The Multiverse

Summary: Set in the other dimension. After the Scarlet Witch’s rampage, cleanup is begun, connections are reforged, and healing begins.
Warning(s): Spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness; AU; spanking of an adult; mentions of violence; M/m; sexual situation; magic bond.
Pairing: Alternate Stephen/Alternate Mordo


Stephen stepped through the portal and then stopped, the scene of destruction catching him by surprise, despite the fact he'd been aware it existed. His shoulders slumped wearily. He was tired. Too tired to deal with the mess he saw, but it needed to be dealt with. Sleep would come later. He looked toward where Wong and Mordo stood. "You did it..." he said quietly, walking over to them. "You stopped the witch and saved America. Saved our dimension."

Wong nodded. "We found Clint, but I believe it was the Wanda in the other dimension who was able to break through her grief and pain here. It was after she dream walked the second time and the Darkhold was destroyed that she seemed to give up. She asked to help with repairing things here, but Clint indicated she wouldn't be doing anything for a few days."

Stephen nodded. "We were lucky the dimension America landed us in was one where Wanda had a loving family and support group. I don't know that we could have ended things without more bloodshed if we'd ended up somewhere else." He turned toward Mordo. "You answered the call for help...."

"It was from you." Mordo made his response quietly, before adding, "By the time I got here, I was too late to help in the battle. I would have destroyed the Darkhold myself...but the call from the other dimension came before I could act."

Stephen swallowed hard, glancing away before facing Mordo again. "I'm glad you didn't have time to act. I find the thought of you dying to destroy it very... distressful."  He'd seen how close the other dimension's Mordo, Wong and Stephen were; and while he didn't view Mordo as a brother, he did care about him a great deal.

"Your counterpart...." Mordo hesitated, before continuing, "Your counterpart didn't like the idea either." He shook his head quickly and then turned to look around at the rest of the ruins. "The survivors are being seen to by healers. I think perhaps it would be a good idea to bury the dead first." He glanced towards Wong, though, clearly deferring to the other man.

Wong nodded. "We cannot bring the dead back but honoring them in burial is the right thing to do."

Stephen nodded. "Let's start, then..." he said somberly. He pushed his weariness down. They all were weary and while dimension jumping had taken a toll, it wasn't enough of one to keep him from helping. He wanted to help. Needed to.

Wong glanced towards Stephen and then said, "After we've laid the dead to rest, I feel we should return to the sanctum. To eat, rest and recover. Then we can resume rebuilding. It will do no one any good if we exhaust ourselves."

Mordo nodded his agreement. There weren't that many bodies. Unfortunately, it wasn't because there were more survivors than dead. It was because many of those killed had been burned to ash. Still. He raised a hand to begin moving rubble from the bodies there were, so they could bury each one in the ground.

There may not have been many, but the ones there were took enough time that it was late into the night before they'd finished. Stephen was depressed and heartsick by the end; not just for those he'd buried, but those they'd been unable to bury. He made a mental note of each one, planning to contact their remaining family if they had any. Wiping a hand over his eyes, shoulders stooped, he looked toward Mordo and Wong as the last shovel of dirt was placed on the last grave. "Sanctum?" he whispered.

Neither Wong nor Mordo were any better, both sad and grieving for what had been lost. Wong simply nodded to Stephen's question and opened a portal without a word, gesturing for the other two to precede him through before he followed, closing the portal behind him.

Stephen walked through the portal as if on autopilot, looking around before heading to the kitchen. He put a kettle on for tea and pulled out some bread and cheese. "Don't have energy to cook. Hope this is okay..." he muttered, placing the items on the nearby table before going to get mugs for the tea.

Wong stepped in and sank down into a chair wearily. "None of us have any energy for anything right now."

"Tomorrow, we can arrange for something a bit more substantial," Mordo commented.

Stephen nodded, staring at the kettle. When the water finally heated enough to cause the kettle to whistle, he pulled it from the stove and poured it into the mugs with teabags, then put the mugs on a tray with sugar and cream and carried the tray to the table to join the bread and cheese.  "I plan to contact the next of kin. If there were any personal items that should be given to them...."

