, her voice again taking on a tiny, childlike tone. She wasn't good with emotion and Coulson was pulling more emotion from her than she'd felt since before Thanos took her from her home planet. She was teetering on the edge and if he did one more thing to assert his control over her, she knew she'd lose her grasp on her own control, give up- give in. The urge to let him win and be in charge was strong.

"It is a normal reaction when you are overwhelmed by emotions," Coulson replied gently. "It doesn't make you weak. It means you are responding in a way you need to."

"I need to respond this way?" She was completely confused and didn't understand how crying was a needed emotion.

"It's how many of the family respond to the emotions awakened when they're spanked," Coulson said, his voice still gentle. He still kept very careful control of the swats, lessening the force a fraction while continuing to hold her hand.

"Oh..." Her voice was still tiny and child-like and she was still squirming, even as she thought about his answer. She'd always felt crying was a weakness to be exploited. It made it difficult to allow herself to do so. But Coulson was saying it wasn't a weakness. Again, she wanted to believe him, but wasn't sure she could.

"It doesn't make you weak," Coulson continued. "Being on your own, unable to trust anyone, can make you weak. Can make you choose to do the wrong things, even if you have the right reasons. I won't make fun of you or treat you badly if you let go. I will catch you. Keep you close. Want you. No matter what."

Nebula bit her lip as his words caused her eyes to leak even more. And then she sniffled. Coulson was making a lot of promises to her, unspoken or otherwise. It was obvious he believed what he was saying. She squirmed a bit more. He wasn't harming her and it didn't hurt as badly as pains she had gone through in the past, but her bottom still hurt. By now, the throbbing had turned into an ache that she knew would take several minutes, if not longer, to ease. She would need to stand while she ate if she did not want the others to know what had occurred. It would be easier on her if she just gave in, she knew. Some small part of her was still holding back, though; a very, very small part, but still enough to keep her from being able to let go.

Coulson gently squeezed her hand. "I don't hesitate when I see someone I want in my family. And I won't give up. Even if it takes a while for you to fully believe that...it won't make a difference," he promised. "I'm not going to decide you're too much trouble. I'm always going to think you're worth it."

"I...I think you believe that..." she said hesitantly. Wincing as another smack landed on her sore posterior, she couldn't stop the whimper that escaped or the tiny stomps her feet made as she wiggled her bottom around, trying to direct where his hand landed, even if she couldn't stop him (not if she didn't want to fight him).

"I believe it because it's true," Coulson replied, drawing her closer against him. "Your brothers and sisters have experienced the same. No matter their pasts, or even if mistakes have been made since they came into my life, it hasn't changed anything."

Nebula huffed slightly under her breath. It really was becoming very difficult not to give in to the man. And it was beginning to seem a bit pointless and foolish to continue to try and do so, if she were honest with herself. She believed him. He believed what he was saying, so chances were it would be true. Her bottom hurt more than she expected, but what was more unexpected was how affected she was feeling by this position and Coulson's words. The longer she lay over his lap, his hand continuing the relentless smacking, the more vulnerable she felt. The more needy she felt. The more she just wanted to give in and...and not control anything. At least for a little while. The more she felt like giving in, the more she felt like she needed to fight her impulse. She was at war with herself and it was very frustrating. By now, her tears were freely falling and she was having to breathe through her mouth. She wouldn't be surprised if Coulson could tell, even if she was refusing to let herself be vocal with it.

Coulson let his other hand stroke gently over her back, not halting or even hesitating when he encountered her cybernetic parts. His other hand continued to swat, though he did slow the speed and lessen the force a fraction here. "The people here are family through choice. There is an intense bond that you will be able to see for yourself as you interact with my siblings and yours; your aunt and uncles...your cousins. I choose you. All that's left now is for you to choose me."

Nebula blinked at that. The one thing she'd never been in control of through all her childhood after Thanos took her- was being with him or not. He'd made her his 'daughter' because it benefitted him. She'd had no choice in that. Coulson chose her immediately (although his choosing was not as terrifying as Thanos choosing), but he was telling her she had a choice in the matter. If she didn't choose him, would he respect that? She felt he would, even if it hurt him to do so. And why was she even asking herself that question? She'd chosen him the moment he'd wrapped his arms around her and murmured in her ear to calm her. Her choice was cemented with the first gentle smack he'd delivered to focus her attention and help her regain control over herself. She'd chosen him already. Why was she fighting it?

Letting out another tiny whimper, that became a longer drawn out whine, she tensed up noticeably before just letting herself relax completely over his lap. She deliberately slid forward just enough that her sit spots were an easier target (after everything she'd admitted to doing wrong, she couldn't believe that the spanking would end as soon as she admitted to choosing him and she didn't want to block him in any way, anymore). She then took several shallow breaths, not able to breathe too deeply because of the tears, and let herself cry vocally. She wasn't sobbing or carrying on like she was distraught, but he'd definitely hear her crying. She didn't know what to make of the fact that the minute she'd let her tears have free reign and offered herself up for complete punishment that her fear eased and she felt relief.

Coulson landed only a few more swats and then stopped. She'd reached the point of surrendering to him and he didn't waste any time in gathering her into his arms, on his lap, hugging her close and tight to himself.

Nebula stiffened up for a tiny moment and then slumped into him, letting her head fall onto his shoulder and snuggling close. She was still crying and she couldn't help but whimper as her bottom made contact with his lap, but there was a peaceful look in her eyes and she gave him a tiny smile before wrapping her arms around his waist. "Thank you..." she whispered softly.

Coulson pressed a kiss to her head. "I love you." It was true. Honest. Heartfelt. Just as he had the first moment he'd brought any of his children to him, how he felt was immediately obvious. Every time, it was the same intense emotion he'd felt the first time he'd held his baby son in his arms.

"I believe you..." Nebula's smile grew. While she wasn't ready or able to repeat the words back, her tone was full of feeling. She loved him, even if she couldn't admit it to him or herself.

Coulson gently stroked her head. "When you're ready, we can join the rest of our family for lunch," he said. "Your sisters might be back by now."

"Alright, sir..." Nebula snuggled a few seconds more, before standing and replacing her clothing, then wiped her eyes. "I'm ready..." She waited for him to move so she could follow. She'd enjoyed the affection, but she wasn't used to it. She glanced at Coulson, hoping he understood. "What should I call you?" Her question was nervous.

Coulson moved to walk next to her, his smile gentle. "I've claimed you as my daughter. When you feel comfortable doing so, it would make me very happy if you called me 'Dad'." Or some variant."

Gamora, Rocket and Natasha were stepping off the elevator with all the possessions as they passed to the dining area. Gamora took one look at her sister's face and stopped dead. "Your eyes are leaking..." Her voice was a low growl and she tensed up, looking at Coulson suspiciously.

Nebula calmly stepped forward in front of him. "Thanos is no longer my father," she said, as if she'd just announced the weather. "This is Dad...." This time, her head had slanted sideways and she sounded a bit bemused, as if she was still having a hard time believing it but was happy.

Gamora blinked, taken aback, then looked at Coulson more thoughtfully. "You've made her happy...." Her tone was grateful.

Coulson's smile was immediate and he gently squeezed Nebula's shoulder, speaking to Gamora. "I would like to accept you into the family too."

Natasha's smile was small but sincere. "Well, sister, you definitely need to meet the rest of our siblings."

Gamora nodded at Coulson. If he had been able to accept Nebula, despite her prickly and aloof attitude (Gamora knew she was no social butterfly, but compared to her sister, she was the life of the party and everyone's best friend), she knew he'd have no problem with her own quirks. "You've already taken in my sister. I see no reason not to follow her. Thanos is a bastard and I hated having to introduce myself as his..." Her tone was matter of fact, even if the look in her eyes was fiery.

Nebula looked at Natasha and nodded. "You are the one Dad said had a similar background? I would like to get to know you better."

Gamora blinked again. "You're already working miracles..." she whispered to Coulson, her voice awed. She ignored Nebula's irritated look in her direction when her sister overheard her.

At that moment, Peter bounded up. "C'mon, Mora! I'm huuuungry!" He grabbed Gamora's hand and began to tug her toward the dining area where Groot, Yondu, Drax and Kraglin were. "C'mon, Rocket! Ula!" Other family members were also coming in to see what the commotion was and, since it was lunch, deciding to stay.

"Never call me that again!" Nebula's growl sounded more like a groan.

Natasha's quickly worded message to her other family members had included an indication they would likely be getting two new sisters. The fact it had just happened and all that remained was how to do it officially wasn't a surprise to her...and it likely wouldn't be to any of the others. Smiling at Nebula, she motioned with her head towards the dining room. "You can sit with me and my son, Lincoln...unless you'd rather sit next to Dad."

Nebula nodded, giving a tiny smile back. "I would like to sit with you. If that is alright with Dad...?" She turned to Coulson for confirmation, trying to feel her way around the new family dynamics.

Grant had walked up by this point, Bobbi in tow. "So...new sisters? I'm starting to feel a bit outnumbered here!" he teased his father impishly, giving his sisters (including Nebula and Gamora) a grin. "I'm Grant, by the way."

"Tell me about it!" Clint grumbled good-naturedly. "We need some more brothers!" He pulled Wanda and Pietro forward and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. "Hey there. I'm your brother Clint and these are my children Wanda and Pietro. Congratulations....you're both aunts!" He winked at Nebula and nodded at Gamora as she was glancing over her shoulder while being dragged to a table by Peter.

Bobbi bit her lip and suddenly was acting very shy and unlike herself. "Hi...I'm Bobbi..." she muttered. It was impossible to tell how she felt about the situation by her tone and since she wasn't looking up, staring at the floor like a sullen teenager, it was hard to see her feelings in her face either. It was hard not to be happy for her father- he seemed very happy to have found the two women who were suddenly her sisters- but if she'd been jealous of Raina, at least she'd had some warning that Raina would become a sister. Nebula and Gamora had just arrived, for goodness sake and she hadn't even met them yet and they were already a member of the family! She was insanely jealous that she was going to lose even more of her father's attention (no matter that he always was there when needed and made certain to spend time with all of them every day, so she really wasn't losing anything.) Jealous and confused. The rampant hormones and having to readjust to being a teenager again wasn't helping. She glanced around to see where Lance was.

Raina came in, poised as ever. Deaging to fifteen hadn't affected her quite as negatively as the others, or at least it seemingly hadn't. She was very quiet and withdrawn- more so than normal- so it was possible the turmoil was hidden deep, where no one could see it. She stood next to Coulson and waited for him to introduce her to her new sisters.

By this time, Gamora had Peter by the hand and was dragging him back toward the group. "I will go sit and eat with you after I have met my new family, Peter. Be patient!" she said sternly, relaxing when Peter stopped fighting and sighed dramatically, but stood beside her quietly so that she could meet everyone. She already knew Yondu, Drax and Kraglin; it wasn't like they needed an introduction and they wouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes to eat. He was the only one that was apparently starving.

