Stories From The Island
Agreements And Popcorn

Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for various MARVEL movies and television programs.


Bucky glanced around at the gathered family members all expectantly looking at him. "After Thor and Loki's story, I'm not sure my story will hold everyone's attention..." he teased. "But I was just remembering that one spring day when we decided to skip school...."


Steve hadn't had the best of nights, but he wasn't coughing as much the next day, which meant there was no reason for him not to go to school. No reason except... he wasn't sure he could stand the teasing. He was smaller and sicker than many of the other children... including his best friend... which many of them thought made him appear weak. He'd seriously considered pretending he'd become worse... but then everyone would worry and, well, it wasn't really in Steve to lie.

Bucky had come by early to pick his friend up to walk to school with him. He had to admit, he was worried. Spring had only been here for a few weeks and already, Stevie was having dangerous problems with his breathing. When the flowers and trees began to bloom in full...he could only hope, somehow, his friend could avoid the worst of it. He knocked on the door, smiling at the tired woman who answered. "Hello, Mrs. Rogers. Is Stevie ready?"

Steve's mother smiled at Bucky, even through her tiredness. "Yes, he is." She turned to call back into the house... but Steve had heard the knock and reached the door seconds later. He gave her a quick smile and hug. "Goodbye, Mama."

"Make sure you stay warm." Mrs. Rogers' voice was filled with concern as she adjusted his coat, listening carefully in case his breathing had become worse.

"I'll look out for him, ma'am..." Bucky grinned at her, taking hold of Steve's arm and pulling him out to stand by him. As soon as she had gone inside, Bucky began to lead Steve down the road, away from school. "I got somethin' to show ya, squirt!"

Steve went willingly with his best friend. "Where are we going?" he asked... more that he thought he should than that he was worried Bucky would take him somewhere they shouldn't be.

"I saw the train going by yesterday..." Bucky's voice was excited. "The circus is here and they're setting up at the fairgrounds!" He continued to quickly but gently pull his friend along with him, making sure to listen to his breathing as they went. Attacks could hit Steve at the worse times.

Steve grinned, doing his best to keep his breathing under control... not that he really could control it. "Think anyone will tell our parents?" he asked, allowing himself to be led.

"You were out yesterday because of your breathing..." Bucky shrugged. "Miss Jackson will prolly think you're out again for the same reason...and I kinda fibbed a little yesterday and acted like I wasn't feelin' too good myself, so she'd think I was out sick..." Bucky admitted sheepishly, knowing that Steve didn't like lying for any reason and would probably chide him for it.

Surprised, Steve glanced at his brother in everything but blood. "Lying isn't good, Buck..." Though he was a bit torn, considering he'd been thinking about not wanting to go to school anyway.

Bucky bit his lip and gave his brother a somewhat guilty look. "I didn't 'xactly lie, Stevie...I just...pretended and then let her think what she wanted to think...." He tried to justify his actions. "And it wasn't a lie about you being sick yesterday. If she thinks you're still sick, even if you didn't tell her you were...that's not your fault...." He looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet. "Don't be mad....if'n you want to go to school instead, I'll go with ya...."

Steve sighed, but bumped shoulders with him. "I'm not mad. Kind of wish you hadn't done it, but I know why... and... truth? I wasn't really wanting to go today anyway," he admitted.

Bucky cheered up considerably upon hearing that Steve wasn't mad at him. "I'll try really hard not to do it again, Stevie... but today is going to be so exciting!" Bucky nearly bounced in place. "I heard they have a sharp-shooter! Maybe we can talk to him after and he can tell us some of his secrets for being so good!" He wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders as they neared the railroad tracks, just to make sure Steve didn't trip, but trying to make it seem like it was casual, so his brother wouldn't be embarrassed. "We're almost there! We can watch 'em set up and then go see stuff!"

Steve didn't fight Bucky wrapping his arm around his shoulders... even though he knew why his brother had done so. Today was a good day so far, but that didn't mean it would stay as one. "Did ya hear anything else?" he asked.

"Yeah... They got a giant and a dwarf and a bearded lady... but I'm not really all that interested in seeing them. Momma says they're just regular people with problems and staring at them isn't nice...even if they're getting money for it..." Bucky slanted his head. "But they also got the lion tamers and the elephants and acrobats! And I been saving up and I have enough pennies that we can maybe get a popcorn!"

Steve smiled, his eyes bright with excitement. "I got some too... maybe we can put them together?" he suggested.