"I will collect any personal items tomorrow," Wong said. "And contact other sanctums to request any they may have too."

Stephen nodded. "I... I'm sorry I was not hear to assist..." he whispered, regret in his voice. He knew he hadn't really been given a choice. America had gone to another dimension and taken him with her. Still. It was hard not to feel like he'd let the others down.

"You did what you could," Wong replied soberly. "And if you hadn't gone with America...well, I suspect not much would have been different. But we wouldn't have known who to contact to help get through to Wanda." He glanced towards Mordo, remembering how the other man had reacted to Stephen's counterpart being choked. For all that he'd initially acted to try and help had been watching a version of Stephen be harmed that had broken the other sorcerer.

Mordo bowed his head. "She wouldn't have rested until she had what she wanted. I'm sure you believe I was too quick to give up the location of the cave," he addressed Wong, "but both you and he would have died. And then there would have been no hope."

Stephen shook his head. "I don't believe that. I know you did what you felt was the only option available to you to save our world..." he said softly, leaving unsaid that he had done the same with Dormamu. They were together and not fighting. He wouldn't bring out Mordo's frustration and anger at him by mentioning what had caused the schism between them.

Mordo's smile wasn't happy and in fact was tinged with sadness. "I know you are not ignorant of the actions I took after I left, Stephen."

Wong cleared his throat. "A lot changed in five years."

"I was gone for five years. I'm not ignorant of your actions, but... I missed out on a lot. It is hard to focus on one set of wrongs when everything in the world was wrong..." Stephen said softly.

Mordo didn't respond directly to that, instead saying, "I'm going to eat and then retire for the night. There'll be a lot to do tomorrow."

"Your room is still as it was," Wong said.

"Thank you," Mordo replied.

Stephen gave a brief wave of acknowledgement, but he was staring at the uneaten bread and cheese in front of him and the undrunk mug of tea. He couldn't work up the energy to eat or drink, even if he knew he needed to.

Wong waited until Mordo had retired to his room and then looked at Stephen. "As hard as it is right now, you need to eat."

Stephen nodded. He knew Wong was right. He also knew, after so much exposure to the other dimension, he was likely to employ unusual methods to get Stephen to cooperate, if Stephen didn't do it on his own. Listlessly, he picked up a piece of bread and a square of cheese, putting the two together in a makeshift sandwich, and bit into it. He chewed methodically, not really tasting it, but he did swallow. He then took a sip of the still hot, unsweetened, bitter tea.

Wong finished his own food and then stood to clear his plate and cup. "Tomorrow, you and Mordo should talk before any more work is done," he said. "In case you are not aware, your counterpart exerted a great deal of influence over him while they were in contact."

Stephen blinked at that. "I... will do that. I am surprised, though..." He continued to eat slowly.

Wong snorted softly. "Did you not hear what he said? He returned because he was responding to your call."

Stephen blinked again. "I think I may be too tired to understand this conversation." He shook his head and gave Wong a sheepish smile. By this point, he'd finished his own food and began to clean up.

"Not surprising." Wong snorted softly. Once they'd finished cleaning up, he said, "Bed now. We've got a long day ahead of us."

"Aye, aye, sir!" Stephen gave a semi-jaunty salute, along with a teasing grin, and turned to head toward his own bed.

Shaking his head, even though he was amused, Wong headed to his own bed, all but collapsing into it.

Stephen was soon in his own bed, too tired to dream.


Stephen woke late the next morning. He'd forgotten to set an alarm and was so tired, he didn't wake at his normal time. Groaning softly, he made his way to the bathroom to bathe and get ready to face another day.

Wong was down in the kitchen already, making breakfast for the three of them. He was already showered and dressed, prepared for another difficult day.

Stephen stood under the hot spray of water, thankful that the New York Sanctum had modern plumbing. A freezing cold sponge bath was not something he would have wanted this morning. Still, he didn't take long, quickly washing, then drying and getting dressed in clean clothing. Cloak was waiting for him, immediately settling on his shoulders once he was clothed. "Good morning to you too..." he said, with a tiny smile. He slowly walked downstairs, not sure if Mordo was up yet or not. He needed to talk to him, but he didn't want to disturb him if he was still resting.