Coulson rested a hand gently on Nebula's shoulder. "You can sit wherever you'd like." He wasn't clueless and he reached out to place his other hand on Bobbi's shoulder, squeezing gently. He knew she needed him and he gently ran his fingers through her hair, trying to tell her nothing would change without saying it out loud and risking embarrassing her. He smiled at Raina. "Raina, this is Nebula and Gamora..."

Lance had entered by now, with his brother, and headed over to Bobbi, nudging her gently. "So. New family members, huh? Cool." He grinned at Bobbi. "You gonna come sit with me, right?"

Bobbi had shifted just slightly enough that she was pressing into her father's hand as he ran his fingers through her hair. When Lance arrived, though, she perked up, her eyes brightening and looking like every teenage girl ever, whose crush had come to stand next to her. "Yeah...I'll sit with you!" she blurted, then blushed, giving her father and siblings- including Nebula and Gamora- a sheepish look.

Nebula had noted Bobbi's reaction, but didn't comment. Instead, she turned toward Raina and smiled. "Hello, Raina." She nodded at everyone else she'd been introduced to, not even attempting to try and name them all, even if she could remember exactly who they were.

Gamora grinned at Bobbi's reaction and elbowed Peter in the ribs. She also didn't say anything, but it was obvious she found the reactions of the deaged members of the family endearing.

"Ow! C'mon, Mora! I'm smaller and lost all my hard earned muscle! That hurt!" Peter pouted and rubbed where her elbow had jabbed. "And your elbows are pointy!"

Gamora just raised an unimpressed eyebrow; but she did give him a quick hug by way of apology, before moving forward to meet everyone she'd been introduced to.

Lincoln had finally gotten to the family floor from wherever he had been and ran up to his mother. "What's up?" he asked, his breath gasping.

Bucky walked up beside Phil. "I heard I'm an uncle of new nieces..." he said, reaching up and clasping Phil on the shoulder, before glancing at Lance quickly to make sure he was behaving.

Paul came in as well, his arm around Cathy and his father not far behind. "Yes...we didn't hear wrong, did we? Friday was quite excited when she made the announcement to everyone."

"I am sorry, Mister Phil. I should have let you tell everyone, but for some reason, I could not contain myself..." If an AI could sound embarrassed and apologetic, Friday did.

"It's all right, Friday," Coulson replied. "It helps to have everyone informed." And it was exciting news. Though he wondered if Friday had been programmed with that excitement or if she'd developed it on her own. It was an interesting thing to think about and cemented the fact the AIs were a part of the family too. Smiling at his siblings and father, he added, "You're correct, though it has only just been occurred."

Lance grinned, giving his father an innocent look, and then wrapped his arm around Bobbi's shoulders. "Good job we've got cooks who can cater for so many extra mouths to feed...." he teased.

Natasha moved over to her son, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "You've got two new aunts," she said. "Where were you?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Bucky just raised an eyebrow at the innocent look and then chuckled. "Yeah. I have to admit I'd never know what to cook for this large group..." He snorted.

Lincoln gave his mother his own version of an innocent look. "Just upstairs..." he said, giving her a crooked smile. "Skye was showing me something. She was gonna follow me, but decided to find her mom first...."

"I think that's why we ordered takeout so much." Smiling, Coulson let his children and other extended family figure out where to sit, stepping over to Paul, Cathy and Ben. "Have you been finding enough to amuse yourselves with?" he asked fondly.

Cathy laughed. "I hardly know what to do with myself. It's not anything like as busy as it is on the farm," she commented, giving him a hug.

Natasha gently guided Lincoln over to the table, so he could sit next to her and Nebula take the other side. "What was she showing you?" she asked curiously.

"Just different videos. I've been so busy with my residency and before that passing all my boards and tests and pretty much everything, that I apparently missed a bunch of really cool stuff. Now I can't work or use any of my skills and she thought it'd be a good time to catch me up..." Lincoln shrugged, smiling at his mother then leaning forward. "Hi! I'm Lincoln," he said to Nebula and then glanced toward Gamora, who had situated herself next to Peter Q.

Paul patted Phil on the back as he moved to sit in a seat near to his family, but far enough away that Phil's children could crowd around him if they desired.

"'OKI!" A shrill toddler voice drifted into the dining area from down the hall. Indistinct murmuring could be heard and then Loki was walking into the area, Kara perched in his arms with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, giving him sloppy kisses. The teenaged Asgardian looked like he couldn't decide if he loved the attention the toddler was giving him, or if he was grossed out by all the slobber she was leaving behind on his face.

Natasha was quick to take care of the introductions between her son and her two new sisters.

Coulson sat down next to Bobbi, situating himself so he was as close as possible to his children and grandchildren, and couldn't help but smile at the sight of Loki and Kara, who were followed closely behind by their siblings and respective fathers.

Danny was fairly quick to follow, having attached himself to Ward so he could find out how his best friend had felt able to join the family.

Bobbi leaned on her father, letting her head fall on his shoulder briefly before smiling at him and turning to talk to Lance.

Trip couldn't help grinning at his baby sister and cousin...and he noted Darcy and Lorelei were grinning as well. He moved over to Mack and Thor. "She's felt drawn to him since the island..." he whispered.

Ward looked at Danny. "I know. Hard to believe someone'd want me..." He snorted at his friend.

Thor smiled. "I have noticed that too," he answered. "I am certain Loki will enjoy being the centre of her attention, once he has grown used to her affection."

Danny was quick to shake his head. "It's not hard to believe at all. I want you," he said, simple and direct.

Ward shook his head but smiled. "After everything I did to you...I don't deserve it, but I'm grateful...." He pulled Danny into a hug. Stepping back, he added, "I hear I'm not the only new addition. Think they'll make announcements and introductions?"

"Probably. You wanna sit next to your dad and I'll sit on your other side?" Danny grinned and side-stepped out of the way as Skye dragged her sister into the room.

"I'll sit on your other side." May smiled as she directed her daughters to a spot.

By this time, everyone else in the family had arrived and was settling into various spots at the table. Mike looked around, noting Ace was with Cassie, having hit it off with the girl. Shrugging, he went and sat down next to his son, Hank on his other side.

Robbie stood behind Gabe's wheelchair. "Where you wanna sit, bro?" he asked quietly.

"There is one more individual upstairs at the SHIELD reception," Friday announced. "...A Mr. Luke Cage. Shall I send him down to you, or does one of you want to retrieve him?"

Hank gave Mike a smile when the man sat down next to him. "I noticed you've been moving a bit stiffly," he commented, meaning Mike's cybernetic parts. "Would you like me to take a look and make sure you're not developing any problems?" His voice was calm, though still somewhat concerned.

Surprised, Ace glanced at his dad, a worried look coming over his face as he heard Hank's quiet suggestion.

"I'll go and retrieve him." Sam made sure Karen and Matt were settled and then quickly headed out of the room, moving to the elevator to take it to the reception area.

Yo-Yo ended up sitting next to Karen when it became obvious it was too late for her and Mack to sit next to each other; Kara had grabbed his hand and made him sit next to Loki (whose lap she insisted on sitting on) and grabbed Brock's hand and pulled him on the other side. "She's a cute kid- it's hard to imagine her being an adult normally..." she whispered to Karen.

Mike blinked. "I'd appreciate it. It doesn't hurt," he squeezed Ace's shoulder to make sure he heard. "But the parts are sticking a bit. Slows me down and hinders movement."

Hank nodded. "You don't need to let things get worse. After we've eaten, we can go to the lab."

"Maybe we can watch a movie with the others while that's happening?" Cassie suggested to Ace.

The boy nodded. "Yeah, okay."

"Thank you..." Mike nodded at Hank gratefully.


Sam stepped out of the elevator and headed over to where he could see Luke. "Hi there," he said, stopping by the other man.

Luke was looking around the building wide-eyed. Whistling under his breath, he turned to face Sam. "Sweet Christmas...I thought the tower was big. It took ten minutes to drive from the main gate and this place is just huge!" Holding out his hand, he smiled crookedly. "Luke Cage. Claire Temple called and said you all might need some muscle until you got a situation sorted? I was a bit surprised Jess didn't call me, since she actually lives here, but she's been avoiding my calls the last week. Beginning to think I'm in the doghouse, but not sure what I did...." His tone was sheepish.

Sam smiled and shook Luke's hand. "Sam Wilson," he introduced himself. "I suspect she didn't call you because of the precise nature of the situation we're facing...." Glancing around, he continued, "I'd run the situation by you, but we're about to eat lunch, if you'd like to join us. And you'll probably get an eyeful of the situation then."

"Yeah, if that's alright with everyone. It was a bit of a drive and I'm hungry...." Luke smiled again, saving his questions of what had happened till they were out of the public area. He followed San to the elevator and it didn't take long for them to reach the floor and walk to the dining room. At first, he didn't realize what the problem was...until his eyes fell on Jessica. "Sweet Christmas...." he breathed out.

Jessica looked up at that moment. "Luke!" Eyes wide and horrified that her boyfriend would see her at her awkward teenage stage, Jessica crawled under the table- literally.

Steve sighed, smiled at the newcomer and then crouched down to retrieve his daughter. "You can't hide under the table for the whole meal, Jessica," he said reasonably.

"As you can see...." Sam commented. "Most of the people here have been affected in some way or another."

"Yes I can!" Jessica declared emphatically. "Pepper? Hand me my lunch, please?" Jessica turned pleading eyes to her sister.

"Dad's right, Jess...you'll have to come out eventually. Besides. If my fiancé and son can see me as a skinny teen, your boyfriend should be able to see you!" Pepper declared, before turning toward Luke. "Hi! I'm Pepper."

Luke blinked. "Pepper Potts? CEO of Stark Industries?" he finally asked.

"Yeah, that's me!" Pepper nodded before going back to her lunch.

Jessica sighed melodramatically. "Fine. I'll just eat after everyone has left the room!"

Luke wasn't sure what to say; he might have reminded her that he wasn't dating her for her looks, but he suspected that would be taken the wrong way. He looked to Steve for some kind of clue on how to proceed.

"Thanks for coming, Luke," Claire interjected. "With so many of their agents deaged, they need the extra muscle; just to make sure their enemies don't take advantage."

Steve smiled apologetically at Luke. "It's hit everyone hard." Even if that was in different ways. He moved fully under the table. "Come on out, Jessica," he said gently. "We've got some announcements to listen to. And you can't hide from Luke forever. He's here because he wants to help."

Sam shook his head and turned to Luke. "You want to sit down? Could be a while talking her out...."

Jessica gave her father a pathetic pleading look, but she could tell he wasn't going to budge and staying under the table was just making her situation more obvious. Blinking back tears of embarrassment, she crawled to Steve so he could help her up.

"I'm not going anywhere, you know..." Luke's soft voice carried easily through the room. "I'll wait for you to grow up again..." His tone was teasingly affectionate. "I don't need a reputation as a cradle robbing dirty old man; people already look at me strange."

Jessica snorted, picking up a grape and throwing it at him. He caught it in his mouth, earning an eye roll from Jessica and a squeal of delight from Kara. "Again!" She clapped her hands.