Bucky's grin widened. "Yeah! We could get a popcorn and a soda!" They'd come up to the fairgrounds by this point. It was bustling with workers setting up booths and tents and other things that Bucky could only imagine.

Steve watched as the circus set up, his eyes wide with excitement... though he did have to turn his head to the side and cough a few times. Although the weather was warm, it didn't mean he wasn't going to be affected... just that he was less likely to.

The boys got a few raised eyebrows as they wandered through the area watching everyone work, but no one said anything about them skipping school. And in fact, one of the men who was wearing a suit came up to them with some flyers in his hand and gave them both a smile. "Hey, kids...How bout you go hand out these flyers? You do that and then come find me and I can get you ring side seats- no cost."

Bucky's eyes widened. "Really, mister? Both of us, free tickets?"

"Sure...if you hand out all these flyers. Need to advertise the show, after all..." The man nodded, waiting for Bucky's eager nod to hand him half of the flyers. He glanced at Steve and held the other half out to him, a questioning smile on his face.

Steve's own smile was eager. "Thanks, mister! We'll get them all handed out!" he promised, taking the other half of the flyers and already figuring out how to get them to as many people as possible.

"C'mon, Stevie! If we go this way, all the shops and offices are this way and we can get them to lots of people!" Bucky grinned, beginning to move quickly toward the business part of town, though he still moved slowly enough that Steve could keep up without having his breathing cause him difficulties.

Steve immediately went along with his brother, though he was careful not to move too enthusiastically, not wanting to aggravate his breathing enough to make it necessary for him to go home.

It didn't take the two children long at all to pass out the flyers...the fact that it was two kids handing them out encouraging the adults to take them, even if they might have turned them down from another adult. Even so, it took long enough for Bucky to feel a bit nervous that they had taken too long. "I hope we aren't too late..." he said to his friend, as they made their way back to the circus.

"Even if we miss some of it, we'll see most of it," Steve replied, nudging Bucky's shoulder affectionately. His breathing was a little strained... but not to the point he had to start worrying.

Bucky noticed Steve's breathing, though. He always did. "You ok, Stevie? If you need to, we can rest a bit..." He slowed down, worry for his friend overriding any worry he felt at missing the action of the circus.

Steve shook his head quickly, not wanting to spoil their day... or make Bucky miss the circus, no matter that he knew his friend wouldn't care. "I'm all right," he replied. "I can rest when we get there."

"If you're sure..." Bucky said uncertainly. "If you need to stop, though, let me know...." Luckily, they weren't as far away from the fairgrounds as Bucky feared. They made it and Bucky began searching for the man who had promised tickets.

Steve went with Bucky... but he couldn't swallow back all of his coughs, even though he tried to muffle them as best he could. He hoped that, once they'd stopped moving, it would calm down a bit.

"Do you think he lied?" Bucky finally asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice, when they couldn't find the guy who had given them the brochures. He glanced at Steve, stopping suddenly. "Maybe we should go aren't looking so good..." The disappointment changed to worry.

Steve quickly shook his head, not wanting to ruin the day... or make Bucky even more worried. "I'm just coughing a bit... it's not serious."

"Yeah, but...I'm not seeing the guy and it's too late to get tickets now...we'd have to sneak in..." Bucky sighed. "We can still buy a popcorn..." He bit his lip, torn between wanting to see the show, even if they had to sneak in, and wanting to keep his brother safe.

"Let's sneak in," Steve said, not wanting the trip cut short.

Bucky blinked, surprised his straight laced brother would want to do something less than up front, but it didn't take much to convince him. They'd been promised tickets for the front row, after all, and then couldn't collect. They shouldn't have to miss the show entirely...not after working so hard. "Yeah...ok." He grinned at Steve. "It will be like a mission! You're better at strategy than me, though, Stevie. Where do you think the best place to go in at is?"

Steve looked at the tent. "Maybe we should go in from the side," he suggested. "Less likely to get discovered than if we go in from the back... or maybe we can sneak in with a larger crowd." Though he sounded less doubtful that would work.

"I think the crowd is being directed into narrower lines to show their tickets...we'd be caught if we went with a group. I think you're right. We should go from the side..." Bucky whispered. Now that they had a plan, he didn't want the wrong person to overhear. Taking hold of Steve's arm, he tugged him out of the way of a group of people that were about to 'carry' them along to the main entrance and then began working his way toward the side of the tent.