Mordo had made his way to the kitchen while Stephen was showering. He sat at the table, picking a little bit at his breakfast, eating, but without a lot of appetite. Still, he knew he had to eat to prepare himself for the rest of the day.

Stephen stepped into the kitchen, noting Wong had made breakfast for all of them. "Thank you..." he said, with a smile. He still sounded tired, but he was able and ready to meet the day. He looked at Mordo. "May we talk before we begin the day's assignments?" he asked quietly, as he filled his plate with enough food to help him function and keep Wong happy.

Mordo nodded. "We can do so in my room," he offered, between mouthfuls.

Stephen nodded. "This is good..." he said to Wong, as he stuffed another bite into his mouth.

Wong smiled at the compliment. "It's easier to feed you if it's good food." His tone was slightly teasing.

Stephen laughed at that. "Well... true. But even good food can be inedible if the wrong person cooks it." He grinned.

"Lucky for you, I'm not the wrong person," Wong replied.

"Very, very true!" Stephen finished his plate and calmly sipped his coffee. He'd wait until Mordo was finished and ready to head to his room to get up.

Mordo finished his own breakfast and then stood to clean up after himself before turning to Stephen. "I'm ready if you are."

Stephen nodded, standing to clean up his own mess. "I will see you in a bit," he said to Wong, before turning to follow Mordo.

After thanking Wong for breakfast, Mordo led the way to his room. Opening the door, he stepped inside and then moved so that Stephen could enter.

Stephen entered quietly, glancing around curiously before facing Mordo. "Wong... Wong said that when my other self was here, you..." He blushed faintly. "He seemed to think you were inclined to pay very close attention to him and what he wanted done. He seemed to think I should speak with you about it, but I have to admit, I'm not entirely certain what to talk about. I don't even know what to think. Was... was his observation correct?" He decided skirting around the issue wouldn't help and went straight to the matter.

It took a few moments before Mordo voiced his response, trying to decide how honest he was going to be. "When I got to the scene of the battle and saw everything that had been lost, that Wong was a prisoner of the Scarlet Witch who was using the Darkhold to dream walk, I was prepared to destroy the book. Even knowing it would cause my death. When your counterpart made it clear that action would make him unhappy, I considered a different way. One that would not be fatal." He took a deep breath. "When your counterpart stepped through the portal and the Scarlet Witch attacked him...I couldn't watch a version of you die, Stephen. I gave up the location of the cave that contained the Darkhold. And once again, I would have made the sacrifice to destroy the cave. Once again...your counterpart requested it not happen." He shrugged. "It did not. There was another way."

Stephen nodded. "So... you listened to him when he indicated you were needed.... But there must have been more to it than that, or Wong would not have said anything. So... was it because it was my counterpart that asked, that stopped you? Would... if I would make a request, would I be listened to as well?" he asked quietly. Left unsaid was his questions of, Does this mean you've forgiven me? That I matter to you again? That I no longer have to fear you?

"Five years ago, half of life was snapped away," Mordo said quietly. "I came back here. I came back looking for you." He took a deep breath and admitted, his voice even softer, "I wanted to be with you. I've made mistakes, Stephen. A great many of them. But my actions towards you were the biggest."

"I thought you could never forgive me for what I'd done..." Stephen said softly. "...I don't regret what I did; I still think it was my only option. But I always regretted what it did to you."

"I was wrong, Stephen," Mordo replied. "But I was too proud and arrogant to admit that, even to myself. It's not you who needs to be forgiven."

Stephen moved closer. "If you are asking for my forgiveness, I gave it to you long ago. I just needed the chance to tell you...." He smiled faintly; his eyes were sad. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, my friend." Mordo took a step closer to Stephen, almost hesitantly, looking into his eyes. "I should have returned to you much sooner."

"You returned now when we needed you. I'm grateful for that," Stephen said quietly. "I... went through numerous dimensions with America. Some of them were more horrible than others. Some of them, I turned into a monster... You were not entirely wrong. Had Wong not been here, Dormamu could have changed me. I could have been a monster here as well."

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Stephen." Mordo's smile was faint and didn't have much humor in it. "You did the right thing. I was too blind and stubborn to see it and I'm sorry. If I could go back to the way things were, to what we were building towards, I would."