"I don't think we need another food fight," Steve interjected, firmly but not unkindly. "Besides, I believe there are a few announcements to be officially made." Even if Friday had let the news slip.

Sam sat down next to Yo-Yo, leaving the chair on his other side for Luke, as there were very few empty chairs left.

"Sorry, Daddy," Jessica said sheepishly.

"Sowwy, Gunkle Teve." Kara sighed dramatically.

Luke gave the super soldier a sheepish smile and nodded. He hadn't thrown the food, but he still had participated somewhat. Sitting down next to Sam, he waited for an explanation; or explanations. It looked like there might be several things that needed discussing.

Steve took his seat once more and addressed Luke. "As you can see, we had a little mishap here involving an experiment mixed with a pie that's affected all of us who ate it, albeit in different ways. Most of the newcomers were called in due to changes in body age making it harder for them to carry out missions in the same way."

"And to absolutely no one's surprise, there have also been growing families," Sam put in wryly. "I understand we have some celebrating to do."

May nodded. "I'm adding Danny to my family," she announced.

"I've got a new brother in Ward," Trip said. "I wouldn't be surprised if I gained one more, though."

"I got my other Dad back, so now I have two dads!" Peter Q. Piped in, blushing faintly when his voice cracked.

"It's a good thing I brought a briefcase full of adoption forms and paperwork..." Foggy laughed softly. "If any of you will be needing them...or any other paperwork...let me know."

"I have a second son, too...and Mantis." Drax smiled at her, where she sat next to him.

"And I have two new daughters, though I think Friday already let that one slip to most of the people here." Coulson smiled.

"Ah....wow..." Luke laughed. "The rumors are right. You spend any amount of time here and you end up with family...."

"That's not a bad thing..." Mike chuckled.

Tony glanced at Pepper. "Well, we will likely not make it official until Pepper is back to normal...since we don't want there to be any question that she made this decision because she truly wanted it...but we plan to adopt Werner and give Harry a brother."

Werner jerked, completely blindsided by that...even despite Pepper's and Tony's comments. He'd somehow convinced himself that he was misunderstanding. Or that things would change. To have it said so clearly in front of everyone, he had no idea how to handle that.

Steve smiled reassuringly at his newest grandson. "Your place is here, too," he said simply.

Tony reached over and squeezed Werner's shoulder to ease him.

"Ace is going to hate leaving when you no longer need us." Mike glanced at his son with Cassie and whispered to Hank.

Yo-Yo turned to talk to Sam and Luke, since Mack was too far away to speak to.

Hank glanced at Ace and then at Mike. "No one is saying either of you will have to leave, even once things have returned to normal," he whispered back.

Sam smiled at Yo-Yo and addressed Luke. "After we've eaten, I can take you on a tour of the compound, if you like. We also have training sessions periodically... I believe you've been joining in with some of those?" He glanced at YoYo.

"I might want to stay..." Mike admitted. "It's safe here and I want Ace safe."

"I'd like that," Luke agreed.

Yo-Yo nodded. "I have been. It's been useful for me."

Hank nodded. "You have rooms assigned to you already. If there's anything you need to bring here to stay permanently, we can arrange for someone to pick it up from where you've been staying previously."

"I think there are some set training times," Sam said. "Danny, who's recently been adopted by May, has been working with some of the younger family members. Steve has been making regular times for sparring, too."

"We don't have much. Ace actually has more than I do. It's at my safe house where Maria picked Ace up." Mike smiled crookedly.

Luke nodded. "Maybe I can help with training. I'm not so much into the martial arts, but it takes a lot to hurt me, so I'd make a good training 'dummy'." He grinned.

Yo-Yo laughed. "I can always use practice, so I'd be a fool to turn down the chance to spar with an Avenger."

"If you give me a list, I'll make sure it's taken care of," Hank promised.

Sam smiled. "I imagine that might be good for some of the younger members," he commented to Luke, before adding to both, "Most everyone has times they train, so if there is anyone you want to spar with, just ask when they'll be there."

Mike smiled. "I will. Thank you."

Yo-Yo grinned. "I'll do that," she said. "Of course, that will have to wait for when we aren't on missions."

Luke nodded in agreement.

Hank nodded and then glanced at Ace, who seemed to be distracted from his worry about his father by Cassie asking him what game they should play later.

"I don't think there are any missions planned for today or tomorrow," Sam commented. "We do have people watching out for anything we can act on, but until we have that, it's a long game of waiting."

Mike relaxed and quietly ate, feeling safe and like he didn't need to be on guard for the first time in a long time.

"Yeah." Yo-Yo sighed. "Problem with long waits is when people get bored they do stuff that's not very helpful..." She glanced toward where some of the 'teens' were looking bored.

Sam nodded. "I know. It's difficult for them. They're not used to having to wait on the sidelines, but at least we have the best minds working on how to reverse the effects of the apples."

"Yeah." Yo-yo nodded. "Until then, I'll do whatever is needed to help."

"Me too," Luke agreed.


The longer he was here, the more out of place St. John felt. He understood why Deacon had wanted him around. They'd been friends when still young teenagers in high-school (despite Deacon having distanced himself after the whole house-party/being arrested disaster) and when he had seen St.John attempting to live legal and clean, he'd had no problems reigniting the friendship. The thing St.John didn't think Deacon understood was how difficult it was to remain legal and clean. Coming with Deacon to visit his brother had been a welcome retreat from the constant harassing phone-calls and threats he got from his prior 'business' associates. It didn't help so much with the cravings he had; but nothing would ever really help with those. He was determined to stay clean, though, for his friend's sake if no other reason. Deacon had proven himself to be one of the only real friends St.John had. Most people didn't trust him because of his past and the few who were willing to overlook that didn't trust him because of his 'ability'. Something he tried not to use too much, because he didn't want it getting around that he was a mutant. Deacon never asked, but there was a reason why he'd gotten the nickname of Pyro.

Deacon glanced at his friend as they walked into the dining room and headed to the table where Black was sitting with his father. "He's not going to give you the third degree, you know..." he teased gently. "He said he'd give you a chance to prove you'd changed."

Pyro smiled weakly back. "I know. Still..." He didn't say anything else, though, as they'd reached the table and Deacon was sitting down between Blake and Ben, leaving the empty seat on Blake's other side for him. Biting his lip, he hesitantly sat down as well.

Blake glanced at the two youngsters (emotionally if not physically) with an easy, relaxed smile. "I was about to come and retrieve you," he commented, having noticed their absence.

"Yeah. Sorry we're late. I got side-tracked looking around. This place is aaahaawsome!" He trilled the last bit in excitement.

Pyro snorted, but grinned at his friend. "I think he wants to pick the minds of some of the agents here and figure out a way he can become one..." he said in amusement.

Blake's smile widened a bit. "There are worse things you could want to do," he commented to his brother. "I'm sure anyone here would answer your questions." Glancing at Pyro, he asked, "What about you? Do you have any thoughts about what you'd want to do?" He clearly wasn't asking to give the third degree; mainly out of curiosity and with the thought that maybe he could help his brother's friend.

"Not really," Pyro hedged. He had no illusions that he'd be trusted enough to become an agent, with his background of working with Kingpin and other crooks and thugs. If they found out what he could do because of being a mutant, he'd be lucky if they didn't put him on a watch list. He'd heard that there was one (although he wasn't certain if it was SHIELD that had it). Even if they overlooked his past and his ability, he didn't know what he wanted to do. He didn't feel heroic. He wasn't certain he'd make a good agent. "I haven't really thought about it much..." he finally ended lamely.

Blake watched him for a few moments. "Well, if you want or need to sit down and talk with someone about your options, I've got time."

Pyro blinked. "Uh...yeah. Sure. Okay. That'd...uh...be great. Thanks!" He couldn't help the uncertainty in his tone. He didn't think Blake really liked or trusted him all that much, only accepting him because of Deacon. Having the man offer to help him was a surprise.

"After lunch, maybe?" Blake suggested, knowing he couldn't do much about his investigating into the academy for the time being. Deacon liked and trusted Pyro. Blake wanted to get to know the same things his brother saw.

"Uh...sure..." Pyro gave a hesitant smile, then quickly shoved a forkful of something into his mouth, not sure what else to say. Why was Blake suddenly so interested in him? He hadn't seemed all that interested when Deacon and he had struck up their friendship again. Then again, maybe Deacon hadn't told him. That seemed like something Deacon would forget to mention, he thought of his friend with fond amusement.

The rest of the meal passed in a similar way, with smaller individual conversations going on. As clean-up finished, Natasha turned to her son with a smile. "I was going to go shopping and pick up a few things. I know you don't really like shopping, but I thought it might be good to get out of the compound together for a while."

Lincoln blinked at the suggestion, then grinned. "I'd like that a lot..." he said quickly, afraid that she might change her mind if he didn't show a quick interest.

Natasha's smile grew bigger and she wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "We can take one of the cars..." she suggested, steering him towards the garage.

Lincoln grinned widely. "Can I drive?" he asked, with a teasing grin. Since being deaged, his driver's license wouldn't pass muster if they got pulled over for any reason and he didn't look old enough to drive.

"I think we'd better save that for when you're back to your normal age," Natasha said gently, heading to one of her 'usual' vehicles.

Lincoln sighed loudly, but it was obvious he was just fooling around and didn't really care. "Okay, mom..." He smiled. "...Do we have a list?" he asked curiously, wondering what they needed to get that wouldn't have been ordered through the usual means.

Natasha nodded. "One of the things we're going to be looking for is plant food. We're not entirely certain what Groot eats, but we don't want him to starve or not get the nutrients he needs. It can't hurt to find things low on sugar and salt, too... for your new aunts."

Lincoln nodded. "It likely wouldn't hurt to have that for some of the others who have a tendency to indulge in sugar when they think no one is looking..." he said vaguely, not giving up any names, but knowing it would get his mother's attention and she'd start watching and likely give the appropriate parent a heads up if necessary. He didn't want to 'tell' on his cousins...but a few of them ate entirely too many 'junk-food' items. The doctor in him worried.

"I'll keep that in mind," Natasha promised, giving him a gentle squeeze before letting go so they could get into the car. "How are you doing with all this?" she asked as they buckled themselves in.

"With what? Being shrunk into a smaller, younger version of myself that can't practice medicine after years of study and interning? Or having umpteen people show up to help out and having nearly all of them joining the family at such a rapid pace that I'm not sure who's adopting who?" Lincoln snorted, then buckled his seatbelt before slumping back into the seat. "I'm a bit overwhelmed, to be honest..." he admitted, with a quiet sigh.

"I know," Natasha replied, understanding. "It's one of the reasons I thought we could take this trip. Give us some time together in surroundings that might be a bit quieter."

"I should have known you'd notice and know what to do to help me..." Lincoln gave his mother a crooked grin. "How are you handling it all? I mean- I guess in a way you're used to getting new family...but Grandpa moves so quick to claim those he feels a connection to, it makes my head spin!"