Steve went willingly with his brother, keeping an eye out just in case the wrong person spotted them. While he wouldn't normally be dishonest, Bucky was right. They had been promised free tickets.

Bucky found just the perfect area to sneak in and it looked like no one was around to stop them. "Here, Stevie..." he whispered, holding up the bottom of the tent so Steve could crawl under.

Just then, a heavy hand landed on Bucky and Steve's shoulders. "You two young men wouldn't be thinking of sneaking in, would you?"

Bucky was bigger (and stronger, though Steve would never admit that out loud) than him, but nevertheless, Steve edged just slightly in front of his brother as he turned round. "We ain't sneaking in," he replied, a slightly defensive note to his voice.

Bucky blinked at the protective stance his brother had taken, a wave of fondness rushing over him. He straightened and turned to face the man, swallowing hard and trying to look innocent. Before he could say anything, the man was speaking, a serious look on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

"Well, that's good, because I was told that two upstanding young men had worked really hard for tickets to sit ringside...but I'm pretty sure hardworking, upstanding blokes wouldn't sneak in...are you the two young men who worked so hard for tickets?" Logan had overheard when the circus shill had offered the tickets to the boys in exchange for work. He'd also noted how said man conveniently had to go elsewhere before they returned...without telling anyone else of the offer. Unable to make the man keep his promise, Logan had done the next best thing and bought three tickets himself, planning to make certain the kids were given what they were promised.

Surprised, Steve quickly nodded. "We couldn't find the circus worker again..." And his own sense of fairness wouldn't allow him to let Bucky miss out on going to the circus, even though he himself probably wouldn't have minded. Turning his head to the side, Steve coughed.

Logan nodded, his sharp eyes taking in the way the other kid reacted to the blond one's coughing. "Well, luckily I have the tickets and was able to find you. Come with me, boys." Putting an arm around each of their shoulders, he began to lead them to the entrance, buffering them from the crowd. "You got anything for that cough?" he asked casually, not wanting to make the boys nervous...but he'd want to keep an eye on the kid, if he didn't have anything.

"No, sir," Bucky quickly answered for his friend. "We just try to make sure he stays still when needed..." He shot Steve another worried look, a slight hint of fond exasperation in his eyes because Steve kept trying to pretend he didn't need to slow down.

"Ah...well that's ok, I guess. We'll be sitting for at least an hour..." Logan smiled. Afterwards, he'd have to find a way to get the kids home that wouldn't stress out the one who was sick.

"I'll be all right once we're sitting down," Steve insisted, trying hard not to worry his brother and the other man even more... though he knew Bucky's worry wasn't unfounded. Still, he gave his brother what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

Logan nodded, leading the two kids to the very front of the audience. "I think I'm in the mood for popcorn, how bout you?" he asked casually, raising up a hand to buy a large bag of it. "You two aren't gonna make me eat this all by myself, are you?"

"No, sir..." Bucky grinned, taking a bit of the popcorn and shoving it into his mouth happily.

Steve echoed his brother's response, adding a quick, "Thank you," though he waited for Logan to also take some popcorn before he took a bit.

Logan just smiled at the boys, making sure the popcorn was within reach, and settled back to watch the show. He'd seen this act many times, though. He was having more fun watching the kids.

Bucky was soon lost in the magic of the show; first clowns, then the lion tamers, and then acrobats...and it wasn't even half over. He kept glancing at Steve, as if to ask if they were really seeing the show.

Steve was absolutely transfixed by the show, sitting close to his brother and helping himself to popcorn along with Bucky. Even his coughing couldn't take away his enjoyment.

It was all too soon that the circus was over, but Logan put an arm around each of the kids to make sure they stayed in place. "Let's wait for everyone else to clear will be easier to get out. Then I can walk you both home, if that's ok with you?" It wasn't really a question, though.

Bucky knew it wasn't a question. Glancing at Steve, he became worried about his friend again. It would be good to have an adult there to help if needed. He nodded. "Ok, mister. Thanks for letting us see the show...and the popcorn..." He blushed, suddenly remembering his manners.

Logan smiled. "You can call me Logan..."

"Yeah... thank you," Steve echoed. He'd enjoyed the circus, but the air inside had aggravated his cough... and he knew it would likely be cold outside. The air would probably cause him to start coughing again. Since he knew Bucky would worry about him, he was relieved Logan was going to take them home.