"Maybe... I've only ever done what I thought was the best... the only options I felt available to me. But so many times, my choices hurt those who I cared about. Hurt my allies..." Stephen sighed softly. "Being right hurts so much sometimes...." he whispered.

Mordo stepped closer to Stephen, to the point that one of them only needed to move one step closer for them to be touching. "I wish I could make things right between us...make amends for hurting you the way I did."

"I..." Stephen swallowed, moving closer as well. "I always understood... as much as it hurt, I understood..." he whispered uncertainly, not sure what to tell Mordo. How could amends be made? As much as Stephen had hurt from Mordo's reactions to what he'd done, it had been other people Mordo had harmed.

"Understanding doesn't make it better," Mordo acknowledged quietly. "It doesn't change the mistakes I made that hurt not only you, but other people."

"No... it doesn't. But I don't know what would make it better. I forgave you. All I need is to know you wouldn't leave again..." Stephen winced at how needy that made him sound, but it was the truth.

"I can't," Mordo admitted quietly. "I wouldn't even if you told me to. I...." He cut himself off and shook his head. No. He couldn't tell Stephen how he truly felt. It wasn't fair to the other man.

"Promise? You won't leave again? Even if I infuriate you?" Stephen moved closer, so close he could feel Mordo's body heat.

"I promise," Mordo whispered. "I won't make that mistake again." He half-raised a hand, almost like he might have reached out to touch Stephen but halted the movement partway.

"Then I'll be satisfied..." Stephen moved the rest of the way, letting his chest press to Mordo's. "...Or I will be once you hold me... just for a little. Nothing has felt real since this whole thing started. I just need to feel real...."

Taking in a slow breath, Mordo wrapped his arms around Stephen. Holding the other man felt good...felt right. "I love you." He whispered the words sadly. Even if Stephen could forgive him, he didn't think his feelings could ever be returned.

Stephen sighed happily, relaxing into the embrace and letting his head fall to Mordo's shoulder. "...And I love you. Your leaving would never have hurt so much, if I didn't..." he admitted, in a sad whisper. "I'm relieved you are back."

"I never should have left you." Mordo tightened his arms around Stephen. Now that he could hold onto the other man, he never wanted to let go. "I understand why my counterpart was so worried and scared when yours was here," he added. "I felt the same when I realized you were one of those taken away."

"There, they are brothers..." Stephen said, with a hint of amusement. "...I don't feel brotherly toward you at all," he admitted.

"Neither do I," Mordo said. "Though I can't imagine I'd be any happier than he was if you stepped directly through a portal without a word of warning to those with you."

"Yeah. Can't say I envy him, the way his family deals with situations like that..." Stephen snorted softly.

"What do you mean? How does his family deal with it?" Mordo asked curiously.

"Spanking. From the small amount of time, I was over there, they have a very strict hierarchy of those in charge and those who obey. Generally, it falls into groups of parents and 'children', but in some cases, there is a sibling in charge of other siblings. Over there, you, Wong, I and one other man, Frank Castle, are a sibling unit. But you and Wong are the ones in charge. I think my counter-part was due a spanking on his return." Stephen shook his head.

"That seems an unconventional way of handling things," Mordo said slowly. "Does it work?"

"They seem to think it does..." Stephen said hesitantly. "Having not experienced it myself, I don't know how it would work, but their family is a cohesive unit and everyone in it trusts the other, so something in the way they do things works."

"Your counterpart's actions might have been deserving of a spanking back in his dimension, but my actions here were much worse," Mordo said quietly. "I wasn't trying to do the right thing. And I hurt people. People who didn't deserve it. I hurt you."

Stephen frowned and pulled back slightly so he could look into Mordo's face. "You did... but you are trying to do the right thing now... You can make up for what you did...." He couldn't help sounding hesitant, not certain what Mordo was thinking and afraid it might mean the other man would leave again, even if he had said he wouldn't.

Mordo nodded, reaching out and letting his hand gently touch Stephen's face. "If your counterpart deserves punishment for acting dangerously and harming himself, then I can only feel that it would be deserved in my situation too."