Natasha smiled. "It's not so unusual. After all, it took a day for me to act on my connection to you. It might be more noticeable with your Grandpa because of the amount he feels that with." She took a moment or two as they drove out of the compound and then continued, "I think he acts so quickly because of losing Grant when he was just a baby. I came along after he adopted Clint, so the effects of that loss weren't as strong. But even then, I could tell he still carried the memory."

"He has Grant back now...but I guess that isn't something you'd ever really get over..." Lincoln bit his lip. "Grandpa has a big heart...All the family do, really. I'm lucky you found me...."

Natasha freed one hand from the steering wheel so she could take his. "I'm glad I found you," she said honestly. "It might have been unexpected, but it's made me happy that I have you in my life."

"I love you, mom..." Lincoln said, almost bashfully.

Natasha's face lit up with her smile. "I love you too," she said affectionately, squeezing his hand.

Lincoln squeezed back and didn't retrieve his hand after, content to continue holding his mom's hand for as long as she didn't need it to drive. Soon, they had reached the area where they were going to pick up the supplies, though.

Natasha let go of his hand so they could unbuckle the seatbelts and then got out of the car, waiting for her son to get out before locking the door and then walking next to him into the supermarket.

Lincoln didn't feel the need to wander off, instead sticking close to his mother while they picked up the various items. They'd made certain to get a wide variety of plant foods so that Groot could pick the one he liked best; and it wasn't as if they couldn't use the items in the gardens if Groot ended up not liking any of them or ate human food (he hadn't noticed the tiny alien eating, so he wasn't sure). Even following his mother and trusting that she was keeping an eye on everything, he still kept his own eyes and ears open.

Natasha was on her guard...paying attention. She was too well-trained not to. Even so, as she began to pay, her back was to the shop window. She missed a heavily pregnant woman stumbling and falling to the pavement outside.

Lincoln hadn't missed the woman falling and within seconds of seeing it, he was running outside to help her, completely neglecting to tell his mother what had happened or where he was going. He just knew she needed help.

The woman hadn't fallen for no reason. As soon as Lincoln appeared outside, a man was there, hauling the woman to her feet. His body was angled so that a glance at him didn't immediately reveal the gun in his hand, but he had it pressed to the woman's side.

"Hey! Ma'am...are you alright?" Lincoln hadn't been impressed with the aggressive way that the man had lifted the woman up, so gave the man a suspicious look, even as he moved closer to try and do a quick scan of the woman to see if there were any quickly visible injuries. He never let the man completely out of his sight, having learned enough during his months as Natasha's son to know that might be a bad idea.

The woman, hoping that the man would let her go with witnesses, began struggling, her eyes wide and fearful.

Natasha had caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned, her eyes sweeping over her son and the people he was standing too close to. She saw the gun instantly and was running out of the store, even as a van pulled up outside and several heavily armed men jumped out.

Lincoln's eyes widened as he realized the man wasn't helping the woman and he'd walked into a kidnapping attempt. He immediately yelled at the man with the gun to try and startle him into moving the gun away from the woman so he could attempt to get her out of the way. He saw his mother coming and knew, as long as she had a clear shot of the attackers and didn't need to worry about the woman, that she'd have a better chance of taking them out...and he had no doubts that she could take them out.

Natasha wasted no time in firing on the man with the gun on the woman, helped by the fact her son's shouting had caused the man to find a new target... Lincoln. She took him out as the barrel swung on her son and then quickly turned to fire on the others, keeping her own body protectively between Lincoln and the woman.

Lincoln had quickly moved in, grabbing the gun before helping the woman move into a protected alcove and standing in front of her, guarding her and his mother against someone sneaking up from behind. He stayed out of the fight, though, not wanting to get in his mother's way.

It didn't take long for Natasha to take out the men. Even alone, she was a formidable opponent. Most of them would likely recover, but by the time she was done, they were all unconscious.

Natasha quickly checked her son over for injuries as she called the incident in.

Lincoln was immediately checking the pregnant woman over as soon as he saw it was safe to do so, asking her the questions needed to determine if there was an emergency that needed immediate action or if she could wait for the emergency services he knew his mother would have called in. He calmed the woman down and kindly suggested she go with the paramedics to make certain nothing was wrong, but also told her his 'limited' knowledge from his beginners Paramedic course let him think she was alright. It calmed her down, at least.

Soon, the authorities and paramedics were there and in control of the situation. Lincoln looked at Natasha for further instruction. He'd never been in one of these situations before; not since Lorelei first showed up and that had been different, as no one but family had got involved.

Natasha moved nearer to her son, calmly identifying herself and giving a statement. It was impossible to tell what she might be thinking, but she did suggest that one of the Avengers might like to question the men. She also stayed close to Lincoln when he was questioned, but didn't communicate to him to control any of his answers regarding what had just happened.

Lincoln cooperated fully with the authorities telling them exactly what he'd seen, what he'd done in response and what had occurred after. He handed the gun he'd taken off of the fallen thug to the appropriate officer and gave his information so that he could be found. His prints were on file, due to the fact he'd volunteered to work with children while still in school and he'd been required to do a background check; he let them know that. Then he waited while the paramedics asked him questions about what he'd witnessed regarding the woman and what he'd done to help her prior to them arriving. Soon, everyone was satisfied and he was told that they would call if they needed anything else. He looked toward Natasha, as if to ask what they would do now. The groceries were still inside the store; it looked like the cashier had set them aside when she realized what was going on outside. "You already paid?" he asked hesitantly, biting his lip and looking like he wanted to go in and grab an armful of bags so he could avoid answering his mother's questions. She hadn't said anything and to any other observer, she'd look like nothing was wrong; but he could sense she was upset. He just wasn't sure if she was upset from worry about him or angry at him.

Natasha nodded, gently brushing her hand over his shoulder. "If you need to take a few minutes to settle, we don't have to grab them straight away," she said. She knew it was scary to have a gun trained on you. She'd managed to act before it had been fired, but seeing it aimed at her son had been terrifying. Very suddenly, she hugged him tight to herself.

Lincoln blinked as he found himself pressed against his mother, his face against her shoulder. Hesitantly, he reached around and began to hug her back, but soon he was holding on just as tightly, closing his eyes and forcing himself to breathe deep because, now that the adrenaline was wearing off, he was beginning to realize just how much danger there had been and that he'd been the focal point for a large part of it. "Yeah...ok...I...I'm okay..." he whispered, although it was obvious he was trying to convince himself just as much as Natasha.

Natasha just held on tightly to him, taking a deep breath to calm herself as she reminded herself he was safe. He hadn't been shot. "You're safe," she whispered to him.

"I'm safe..." he whispered back, "...You have me...." Swallowing, he squeezed just a slight bit more tightly before reluctantly letting go and stepping back, taking another deep breath. "...Uh...Let me grab the bags. We can...we can go home..." he said hesitantly, still a bit shell-shocked after everything that had occurred, but quickly regaining his bearings.

Natasha nodded. "I think that would be best." Later, she was going to take a look at those notes his cousin Werner had taken. It seemed too much of a coincidence that men had been attempting to kidnap an obviously pregnant woman, knowing that HYDRA had been taking children and giving them manufactured childhoods. Unwilling to let her son out of her sight, she headed into the store with him to grab the bags.

They had quickly loaded the car and then got in, Lincoln buckling his seatbelt and remaining subdued all the way home. If his hand slowly inched its way over the center console until he could hold onto the hem of his mother's t-shirt; well, he didn't even seem to realize that he was acting like the scared teenager he currently was. It didn't take long to get home, but it took longer than he would have liked.

It didn't take long at all to get the car unloaded. Natasha wrapped an arm around her son's shoulders as soon as her hands were free, tapping out a message to her father and the rest of the parents about what had just happened and her suspicions.

Lincoln pressed closer to his mother, reluctant to leave her side now, even if they were safe at home. He looked up when the other parents started filing into the family room, his face lighting up when he saw his grandfather. "Grandpa!" he called out, with a hint of relief...though he wrapped his arms more tightly around his mother's waist instead of rushing over to the older man to give him a hug. He was just very happy to see all his family safe at home and not out where the 'bad men' could hurt them.

Coulson smiled warmly at his grandson, noticing the way Lincoln clung to his mother. "Why don't you both sit down next to me?" he suggested, patting the seat on one side of him on the extra-long sofa. There was plenty of space on his other side for any of his kids or grandkids who wanted to snuggle.

Lincoln quickly moved so that he was sat between his mother and grandfather, being bracketed by the two of them easing a bit more of his 'fear' that he wouldn't even admit to himself that he had.

Bobbi and Grant came in and saw their older sister and nephew and knew immediately something had happened. Bobbi went to sit on Coulson's other side, while Grant went and sat next to his sister in a bid to make her feel better, since she was obviously worried about something, although most of her focus seemed to be on Lincoln.

Trip and Brock followed their father into the room, Ward trailing behind holding Kara. "Since I'm less likely to be needed for whatever is about to happen, do you want me to watch the kids?" he asked Fury softly, cuddling Kara a bit more close and nodding toward Peter, Harry, Cassie and Ace, who had all followed their family members into the room.

Darcy shifted so she was close to Ward. "I can help him..." she offered.

Natasha still had her arm wrapped around Lincoln's shoulders, holding him close against her side. She gave Grant a small smile as he sat next to her, but didn't say anything.

Coulson wrapped one arm around Bobbi's shoulders and the other hand rested gently on Lincoln's shoulder. He could tell that his daughter was upset and his grandson was shaken.

Fury smiled at Ward and nodded to Darcy. "That would be a help," he answered. "I can always tell you anything you need to know afterwards."

Steve arrived only seconds after, quickly moving to take a seat and looking towards Natasha and Lincoln.

Ward nodded and smiled at the younger kids. "C'mon, gang! I think I saw a jar of popcorn kernels in the kitchen cupboard and feel like making actual non-microwave popcorn. Come help me?"

Darcy grinned. "I have a better idea. We can pop the corn and then make popcorn balls!"

Lincoln waited until the children (and Ward and Darcy) were completely out of the room before blurting, "We stopped a kidnapping and there were bad men with guns and the woman was pregnant and Mom really kicked ass!" he glanced at Steve and blushed. "....Er I mean kicked butt, sir!"

Tony pressed his lips tightly together and managed not to laugh. Barely.

Steve managed to keep a straight face too, though it was easier, given the seriousness of the situation. "Were you able to see who the men might have worked for?" he asked Natasha.

"They didn't wear any team colours," Natasha replied, "but it wouldn't surprise me if they were with HYDRA. They've been taken into custody. I think someone should take a look at those notes Werner made...maybe ask him if he noticed anything that might indicate they've gone from taking children to taking pregnant women."

Tony nodded, glancing around the room and motioned Werner forward. "When those who had you captive were talking, do you remember any of them mentioning taking children or pregnant women?" he asked softly, not wanting to upset the younger man, but knowing the information was important.

Mike was frowning at what Natasha said, not liking the implications. He thought back to the notes Werner had made that he'd read, trying to recall if any of them mentioned anything such as Natasha described.