"Thank you! I was happy I didn't have to sit by myself. And besides...hard work should be rewarded...." Logan smiled. Seeing a break in the crowd, he gently began to lead the youngsters out of the tent and toward the exit of the circus. "Where to, gentlemen?"

Steve looked at Bucky, allowing himself to be led. "Wanna stay at mine tonight?" he asked, a hopeful note in his voice. They didn't have a lot, but he always enjoyed any time he could spend with his brother.

"Sure thing, wanna tell Logan where we're headed?" Bucky grinned.

Steve nodded and let Logan know the address, adding, "I'm sure Mama would invite you in for some cocoa... if you don't have anywhere else to be," he added.

Logan smiled. "I wouldn't want to impose, but if she asks, I don't have anywhere to be."

Bucky grinned. Logan had been very nice to them. It would be nice to do something for him...or at least help someone else do something nice for him.

Steve gave a quick grin. "It wouldn't be imposing." Even though they didn't have a lot, Steve knew his mother would be quick to extend hospitality towards Logan.

"We'll see." Logan smiled. He was making certain that they walked in less congested areas and walked at a speed less likely to aggravate Steve's lungs.

Bucky was thankful to the older man for being so observant and careful of his friend. Eventually, they made it to Steve's apartment.

On reaching the apartment, Steve grinned when his mother, though clearly surprised to see an adult she didn't know with her son and Bucky, quickly invited Logan for some cocoa, not that surprised when Steve asked if Bucky could stay the night... since the two of them were often at one house or the other.


Tony was grinning from ear to ear at the end of the story. "My dad was going to sneak into the circus! I can't believe it!" He chortled gleefully.

Pepper thwapped him on the shoulder chidingly. "Like you wouldn't have done the same thing in his position!"

"Ow! I didn't say I wouldn't, Pep! I just never thought of dad doing it!" Tony defended himself.

Steve smiled at his son and daughter, laughing along with Tony. "I was an honest child most of the time... but then again, not trying to sneak in might have meant we missed the circus after we'd been promised seats. I wouldn't have cared if it had just been me." He grinned at his brother, adding, "I didn't want Bucky to miss out."

" sneaking in wasn't so unusual. Stevie here was my conscience most of the time and with us having been promised and Steve not objecting, it would have been a done deal if Logan hadn't stepped in...." Bucky grinned in amusement.

"Did you keep in touch with this Logan guy?" Grant asked curiously. "It sounds like he became a friend of sorts...."

Steve nodded. "He stuck around for a few years... but then he had to leave. I'm not sure what happened to him." There was a hint of nostalgia in his voice... for the other friends he'd lost as well, even though he was beyond thankful to have his family surrounding him.

There was a small hint of sympathetic sadness in Loki's eyes at Steve's words. He couldn't help but think that someday, he would be looking back on all of them with fond nostalgia and missing them...regretting the fact that they 'had to go'. "He sounds like a wonderful man...and seems to have influenced the man you became, considering your own willingness to step in and father those who need it...."

"Loki's right..." Tony smiled crookedly, holding up his bottle of water. "Here's to Grandpa Logan and his taking care of Dad and Uncle Bucky...." His smile turned into more of a grin when both Pepper and Bruce quickly raised their water bottles and were soon followed by the younger members of the family.

Steve's smile was fond as he too responded to the toast, looking around at all of them. "I wouldn't have any of you any other way," he said honestly.

Bucky grinned at his brother, then at all his nieces, nephews and his own children. "Maybe when we get back home, we can see if there are any circuses in town..." he teased gently.

Wanda, leaning against her father, had been listening intently to the story. "I've never been to a circus..." she said, a bit wistfully.

Coulson's smile was fond as he looked at his grandchildren and children. "It might not be quite the same as your uncles' experience... but I'm sure we could find one."

Clint smiled at his daughter. "I'm certain we could find one..." He paused for a moment, giving his father an impish grin. "I was actually in a circus for a very short period of time. Before your grandpa caught me...."

Coulson laughed. "Yes. That's how you managed to perform several feats that should have turned my hair white..."

"I knew that couldn't have been all my doing!" Grant crowed teasingly.

Natasha nudged her younger brother. "No, just mostly," she teased him.

"Ha ha!" Grant stuck his tongue out at Natasha, but he was grinning still and obviously amused.

"Did you get into a lot of trouble, Papa?" Wanda asked, watching her father curiously.

"Did I get into a lot of trouble?" Clint got a sheepish look on his face. "Maybe the right question should be when did I not get into trouble...."