"You said you deserved worse... I would never be able to bring myself to do worse... I would never be able to bring myself to turn you in so someone else could do worse..." Stephen shook his head, his eyes worried. "What are you suggesting?"

"You said spanking seems to work in the other dimension," Mordo said. "That it allows trust to build and grow within a family unit. I'm not suggesting something that will damage me, but something that will help with the healing. That will help us to grow closer, without a bridge of guilt and pain between us."

"I said it seems to work... I don't know for certain that it is the spanking that is bringing all that about..." Stephen said uncertainly.  "I'm not even certain how they do it... I wasn't witness to it. I can only guess...."

"You don't need to consider how they would do it," Mordo replied gently. "Only how you would do it."

"I would never have even considered it until just now because you asked me about it..." Stephen admitted, in a hushed voice. It was obvious he was getting nervous, but why wasn't as clear.

"Let's sit down," Mordo suggested, moving over to the bed so that he could sit, and Stephen could sit next to him. "What's bothering you so much about this idea?" he asked, taking Stephen's hands in his own.

"If it doesn't work... I'll have caused you pain for no reason. And... and if it doesn't work, how will you feel about me after? That I would do something like that to you for no reason? I... it would put a wedge between us and I'm afraid you'd want to leave again..." Stephen admitted in a whisper, not able to look Mordo in the eye.

Mordo gently squeezed his hands. "I'm already in pain, Stephen," he said quietly. "Emotional pain from guilt that's been festering and building, like an infected wound, for five years. Even if it didn't work, I wouldn't feel anything but grateful to you for trying."

Stephen uncertainly looked into Mordo's face, not sure he believed him. But could he do any less than try? Mordo needed help dealing with his guilt and while Stephen didn't see how spanking him could possibly help at all, Mordo believed it would, at least enough to try it. Stephen swallowed hard, looking away. "Okay," he said softly, before he could lose his nerve. Maybe he didn't think it would work. Maybe he was afraid Mordo would leave again because of this. Maybe the idea of wielding that kind of control over Mordo made him feel sick inside, because it didn't feel right. He'd done things just as damaging as Mordo had, after all; what right did he have to punish Mordo when he was just as bad? But his own feelings on this didn't matter. What mattered was Mordo believed it would work, or at least had hope it would work. And he needed Stephen's help. "Okay..." he repeated, a little more firmly, pushing his unhappiness and fear from the situation deep down, so that Mordo wouldn't hear it in his voice. "I'm not sure how they did it... I never actually saw it being done."

"This isn't about them, Stephen," Mordo murmured, letting his fingers stroke over Stephen's hands. "This is about us. You don't have to witness something being done to have an idea of how you would do it." He leaned forward and kissed Stephen's cheek, before whispering, "I trust you. I love you. Thank you for being willing to try, even if it bothers you."

Stephen swallowed, watching Mordo's fingers stroking over his hands; his broken, useless hands. While he'd gained magic, he'd never truly healed them; they were now shaking visibly. He didn't think he'd be able to hold Mordo over his lap securely, not with the way his hands were shaking. He wasn't even sure he could smack with them effectively; one of them was twisting into an almost clawed shape from the stress from the last few weeks. The idea of using a belt on Mordo made his stomach curdle, though. He'd have to force his hands to cooperate. "L... Lean over the back of the chair," he finally tried to order. Tried. His voice was shaking.

With one final, reassuring squeeze of Stephen's hands, Mordo stood and moved over towards the chair. Glancing at the man he loved, he asked quietly, "Clothing in place or not?"

"I..." Stephen faltered uncertainly. He hadn't even thought of doing this. Now that he was, he truly had no idea how to proceed. For all Mordo's claim's that it was up to Stephen how to proceed and how others did it, didn't matter... Stephen didn't even want to do this. Figuring out how to do it without any assistance from other people's experience was even more difficult. "...Uh... in place, I think..." he finally said, swallowing hard when his voice was shaky. He was afraid with his hands being so uncooperative, he might accidently damage Mordo; at least clothing would give an extra layer of protection from him accidentally scratching him or something else awful.