Werner swallowed, but forced himself to think back...even though he knew he'd written down everything he'd heard. "I have near perfect recall," he answered hesitantly. "They only mentioned some children they already had in safehouses, the ones you already all hit. They didn't say anything about taking pregnant women." He was fairly sure they would have spoken freely in front of him. After all, they'd planned to kill him.

"It could be a new development," Coulson said quietly. "Particularly given that we have been raiding the places they've been keeping the children."

Mike nodded. "I think you're right. None of the notes you wrote mentioned pregnant women and while I'm sure they weren't quite as open around me as they were you, since I was attacking them at the time, I don't recall running across any files or information that they had where it was mentioned."

"So now they're going to kidnap kids before they are even born?" Grant sounded horrified.

"We've been hitting them hard where they have the children," Fury said. "I think we'd better see if we can track down any pregnant women who have disappeared. Skye and her team will be able to spot any patterns and pass those onto us."

Bucky was nodding. "As soon as we have a pattern, hopefully we can get the information needed to shut them down even further. Is there some way to get a warning out to the public without causing mass hysteria?"

"I think we'll have to work on that," Steve said thoughtfully. "Tony, perhaps you and I can work on a slightly more pointed than usual safety message."

"Yes, sir. I'll see if we can get some of the PR team from Stark Industries to help with it. Pepper's set up a great PR team to deal with all the questionable problems I get into...I'm sure they'd love the chance to work on something that will help protect innocent women and children." He smiled.

Pepper nodded at Tony's words, though the look in her eye was a bit uneasy; normally, she'd be the one contacting SI's personal relations team to come up with a plan to get information out. The fact that Tony was doing so only emphasized the fact that she couldn't do the one thing she was good at: run the company. She glanced around at all the other deaged members of the family and saw the same look of loss and frustration. They were feeling useless too, she could tell.

Steve noticed the look on his daughter's face and placed a hand gently on her shoulder, squeezing lightly. "If you think of anything else, let us know...." he said to both Natasha and Lincoln.

Natasha nodded. "Of course."

Pepper gave Steve a tiny, if crooked, smile that didn't fully meet her eyes, but she didn't pull away and instead pressed closer. "Mom and Dad want to go sight-seeing..." she said softly to no-one in particular, but knew that Steve would hear and listen. "Can I take them? Maybe Great-Grandpa Charles can go with us, if you're worried about us being alone. He can contact someone really quick if something comes up...."

Lincoln nodded. "Yessir..." he answered and fought a yawn. The adrenalin had completely worn off by now and he was left sleepy.

Steve nodded. "So long as you make sure to keep your phones on, just in case," he directed.

Natasha gently stroked Lincoln's shoulder, indicating they could probably get up now.

Lincoln looked at his mother, then leaned over and gave Coulson a tight hug before standing up and leaning into her.

Pepper nodded vigorously. "Yes, daddy!" Her smile was a bit more genuine this time, as she thought she could at least spend time with her mom and dad and help them have a good time. She glanced toward Charles. "Can you come with us, Great-grandpa?" she asked hopefully.

Logan's eyes squinted suspiciously, like he was very amused at Charles being called great-grandpa, since Charles was actually chronologically younger than him and the same age as Steve. He didn't say anything, though; he didn't want Pepper to think he was teasing her and he actually thought it was quite sweet that the 'children' had made connections to him and the rest of his family.

Natasha wrapped her arms tight around her son, leading him from the room and heading to the family rooms. Specifically, to hers.

Charles smiled at the name and was quick to nod. "I would like that, very much," he replied.

Pepper clapped her hands and squealed in excitement, before realizing she'd just behaved like a teenager and blushed darkly. "I'll...just...go get mom and dad..." she stuttered, before running out of the room to go find the older couple.


Lincoln didn't question being led from the family room and to his mother's room, although he did give her a questioning look. After what had occurred, he wasn't exactly ready to leave her side anyway. And he was obviously tired, since he couldn't stop yawning. He figured she just planned to have him nap where she could keep an eye on him.

Entering her room, Natasha led him over to the bed and took a seat, gently drawing her son down to sit on the bed next to her. For a few moments, she just held onto him. She'd done a good job of hiding exactly how scared she'd been for his safety right after the fight, but she was fairly certain the other members of their family had seen something of it. And talking about what had occurred had made it necessary to relive that moment. She stroked her son's hair and spoke in a quiet voice. "I've had guns pointed at me before. I've seen guns pointed at people I care about before. This was the first time I've ever felt I could be paralysed with fear at the sight of an enemy poised to shoot. To shoot at my son."

Lincoln blinked at her words, snuggling closer and holding more tightly. He felt a tiny spear of guilt that she'd felt that way, because of him, but didn't know what to say to help her feel better. He'd been scared, too, but not for himself. He'd had every confidence that Natasha would protect him. "I knew you'd protect me..." he finally said, with all the confidence a fifteen-year-old could display in a parent that he trusted completely.

"Always," Natasha promised, her thumb gently stroking his cheek. "But if I'm not there...if I don't know that you've left my side...I won't know straight away that you need me." She gently touched his chin, encouraging him to look into her eyes. "One split second can make a big difference, no matter how good I am."

Lincoln blinked and thought back on the events at the store and realized that Natasha had only arrived after the man had drawn his gun and pointed it at Lincoln. If she'd been there from the moment Lincoln had arrived on the scene, the man likely wouldn't have got so far as to point the gun at him and would have been incapacitated before the men in the van had even had a chance to get out. Biting his lip, he looked up into her eyes. "I just ran to help her; I didn't think beyond that..." he admitted apologetically, realizing he should have at least said 'Mom!' to get her attention before running out.

"I know," Natasha replied. "You weren't wrong to want to help her and I would never try to stop you from helping someone in need. But you have to be safe and not take unnecessary chances. Running out without telling me, without letting me know the situation, wasn't safe."

Lincoln thought about that and knew she was right. When training to be a doctor, he'd taken a class on emergency first-aid...a class that was open to the general public so that, if they were first on a scene able to respond, they could help someone until more advanced help arrived. (He'd thought it would be a good idea to familiarize himself with what might be done to the patients he would be seeing once they were in the hospital; not to mention, just because he was planning to be a doctor, it didn't mean he wouldn't ever be a first-responder.) One of the first things they taught was when rushing in to help someone in need, you first quickly observed what you were rushing into, so that you didn't accidently become part of the emergency. He'd failed to observe the surroundings before rushing in and he hadn't yelled out for help before doing so (another thing they were trained to do). If he had done both of those things, his mother would have been aware and right with him the whole time, instead of coming into the situation a minute behind him. "...I'm...I'm sorry?" he said hesitantly, not sure if an apology was what she was looking for, but knowing he had to at least acknowledge he'd messed up.

"I know," Natasha said again, holding back a sigh. This was going to be the first time she'd ever had to punish her son...step in with anyone, even. She tightened her embrace around him a fraction, not wanting to scare or worry him, and gently stroked his cheek. "Do you remember the conversation we had just before you became officially mine? About rules and consequences?"

Lincoln swallowed hard. He remembered. He also remembered that he hadn't been all that concerned about it, because he couldn't see how he would ever be in a position where he would do anything to break the rules and suffer the consequences. And yet, here he was. "...I remember..." he finally said, his voice going high and cracking embarrassingly. He turned pink.

Natasha kissed his forehead. "What happened today...you being in that kind of danger...shouldn't have happened." If she'd been a second slower.... "I'm going to put you over my knee. I'm going to spank you. Because you are too important to me and I don't want you doing something again that would risk taking you away from me."

Lincoln whimpered softly, but he didn't argue and in fact pressed closer to his mother, as if seeking reassurance that, even if she was punishing his behavior, she wasn't upset or angry at him.

Natasha held him tightly for a few more moments. "I love you," she whispered in his ear, before gently moving him over her lap.

Lincoln knew if he were taller, this would be more awkward; but he'd shrunk quite a bit due to the de-aging and found he fit perfectly over her knees. Sniffling pathetically because he felt sorry for himself and he felt guilty, he wriggled around a tiny bit to get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as it was possible to be when your bottom was the part of your body that was in the highest position relative to the floor. Hesitantly, he reached down and wrapped his arms around her lower leg and held tightly.

Natasha adjusted his position slightly, to be certain he wouldn't fall even if he started squirming, and then proceeded to bare him. She took a few moments to rub his back and then lifted her hand, bringing it down in the first firm smack, nowhere near as hard as she could have made it. She repeated the swat and then landed two more, still at the same force.

Lincoln closed his eyes tight and whimpered when he felt his pants being tugged down. He didn't argue, though and as embarrassing as it was to be over his mother's lap, bare bottom in perfect position, it was more embarrassing that he'd done something to deserve being in that position. And then the first smack fell and he gasped, holding his breath through the next three swats before exhaling with a high pitched whine. He didn't know how hard a spanking normally was, or if she was delivering one at full-strength, but it hurt! And between guilt at how he'd scared her so badly and the fact that his fifteen-year-old emotions and hormones had him all kinds of out-of-sorts, it didn't take more than those three swats for him to begin crying. Embarrassing!

Natasha could hear him crying, but although she felt bad about causing him that kind of pain, she knew she couldn't stop before they reached the needed point. No matter how hard it was. Steeling herself, she continued the firm smacks down to his thighs and then began from the top again. Partway through the second circuit, she began to speak. "I love you, Lincoln. It didn't take me long to realise I wanted you when we met. I felt drawn to you straight away. But I haven't had you for very long at all. We haven't even had a full year together. There's still so much waiting for us."

Lincoln continued to cry, though he tried to control it enough that he could hear what she was saying, the effort causing his body to quiver slightly.

Natasha kept her other hand on his lower back, rubbing it gently while she continued to spank him, completing the second circuit and beginning a third - though she didn't go any harder or faster. "I came out the moment I realised you were out there," she said, "but even then, he already had the gun pointed at you. My whole life is about acting and reacting. On the outside, I was fighting to protect you. On the inside... all I wanted was to hold you and feel you were safe."

Lincoln tightened his grip on his mother's leg at those words and gasped out a tiny sob. "I'm sorry, Momma...I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Di...didnmean to scare you...." he managed to force out between the sobs that wouldn't stop coming. "I'm sorry, Momma..." he said again, brokenly, letting himself go limp over her lap and just accepting the punishment.

Natasha immediately brought the spanking to a stop, wasting no time in gathering her son into her arms, hugging him tightly to herself. "I love you," she reiterated, whispering in his ear, kissing his cheek.

Lincoln let out a tiny whimper, squirming until he was curled up in his mother's arms as close and tight as he could get, and snuggled. "I love you too, momma..." he whispered. He didn't know what to feel. The whole day had ended up being a test; between the anxiety of running into HYDRA kidnapping someone and almost being shot...and now getting his bottom warmed by his mother... a bone-deep weariness was overcoming him. Sniffling, he snuggled more. "Hurts..." he admitted in a tiny voice. It had hurt a lot more than he had expected. Although that might be because he was having a hard time controlling his emotions. He didn't know. He stifled a yawn and held onto his mother more tightly.

Natasha kissed his head and hugged him tighter. "I know. The pain will fade," she promised. "But you're safe here. You're safe with me. I've got you...."

"Forever?" he asked in a tiny voice, letting himself glance up at her...needing to see in her face that he hadn't made her regret adopting him by his thoughtless actions.

Natasha stroked his hair. "Forever," she promised. "You're mine. Nothing is going to change that. I love you, no matter what happens."

"Love you too, momma..." Lincoln whispered, letting his eyes fall closed. He was just so tired, he couldn't keep them open any longer. Soon, he was sound asleep on her lap.

Natasha didn't let him go, only shifting enough to replace his clothing. Holding onto her son felt easy. Right. Natural. And it wasn't like she minded having him fall asleep on her.


It was several hours later and Pepper, her mother and father and Charles returned from sight-seeing. They'd taken all the younger children with them: Laura, Peter, Harry, Cassie, Ace and even Kara, so that the 'adults' could focus on the newest threat from HYDRA. Ward and Darcy had accompanied them as well to help out with the children. They'd ended their sight seeing tour at a playground in town. Of course, now it was almost dinner time, so they were returning back home. Pepper's parents had had a wonderful time with their daughter and all the other children; or at least Pepper hoped they had. They were smiling, so she assumed that they did.

While both Pepper's parents had enjoyed themselves, they were both very elderly and the day's events had tired them out somewhat. With a smile at the enthusiastic younger members of the family, Pepper's mother placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I think we might have to retire for the evening, dear," she said.

Pepper blinked, the evidence of her parents' age and how much it affected them clear. "Do you want me to bring you something to eat in your room?" she asked quietly, worry obvious in her voice.

Her father smiled. "That would be nice. Perhaps we could join you all for breakfast," he suggested.

"That'd be nice." She smiled back. "If you want to go get ready for bed, I'll bring your dinner...."

Her parents hugged both her and Harry and then went to their room.

Pepper quickly made plates for both of them then took them their food and drink. She returned shortly after and sat down next to Steve. "So..,lotsa new family..." she said, before glancing around the table curiously.


Wade gave Colossus an eye roll. "Why do I have to stay in tonight? It isn't like I can actually be hurt by those idiot HYDRA morons..." he griped. "I want to go out and get a few beers."

"I will not argue with you about this," Colossus stated. "It is not safe to go out and get a few beers. And I do not believe it will be 'just a few' in any case."

"Oh for fuck sake! Nothing will happen to me! You know how fast I heal! Stop being a worry wart! It's such a downer!" Wade moaned and spoke loudly enough pretty much everyone could hear his discontent.

"Healing fast does not mean you should take chances," Colossus stated. "And you are not the only one who can be endangered by your actions."

"Just drop it, Wade," Vanessa suggested, noticing the look in the giant's eyes. It wasn't really her responsibility to get her fiance's butt out of the fire, but she really didn't want to see him land himself in trouble. Again.

"I don't want to drop it!" Wade complained. "I'm not a kid! And no one else is at risk if I go by myself! Just because someone wants to be Bossy McBossypants!"

"You may not be a 'kid', but you are my responsibility," Colossus stated, taking a step nearer to him.

"Let's go and get something to eat," Vanessa quickly decided, motioning for Soni to exit the room with her.

"Whatever..." Soni rolled her eyes, but followed Vanessa out the door.

"I didn't ask you to be!" Wade's voice rose in frustration and he stomped his foot much like the kid he protested against being.

In the dining room, the various teens and children were giving each other nervous looks. Soni noticed them when she walked in and snorted. "He's always pushing...don't worry bout it."

"You need me to be." With that firmly stated, Colossus moved close enough to Wade so he could pick the smaller man up and drape him over his metal knees.

"What? Wait! What? What are you doing!? No! Stoooop!" Wade had started out forcefully, but had quickly ended up whining. He didn't bother wasting energy try to fight his way free. He'd been in this position often enough to know it was futile.

"I have warned you, Wade. You know what pushing will get you." Colossus bared Wade and then brought his hand down in the first swat, his hand big enough to cover Wade's entire bottom and thighs at once.

"Oooooow!" Wade screeched so loudly, he was sure it could be heard in the town. "I...I just wanted to go out!" he wailed. He still didn't try and get away, though and only wriggled enough to encourage Colossus to hold him more securely.

"And I told you that you could not." Colossus tightened his hold on Wade and continued to swat him, careful to only use a fraction of his strength.

"You never want me to go anywhere," Wade cried. "Ever since I got cut in half, you don't let me do anything fun!" His wriggling was mostly just for show...it was obvious that just the act of taking him in hand was calming him...he'd been antsy all day...full of energy. He wasn't fighting all that hard, even if he was being loud.

"Your idea of 'fun' is dangerous," Colossus replied, his hand emphasising what he was saying. "When you were cut in half, you were unable to defend yourself. Even healing eventually does not mean you can defend yourself."

"I didn't die, though! And I got better! I always get better!" Wade's voice shook as the pain of the spanking and the knowledge that Colossus was doing this because he genuinely cared caused tears to begin forming in his eyes and throat. Even though he knew he'd deliberately set out to get into trouble because he wanted Colossus' attention. He wriggled some more, his bottom raising slightly as if inviting more attention from his solid, giant friend.

"That does not mean you should invite danger," Colossus replied, responding to that 'invitation' by putting just a little bit more force behind the swats. "You can still be hurt even though you heal."

"Why d...d...does it ..matter?" Wade didn't even attempt to stop the tears once they started, just letting himself cry.

"Because you matter," Colossus said without hesitation. "To me. I do not want you to be hurt. It grieves me to see you suffer."

Wade sniffled, whispering so that only Colossus could hear; he may not mind the entire household knowing he was being spanked and why, but he didn't want anyone knowing what he was admitting to his friend. "I...I need to hurt sometimes...."

"The way you get yourself hurt is not safe or healthy." In response to Wade whispering, Colossus lowered his own voice as much as he could...not that he'd been any louder than what was, for him, a normal speaking level.

"I...I know you're right..." Wade reluctantly admitted, still crying and not ashamed to let Colossus see. He tried to wriggle away again; even if Colossus wasn't using full strength, it hurt. Then again, wasn't that what he'd been wanting all along? He stiffened as he realized his 'need' was being met, then let out a tiny sigh of relief. "Shoulda just asked him to help in the first place..." he said to the floor.

He was still squirming, but this time it was to encourage Colossus to continue- not stop- the punishment. Yeah, it made him feel like an out of control child when Colossus took him in hand like this- vulnerable and needy and like a disobedient brat- but it also helped him feel less lost and like he'd be alright in the end.

Colossus let his other hand rest on Wade's back, even while his spanking hand continued to methodically smack his friend's bottom. He didn't increase the force any, tugging Wade in closer to himself.

Wade calmed slightly at the feeling of his friend's hand on his back, just focusing on Colossus and what he was doing- and why. "I'm sorry I'm so messed up..." he said softly, "...That I do things that worry and frustrate you. That you have to take care of me...." He swallowed. The swatting had hurt before, but after a few minutes of relentless smacking, it was painful even when he wasn't receiving a smack. Wade was fast reaching the point where he'd go beyond having his need to hurt being addressed and fall into that hazy area where he'd promise to be good and obedient and do whatever Colossus said to get the pain to stop; and he didn't like when he reached that point.

It scared him because it meant he wasn't in charge of himself anymore. It meant he'd put himself into Colossus's hands. It wasn't that letting Colossus be in charge scared him, either; he trusted the big metal man to not abuse any authority or power he'd been given. He trusted that Colossus would make sure he was okay and, truth be told, would make sure that he was better than when Wade was in charge of himself. No...what scared him was that he wanted to do that and he couldn't figure out why. He certainly never had that urge to behave for anyone else and if anyone other than Colossus had insisted he be a better man and had spanked him into being good, he would have done the exact opposite of what they wanted just to be contrary. But Colossus? "...He's my big brother...want him proud of me..." he whispered again at the floor.

"I...I don't need to hurt anymore..." he finally whispered with a pained groan. He didn't tell Colossus to stop. They'd been down this path too many times for him to think he had any chance of telling the bigger man that the punishment was over if the giant didn't think he'd reached the needed point. Of course, the needed point usually involved Wade admitting he had been wrong, apologizing contritely and accepting that his brother was in charge and he had no say in what was happening to his poor mistreated ass.

"You do not 'make' me take care of you," Colossus answered. "I choose to. I choose to take care of you because you are my brother and I love you." He didn't bring the spanking to a stop. Even though Wade didn't feel the need to be hurt anymore, Colossus was fairly sure stopping before the needed point would leave his little brother frustrated and antsy. Wade needed to let go. To surrender. "I am proud of you," he continued, addressing Wade's comment to the 'invisible people'. He wanted the other man to realise that; to know how important he was.

Wade snorted somewhat unhappily at Colossus' words of pride in him. "Dunno how you can be proud of me. I'm not a good man...do bad things all the time. Been doing them for the right reason more often now, cuz of you, but still bad..." he muttered sadly. He blinked as he realized he'd begun wriggling again, this time without thinking; his body trying to get his backside out of the line of fire, even if he'd resigned himself to being spanked till he couldn't sit the rest of the night- or at least until his healing kicked in and made it stop hurting. Colossus still had a hand on his back, though and Wade knew he was in no danger. He was secure over his brother's knee and wouldn't fall. If he could just get the big guy to target a different spot on his bum, it would be perfect, but to do that, he'd actually have to ask and that was...well hell. It wasn't embarrassing really. He'd pretty much asked for this butt roasting. Why stop at that? "C...could...could you please smack somewhere different?" he whined, almost begged. At this point, he'd be happy if Colossus just smacked his sit spots repeatedly if it got him to focus on a different part of his posterior. Not his thighs, though. "...Oh fuck, I shoulda specified not my thighs..." he moaned under his breath.

Colossus wasn't entirely sure he should let Wade dictate how the spanking should go; but then again, this spanking wasn't because Wade had done anything really wrong, but more because Colossus was figuring out how to respond to his little brother's needs. He paid attention to Wade, moving his hand further down so it was no longer landing in exactly the same place.

Wade was actually surprised that Colossus had listened to him; usually if he was being punished, his brother gave him no say whatsoever in how the punishment would occur. It was then that Wade realized Colossus wasn't punishing him. Oh, sure, he'd been a right pain in the neck for the last several hours: arguing, demanding and outright defying Colossus' wishes in regards to Wade going out like he'd wanted to do; but his brother wasn't punishing him. He was trying to give him what he needed so that Wade wouldn't go off and try and take care of things on his own where Colossus couldn't help him if needed. Because the big lunk of metal really did care what happened to him...really cared about him.