Mordo nodded. Looking into Stephen's eyes, he murmured again, "I trust you. No matter what direction things take from this point, there is nothing you can do that will make me leave you again. I love you. I'm not hiding anymore." With that said, he moved into position, leaning over the back of the chair.

Stephen quivered in place at the words. He wanted to believe Mordo. A small part of him was still frightened, but he forced himself to step out and have faith in the other man's words. Swallowing, he shifted to stand just to the side and behind Mordo, so that the other man's backside was in striking range. Slowly, carefully so that his aim would be true and not land somewhere unwanted, he raised the hand that wasn't clenching up into a claw and then swung downward, smacking with a firm, hard swat. He then carefully and slowly raised his hand again and let it fall a second time, slightly to the left of the first smack. He continued in this manner, slowly but firmly covering Mordo's backside with the hard smacks.

Mordo breathed in deeply, staying in place bent over the chair. The swats stung, even if his clothing did cushion some of the impact. After a few moments, he reached back and gently clasped Stephen's other hand, the one that was clenching up, just to hold onto him. To offer reassurance, trust.

Stephen clutched onto Mordo's hand, needing the connection just as much, if not more, than the other man. Needing to know that Mordo wouldn't hate him for doing this, even if he had asked for it. He continued to swat, slowly, methodically over the entirety of Mordo's backside and upper thighs before beginning to swat over already punished skin. "You made mistakes... but we all have. You're sorry for them... I forgive you... I want to move forward with you... be with you..." he whispered, in a shaky voice.

"That's what I want too...that's all I want." Mordo's breath hitched; more from the emotions that filled him than the pain of the spanking. It stung, but it was the catalyst he needed. A way to cross the gulf that guilt and pain had left behind. A way to lance the festering wound inside him.

"...I love you..." Stephen whispered. His voice was tight with unshed tears. He hated doing this. Hated it with everything in him. He could only hope it was doing what Mordo needed and enabling the other man to move past the guilt he felt. He continued to swat, starting a third circuit over already punished skin.

The sob that escaped from those words took Mordo by surprise. He squeezed Stephen's hand and managed to choke out, "I'm sorry...for everything. For leaving...for staying away from you for so long. For not...seeking out your forgiveness when I realised how wrong I was." His voice broke as the tears fell down his cheeks.

"I know... I know you are..." Stephen's voice was strained. He continued to swat, though it was agony for him to do so. "I know and I forgive you..." he choked out.

Mordo's body slumped as he clung tightly to Stephen's hand. He was crying nonstop now, too hard to be able to get out anymore apologies. The guilt, pain, was washing out of him, released through his tears, just like poison being drained from a wound.

Stephen continued swatting, but he lessened the strength, unable to find the heart to continue swatting as hard as he had been. He only continued because he needed to be certain Mordo felt like he'd paid enough. He never wanted to have to do this again. His own face was awash with tears, though. He could barely see, he was crying so hard, even if it was silently.

Mordo had been completely honest when he'd told Stephen that he was already in pain. The guilt and turmoil had only increased when he'd returned to the devastation wrought by the Scarlet Witch. And to not even have his Stephen there...he'd given up. Had prepared to die.

He couldn't talk through his tears, but he could and did open up a channel he'd never accessed before. It wasn't mental communication, not exactly, but it was an empathic connection. He opened himself up to Stephen, so that the other man could feel...could experience how Mordo felt in that moment. The guilt and emotional pain, the gulf, were gone. In their place was a deep, intense love...and gratitude; that Stephen forgave him. That Stephen would do this, even though it affected him so badly.

Stephen's hand slowed, until it was just resting against Mordo's backside. He could feel that the worst of Mordo's guilt had, if not been erased, been put into a place Mordo could deal with it. He pushed his own guilt and anguish down deep, so Mordo wouldn't feel it, blame himself. He couldn't pull away, though.

A bone crushing weariness overtook him and... he was crying. Hard. Not only for what he'd just had to do to the man he loved, but because of everyone lost. Everything that had occurred. What Wanda had been through. Years and years of horrible events that he had only barely thwarted but making huge mistakes along the way; and he knew... could feel... there were some things he couldn't remember. It all caught up with him, causing him to cry so hard, he couldn't move away from Mordo; move his hand from where it achingly shook, resting on the other man's backside. Crying so hard he couldn't speak; couldn't tell Mordo to please stand. He couldn't do anything but shake and cry.