That realization caused Wade to stiffen up as a feeling of guilt so intense (he'd really been giving the bigger man grief) speared through him and he realized he didn't want to hurt Colossus. He didn't want the other man unhappy. And he definitely didn't want him unhappy or hurt because Wade was an idiot who took forever to realize when people actually wanted him around and cared about him and wanted to protect him from himself. "Oh, shit...I'm...I'm sorry, Big Guy..." he whimpered. "...I'm so...sorry. I...I didn't mean...I know...I...." For once, words failed him and he couldn't think of one thing to say that would indicate he'd finally realized what Colossus was doing, or that he regretted making life so difficult for the other man. Words failed him and the only thing he could do was start crying; genuinely this time, instead of the big fat crocodile tears he'd been releasing before. "I didn't mean..." he whispered sadly again, before slumping over Colossus's knee and just choking on his tears.

Colossus brought the spanking to a stop, wasting no time in bringing his brother into his arms, hugging him tight and close to himself. "You do not give yourself enough credit. You assume the worst, but I have always wanted to keep you safe. To take care of you, even though you can take care of and protect yourself. You do not need me to allow you to walk all over me," he said firmly.

Still crying, Wade twisted around so that he could wrap his arms around his brother and nodded. "...Sh...shouldn' tryin walk over you...not righ..." he gulped out. "...So so sorry..." he sobbed. He didn't often feel guilty for anything he did. But the way he'd been treating Colossus? When all the man wanted was to keep him safe? He felt horribly guilty about it. He just didn't know what to do about it. "...You...you should 'ate me the w..way I t..treat you...." If he thought he'd be able to follow through, he'd promise to obey Colossus from here out, no matter what the older man told him. But he knew he wouldn't keep a promise like that. And he didn't want to make things worse by breaking promises to his brother.

Colossus tightened his embrace around his brother. "I do not hate you. I could never hate you. I would never hate you." His voice was as soft as his hulking size would allow him to make it, but rang with sincerity.

"Cuz you're good..." Wade mumbled against the giant's chest. Sniffling, he finally managed to calm himself, but he didn't pull away. He just shifted slightly, wincing at the ache in his backside, and took a deep breath. "I...I am sorry for how I treated you...." He swallowed. "...Can't help but feel like I deserve to be punished for that. Wish I could say I'd never be bad again, but I know me and that'd end up being a lie." He sighed. "...You said before that...that you'd rather I come to you when I needed...something...instead of doing dangerous stuff...." He paused uncertainly.

"That is still true," Colossus replied, without any hesitation. "Even if it is difficult for you to put voice to, letting me help you is safer than the way you normally handle your feelings."

"I...I've been doing stuff you wouldn't like pretty much every night for the last two weeks..." he admitted in shame. "I feel stupid coming and asking you to spank me, but...it works better than those other things...maybe cuz I'm not doing it to myself...I dunno...." Wade swallowed hard. "Would...is it...?" He sighed and muttered to the ground again, "With all the crazy, shameless, idiotic stuff I do where I don't care how it makes me look, you'd think it wouldn't be so hard to ask my brother to spank me every night until this itchiness leaves me alone. It isn't like I'm embarrassed to want that...." Wade knew that, even if he wasn't embarrassed to want or need it, it wasn't something people normally requested of platonic friends, even if they were more family. Colossus might feel uncomfortable from the request and he'd already caused the man enough grief.

Concerned with his brother voicing that he had been doing dangerous stunts, Colossus rested his hand on the back of Wade's head. "There is nothing wrong with putting voice to what you need and if you need me to turn you over my knee and spank you until you feel more settled, then I will. I will do what you need," he said seriously.

"Thanks, Big Guy..." Wade gave Colossus a crooked smile. "I don't like worrying or upsetting you...maybe this will help me not do so."

"And if it can help you to feel more settled, it will be worth doing," Colossus replied seriously, making sure Wade knew he was the priority.

"Thank you..." Wade said again, before giving his brother a tight hug. Taking a deep breath, he stood and fixed his clothing, wincing at the sting but smiling happily. "Shall we go get dinner? See how many of the kids I scared with my caterwauling?" His smile turned sheepishly amused.

Colossus stood as well, wrapping an arm around Wade's shoulders. "Having spent time with you, I am certain they would not be surprised by what has just happened," he teased his brother.

"Ha! You are not wrong..." Wade chuckled. "You don't think I traumatized the toddler, do you?" he asked, with a hint of worry.

"I'm sure her family can take care of her," Colossus answered, as he guided his brother from the room.

When Wade walked into the dining area and saw all eyes turn toward him with a mixture of worry and curiosity, he couldn't help doing a little jig and grinning. "Yes, I am a screamer!" He gave a lascivious wink toward Vanessa and wiggled his butt before going and sitting down next to Colossus. "And ooooow! I'm gonna feel that for at least thirty more minutes!" He pouted at his brother, his eyes smiling and thankful.

Colossus took a seat next to his brother, the chair made of material sturdy enough to hold his weight, and rested a hand gently on his brother's shoulder.

Pepper's parents might have retired for the night, but no one could have missed the amount of noise Wade was making and it didn't take long for the elderly couple to appear in the room, twin looks of concern on their faces.

Pepper, seeing her parents and knowing the look on their face meant she'd have to explain family dynamics, let her face fall into her hands. "Crap," she muttered, before giving Wade a dirty look.

Wade blinked at the 'death glare', then looked toward the elderly couple before looking back at Pepper, his eyes wide and his mouth forming a perfect 'Oh'. 'Sorry' he mouthed.

Pepper's mother looked at everyone sitting round the table and then focused on her daughter. "Is everything all right?"

"There was a lot of shouting going on," her father added in.

Pepper's furtive look toward her parents and dark blush likely didn't ease any of their worry. "Uh..." she began.

"I'm sorry. That was my fault. Everyone is fine, though..." Wade interrupted with a big smile, before shifting in his seat and biting down hard to avoid wincing.

Her parents were elderly, but they weren't stupid. "Did you get hurt?" her father asked, looking at Wade.

"Uh...no." Wade's grin faltered slightly. Glancing toward the wall, he shrugged. "Ah well...in for a penny, in for a pound...." He turned back to face Pepper's parents after talking to his 'invisible people'. Clearing his throat and straightening, he proclaimed, "I was a very naughty boy and got my aaaa..." he glanced around at the children, "...aabutt handed to me by my brother. I won't be naughty again. For at least a day...."

Vanessa shook her head. "And now everyone knows how he handles you...." she murmured.

For a few moments, the eldery couple looked shocked; and then Pepper's mother, apparently finding her voice, looked at her daughter and then at the other parental figures. "It doesn't seem like that's a surprise."

Steve shrugged and glanced at his siblings. Like Wade said... "It's not really," he finally said.

Wade shrugged and grinned at Vanessa. "Yeah...they woulda figured it out eventually anyway. Now I don't have to pretend my tookus doesn't ache like a mofo."

Pepper watched her parents anxiously, not acting surprised or upset at Wade's announcement at all; indicating she at least knew, if not experienced it. Instead, she looked nervous that her parents be able to accept it.

"I think maybe we'd better go back to our room." Her father seemed quite disturbed by the fact, though it was altogether possible that it was just strange to them that adults were willingly putting themselves under someone else's control and authority, to the point of facing physical punishment.

Werner had been looking shocked since hearing Wade's reactions. He hadn't been sure of what he was hearing, of course, but it had just been confirmed now. Was that what happened when someone was pulled into the family, like it seemed was being done to him?

"Oh boy!" Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, placing a gentle hand on Werner's shoulder. "I had planned to discuss how the family deals with things after dinner tonight so you could ask questions and such, but now...." He looked toward Pepper's parents. "Mom and Dad Potts...I think maybe you should stay for this. I'll explain to everyone who doesn't already know and then we can open the floor to questions. Is that alright?" He looked at Werner worriedly.

Werner swallowed, his muscles tense under Tony's hand, but didn't pull away and gave a slightly jerky nod.

"It was going to come out sooner or later." Fury glanced around at the official and non-official members of the family. How many of them had already guessed? It wasn't that much of a secret, after all.

Pepper gave Tony a grateful smile. Her parents remembered his reputation from before. If he explained and they put two and two together, they'd realize that the family way of dealing with things was the best thing for the family. More so than if she explained.

Tony smiled back and then gave the explanation. It didn't take long, though it took slightly longer than normal because he used himself as an example of why it was good for the family, entirely for the Potts' benefit. Finishing the explanation, he looked around. "Questions?"

Maria Hill was the first to break the silence. "That does explain a lot. I'm sure I can't be the only one who wondered why you were suddenly a poster boy for good behaviour."

Tony blinked, then laughed. "Why Maria...I hadn't thought you'd noticed!" He grinned. He turned toward Werner, but his question was for everyone. "No one has any questions?"

Werner bit his lip. "Why...I mean...." He drew in a shaky breath and cast an uncertain glance towards Harry, who'd taken the seat on the other side of him. He had no idea how to ask where that left him and glanced around at the others around the table, wondering if anyone else felt as uncertain and confused as him.

Robbie cleared his throat, a curious look on his face. "How did you even decide that would be appropriate?"

Skye wrinkled her nose and darted a quick glance towards Coulson and Grant, though didn't say whatever she was thinking.

Grant gave his father an uncertain look. He hadn't ever protested being punished in that manner because he'd felt so guilty the first time Coulson had done it, it was the only way the older man would have been able to break through the thick wall Grant had put up between them. And then after, the reason was because he couldn't be 'punished officially' (although Grant had always suspected the true reason was because it was such a personal method of handling things, punishing him that way made certain that Grant wouldn't or couldn't pull away from Coulson emotionally and put those walls up again.) But what had led Coulson to deciding to do that in the first place?

It was Paul that answered for the others; which, considering he was a 'visitor', probably surprised some of the group, but he suspected he knew why his brothers had chosen that method and it was likely the same reason Steve had gone that route. "It's probably thought of as very old fashioned now. Most people would think it's not a good way to handle disagreements or disobedience. But Dad always used that method on Phil and I once we became teenagers; despite it being considered a child's punishment, he never spanked us before we became teens and were better able to protest or fight it if we genuinely thought we didn't deserve it. I'm pretty sure all the parents here follow the same policy. I know Nick's parents did the same with him; and I remember a few occasions when Nick's father took care of Phil and I, or Dad took care of Nick.... Anyway... One time when I was around 17, I guess, I complained to Dad about being too old and about how it wasn't appropriate and he should just ground me or some other method and he asked me a question. 'Would any of those other methods work the same way? And if not, why?' He then told me that if they would work the same way, then he'd start using those methods. Had to admit it wouldn't have worked the same way, though." He gave Ben a fond look. "See... It's easier to pretend that what you've done is a small, inconsequential thing that doesn't matter if all that happens is you have to go to bed early for a few nights and aren't able to do 'fun' things you normally do. It's easy to pretend that it won't matter if you do it again some other time, as long as you don't get caught, if the consequences don't really bother you."

He eyed the other parents in the room before continuing. "Dad only ever used spanking when we had done something so completely dangerous that we had been at risk of causing injury or even death to ourselves or others. He never used it for minor infractions or typical childish 'rebellion', as long as those infractions or rebellions didn't put as at risk. And I know none of the parents here use it for any other reason either. If their kid is doing something that could result in the kid being killed, or harmed badly, or taken from them in a way that they might not be able to return, that's when they use spanking." He turned to face Robbie, since the younger man was the one who had voiced the question. "And that's why I decided it's appropriate. Because if it is a choice between spanking my loved one and making sure they never repeat the action that put them at risk, or using another method of discipline and hoping it has the same effect? I'm going to go with the punishment that I know will help keep them from repeating the behavior. So that they stay alive."