Mordo could hear the tears...knew how badly Stephen was affected, by everything. With his own guilt and pain to the point that it was no longer affecting him as badly, he was able to fully focus on the man he loved.

Slowly pushing himself up, Mordo carefully turned, still holding onto Stephen's hand. He stepped forward and, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around Stephen tightly. He took the other man's full weight, supporting Stephen physically, mentally, emotionally. Without allowing them even an instant free of contact, he guided Stephen towards the bed and sat down with the man he loved. Then, he began to slowly strip Stephen of his clothing. As he did so, as each bit of bare skin was revealed, he touched, stroked, caressed, kissed...his entire focus, his whole being, was completely on Stephen.

Stephen just clung to Mordo. As much as he knew it had been needed, punishing Mordo hadn't brought him anything but his own sense of failure, loss, and guilt. He'd been able to move on because, deep down, he truly believed he'd had no choice in anything he'd done; but there was still an insecurity that questioned if he'd done anything different to prevent situations from happening if his later choices at those key moments couldn't have been different. Because of that, it had felt hypocritical to be punishing the other man, especially in a way that was meant to humble and that caused pain.

He didn't want to cause Mordo pain; had never wanted it, not even in the early stages of their rift when he was hearing about what Mordo was doing and felt such immense anger at it. He couldn't burden Mordo with those feelings, though; the other man had been suffering and if helping him meant Stephen was reminded of his own awful shortcomings and failures, meant Stephen had to do something that went against what his natural want was, he'd do it. Because it needed to be done and Mordo wouldn't... possibly couldn't... go to anyone else. It had been too emotionally difficult to punish without it affecting him, though.

So, he sobbed silently. And when Mordo kept hold of him after standing, led him like a blind man to the bed and continued to hold him tightly while undressing him and showing care, concern, affection, he continued to cling, pressing into Mordo's touch. Soon, the sobbing eased to gentle crying. He was able to respond to the touch with his own shaky, hesitant touch. "I love you..." he whispered again, in a voice nearly gone.

"I love you, Stephen. I love you so much." Mordo leaned in and kissed the other man, sliding one hand behind Stephen's head to hold him gently. His other hand stroked, touched, explored over Stephen's body. By this point, the other man was completely naked and when he broke from the kiss, Mordo used his mouth to explore Stephen's body too. He kissed and nuzzled the bare flesh, wanting to bring Stephen show his gratitude and love for the other man.

Stephen shivered, slowly letting the tension from the last several weeks drain with Mordo's gentle affection. His hands shook less and became surer as he gently rubbed and stroked over Mordo's arms and back, kissing whenever he was in a position to do so. He couldn't undress Mordo- his hands were still too shaky for that- but he could be affectionate and show his own love. And he could give in to Mordo and let the other man touch and kiss where he wanted without hindering him. Give himself completely. He'd wanted this for a long time and thought, for a long time, that he'd never have it because Mordo hated him. To find out he was wrong about that was a relief. It almost didn't feel real, Mordo loving him... being affectionate. "...Am I dreaming?" he whispered softly, afraid to disturb the moment.

"You aren't dreaming," Mordo whispered back, hands stroking and rubbing over Stephen's bare skin. "I'm here. I won't leave again. I won't leave you ever again." Pulling Stephen in closer, he kissed the other man's neck. Trailed a line of kisses over his shoulder, down his arm, over his hand...then did the same on the opposite side.

"I'm... I'm a mess..." Stephen said, flushing at the intimacy but not arguing; it felt too good, but he felt like he should give Mordo a reason to stop. "I became too distraught and now my hands won't..." He couldn't easily reciprocate.

"They don't need to," Mordo murmured reassuringly. "You don't have to be on and in control right now, Stephen. I can take care of you. I want to take care of you. The five years you were gone for were torture. I need to do this. I need to give you affection. Love. To help you trust that I'm here to stay. No matter what."

"You're really staying? You won't leave again?" Stephen asked, in a desperately hopeful voice. Mordo's actions had relaxed him enough by this point that he was becoming aroused.