"I don't expect you were born much after I was," Steve said to Pepper's parents. "Corporal punishment wasn't unheard of in the army." He gave Bucky a wry look before continuing, "Being taken in hand by my own brother was what made me choose to use the punishment on my son." He held back from saying it was better than the cold silences and icy withdrawals Howard had punished Tony with. As much as that damage was a sore subject for him, he'd long ago decided he wasn't going to badmouth Tony's biological father, whether in his son's hearing or not.

Coulson smiled at his own father and his big brother before saying, "It started out the way it's continued on, as a punishment used in a personal way on family. Even when I didn't put voice to it to begin with, those feelings were there from the start." He didn't say Grant's name, but guessed most of those in the room would realise who he was referring to. He'd told Grant that he'd realised his feelings when having to face losing the younger man to the virus he'd been infected with. The truth was that those feelings had awakened before then, the very first time he'd acted to take Grant in hand.

Helen Cho didn't have a particular axe to grind, although she'd been just as surprised by Wade's easy admittance of what had just occurred and finding out it was a 'family thing'. "Hey...as long as I don't have to treat anyone for injuries caused by it and everyone is in full consent mode, you're all adults. Well, normally, anyway...." She glanced at all the child-adults currently in the room. "...I don't see how I have any cause to find fault if the ones submitting to it don't have a problem with it."

Luis just gave Scott an indecipherable look, opened his mouth, then looked at Cassie and closed his mouth again. Scott obviously knew what he was thinking of asking, though, because the man had a long-suffering look on his face and shook his head no. "It's not like that, Luis...."

Tony smiled at Rhodey, grateful he'd already explained to his oldest friend and brother. He wished he'd explained to Happy, because the protective man looked torn between confusion and wanting to step between him and Steve, as if he needed protecting. "Like Maria said...my behavior has become a lot more stable and less...problematic...since Dad took me in hand. Not being punished for all perceived bad behavior by being ignored for days to months at a time was such a relief, I... I'd much rather not be able to sit straight for a short period of time and actually have my father want to be around me..." he admitted faintly.

Happy sighed. "Yeah. I can see that..." he muttered, relaxing at the knowledge that Tony didn't need protecting; from this, at least.

Pyro didn't say anything. Just shifted uncomfortably.

Gabe gave Robbie a wide-eyed look, as if trying to see if his brother had been convinced that the others were right and might decide to start handling things that way himself.

Claire looked toward her boyfriend and snorted in amusement. "Now that I know how Sam's convinced you not to go off fighting every bad-guy in sight so I don't have to use my off-hours cleaning and bandaging you up...I can't say I'm against it. In fact, if it ever comes a time where none of your family is around to take care of things and you do something stupid, I might turn you over my knee myself..." she teased. Chances of there not being any family around to handle Matt if needed were so slim as to be almost non-existent.

"Uh...." Matt was at a loss for words.

After hearing all her family answering and reacting, Pepper finally found her voice. "Mom...Dad...It's not a bad thing...."

Sam rested his hand gently on Matt's shoulder, holding back his own hint of amusement. "Matt isn't the only one whose amount of dangerous actions have gone right down. While it might not be the most conventional way of dealing with things, it's over fast and the pain doesn't tend to linger long. It might be embarrassing, but I'd rather that than risk losing my children."

Steve leaned over to gently squeeze Tony's knee. "Even at the worst thing this family faced, I always wanted you," he whispered so only his son could hear, remembering how much they'd all suffered at that time.

"It's not such an unusual method of punishment." Wong's aside was primarily to Mordo...but Stephen was likely sitting close enough that he'd overhear; and the enhanced family members would have no trouble hearing his comments.

Pepper's mother looked at her daughter, then at Steve, then back at her daughter again. "Has this been something you've experienced?" she asked.

Harry leaned lightly against Werner's shoulder, able to tell his brother was feeling unsettled and uncertain. He wanted to tell Werner that it wasn't so bad; that he knew his parents loved him and that was more than his biological father did. But he couldn't articulate it, much to his frustration. Instead, he crawled onto his brother's lap and then reached out to slip a hand into each of his parents'.

Tony nodded at Steve, acknowledging the words, before blinking as Harry took his hand. Noticing Werner's unease, he moved closer to his future son, leaning over to whisper in his ear. "It's only done in cases where your actions could have harmed you or others; and it is always done in love. You don't need to fear it or me..." he said softly.

Pepper blushed at her mother's question. "Yes..." she admitted quietly. "I've been a recipient and I've been the one admonishing. Both times it was due to actions where life could have been lost."

Stephen had heard Wong, but didn't noticeably react. Instead, he turned toward the Potts. "If I may ask...why are you so against it? The recipients, for the most part, are all adults and have accepted if not outright consented to this type of discipline...."

Werner swallowed hard. "I've never...no one ever did that to me," he replied quietly.

"Me neither," Harry said, his adult mind managing to work around the child's. "I was scared too. But Daddy and Momma didn't do it cause of being..." He frowned as he struggled to find the right word. "They weren't angry. They didn't want to hurt me," he finally finished with.

Pepper's father frowned. "Well...I-I suppose we never even considered using that kind of punishment." Glancing at his daughter, he added, "It's difficult to understand what you could have done that warranted that kind of punishment as an adult." Admittedly, Pepper hadn't been an angel; but he'd never felt she'd misbehaved so much to be punished in that way.

"I can't help but feel it's a good thing," Aunt May spoke up. Looking at her deaged nephew, she continued, "I was worrying about you for a long time. You didn't tell me what had happened to you, but I didn't miss that you were getting hurt, no matter how fast you healed. This has helped you stop taking those kind of dangerous chances."

Peter Parker's grin was slightly rueful and more than a little apologetic.

Pepper winced. "I...uh...don't normally do things that get that type of response," she said. "Living with a bunch of super powered, super confident, super talented people... I sometimes forget I'm just plain regular non-super me...." She sounded so dejected and depressed, more than half the room was looking at her in concern by the time she'd finished.

Tony's face was openly worried. "Your daughter has only gotten into trouble like that twice in the entire time this family formed. You would never have thought about that type of punishment because she normally is the one who talks the rest of us down from doing stuff that would get us into trouble. The only reason she got into trouble those times was because she was trying to prove to herself that she belonged with us all..." He turned toward Pepper, "...Which you do! I've always believed your super-power was your ability to do what was needed and right...no matter what or who stood in your way. Even when dealing with things that you'd have every right to want to walk away from, or even those things that most people would run from. You are so brave and good and....I don't deserve you. Not really. But I'm so thankful for you being here...." He swallowed and gave a weak smile.

Bucky cleared his throat. "Look...I'm sorry you had to find out like this. Normally, we try to tell those who need to know in a more private manner so that they can ask questions and think about things without the added stress of the shock of finding out suddenly with no warning. But the fact is- in our lives...most of us are in danger 90 percent of the time through no fault of our own. So putting ourselves in danger for no good reason the remaining 10 percent is not acceptable. It's so completely not acceptable that the response to it needs to be memorable enough that the miscreant thinks long and hard before behaving in a pointlessly reckless manner again. Some of the kids- like your daughter- are innately responsible and just don't behave in those ways most of the time. But when they do, it'd be more harmful to treat them differently than the rest of the family and discipline them with a milder punishment; even if it would work on them. How do you think that would make them feel? Being treated differently?"

"I don't know bout the rest of 'em, but I'd do more of what got me into trouble in the first place in larger amounts and more intensely to either get you to treat me the same way or admit that you aren't treating me the same because I am not really part of the group..." Wade said it loudly enough for the whole floor to hear in a matter of fact way, even if he'd decided to do headstands on the back of one of the chairs to amuse Kara and didn't really appear to be paying attention to the conversation.

Eyes narrow with worry, Steve leaned over to place a hand on Pepper's shoulder...but it was Harry who reacted more strongly. Clambering from his brother's lap into his mother's (no matter that she looked more like his older sister), he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her as tightly as a seven-year-old with no special enhanced power could. "You are not plain and simple," he declared, with all the intensity he could muster. "You're my Mom." Kissing her cheek, he added, "'Sides...neither am I. I'm not 'special' or 'changed'. And you still wanted me anyway."

Colossus rumbled his agreement with his brother. "If you truly love someone, you would do anything to make them feel a part of the family. A part of your family."

Even if Pepper's parents were still unsure, it was quite clear that they were accepting the fact it was a part of the family. Her mother moved round to wrap her arms around her daughter, careful not to squish the small seven-year-old. "They're right," she murmured...which really meant about all of it.

Pepper blinked at Harry's words, then squeezed him back just as tightly, although she was careful to make sure she didn't hurt him. "Of course I wanted you. Want you. You're my boy...." She sniffled, fighting back tears, and kissed him on the cheek. The look she gave Werner indicated she felt the same about him, but she wouldn't push.

When her mother came and hugged her, agreeing with the rest of her family, she couldn't hold in the tears, though. She gave her mother a grateful smile, face wet and red and blotchy. "Love you, momma..." she whispered.

"So!" Hands clapped together and a tiny Asian lady looked around the room. "It's settled? Everyone knows what happens when kids are naughty and there are no more questions? Because I want to ask my daughter why it is taking her so long to ask my future son-in-law on a date!" Lian exclaimed boisterously.

"Mother!" Melinda's scandalized voice was nearly as loud, but it was the complete and total red of her face that had most of the group silent. It took a lot to embarrass May.

"What?! It's a valid question!" Lian protested. It was clear by the twinkle in her eye she enjoyed riling her daughter up...and that perhaps she'd done so deliberately to take the focus off of Pepper, who had started to look self-conscious about all the attention she was receiving.

Steve couldn't help chuckling, noticing the slightly embarrassed look that came over Phil's face. "Perhaps we could leave off talking about anything personal until later?" he suggested. "The food's getting cold."

Harry let his head rest on his mother's shoulder and just snuggled, beginning to look a little bit tired. He wanted to ask his parents to put him to bed...or at least to take him into one of their rooms so he could cuddle with them...but yawned instead.

Pepper continued to hold and snuggle Harry. "Can you try and eat a little bit, sweetie? Before you sleep? I'll have your daddy or grandpa take you in to bed after..." she whispered into his ear. Looking at Werner, she nodded for him to get some food. "You too, honey...."

Lian grinned at Steve, the impish look in her eye not boding well for her daughter not staying red for the unforeseeable future.

Harry nodded, nestling back against his mother and reaching out to start eating. He was still holding onto his father's hand with one of his, wanting to be close to both his parents.

Still struggling to realise he was being included, Werner began eating as well, a bit surprised to realise he'd subconsciously followed Pepper's directions. Of course, technically she was older than him.

The rest of dinner was uneventful and soon everyone was done and retired to their rooms (or their parent's room) for the night.