"I'll never leave again," Mordo promised. "And I'd like you to move into my room with me. There's little point in us having separate rooms now. I need to be as close to you as possible."

"If that is what you want..." Stephen said softly, letting out a shivering breath. He had no care for what room he was in; and if it let him be with Mordo, he'd happily give up his room and move to be with him.

"I want you." Mordo's voice was low. Intense. Filled with emotion. Once more, he kissed Stephen, gently nipping at his lips. "There's a spell. A binding spell. It creates a closer bond than marriage." He whispered the words against Stephen's lips. "It would allow us to communicate through our minds. To feel each other's emotions. You would know, completely and without doubt, that it would be impossible for me to leave you again."

Stephen shivered, returning the kiss, opening his mouth slightly. "What... what if you changed your mind?" he asked, with a hint of worry. "You'd be stuck with me, forever...."

"I wouldn't change my mind," Mordo promised. "I wouldn't have mentioned the spell if I didn't want to be bound to you. Forever." His hands slid down Stephen's back, gently squeezing and rubbing, even as he kissed the other man again, deeper, and more thoroughly, gently pushing his tongue inside.

Stephen didn't question again. Instead, he gave himself over to the kiss, welcoming Mordo's tongue into his mouth, allowing the other man to take charge. He whimpered, whined softly, his body becoming more aroused the longer Mordo continued.

Mordo pulled Stephen closer, so that there wasn't even an inch between their bodies. He continued to kiss the other man thoroughly, hands gliding over Stephen's back and round his front, over his chest and stomach.

Stephen groaned softly, leaning into Mordo, pressing close until his body touched Mordo's, only Mordo's clothes between them. He pulled his mouth away just long enough to catch his breath and whisper, "...Bind me... I want to be yours...."

Mordo cupped Stephen's face in his hand, thumb stroking over his lips. "I love you. The spell will ensure we belong to each other." He summoned one of the books to his other hand, quickly finding the spell.

Stephen smiled at that. "To each other..." he repeated, sounding happy at the thought.

"You'll be mine and I'll be yours." Mordo kissed him again, deeper, before he found the spell in the book, showing Stephen what needed to be done.

Stephen read quickly, then nodded. "Now?" he asked hopefully.

"Now," Mordo agreed. "I don't want to wait any longer."

"Me either..." Stephen was decidedly less stressed after several minutes of Mordo's affection and knowing that the other man wanted him. His hands had finally stopped shaking and while it wasn't as easy as it had been before his accident, he was able to manage the buttons on Mordo's shirt, beginning to undress his future lover.

Mordo shifted to make it easier for Stephen to undress him, gently rubbing his hands down Stephen's shoulders and arms. Every so often, he'd lightly squeeze. His entire attention and focus was on Stephen. It was clear that being able to touch and explore his lover's body made him feel good.

Stephen was breathing heavy by the time he'd removed Mordo's shirt; and it wasn't from the effort. Mordo wouldn't have to look very far to see visible evidence that Stephen was completely ready for him and for the bond. Stephen flushed at feeling his lover's gaze on him, but didn't try and cover up, instead stretching almost proudly so Mordo could get a better look. He glanced at Mordo's slacks. "Wanna get out of those?" he asked, in a husky voice.

Mordo smiled, letting his gaze run appreciatively over Stephen's body before he nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, he began to remove his slacks.

Stephen licked his lips as he watched Mordo's skin... more... become exposed. "Gorgeous..." he breathed out, immediately moving back into Mordo's arms as soon as the other man was as naked as he was.

"As are you," Mordo murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around Stephen. Drawing the other man in for a deeper kiss, he bore them both down to the bed, letting his hands rub and stroke down Stephen's chest, stomach...towards his member.

Stephen let his own hands roam over Mordo's arms and back, until they cupped Mordo's backside. Squeezing the other man's buttocks gently, he pulled Mordo closer.

Not breaking the kiss even for a moment, Mordo glided his fingers along Stephen's member, touching and exploring. Finally, his questing fingers found Stephen's entrance. Summoning lube to his hand, he coated a finger and then pushed it in gently.

"Oh..." Stephen's sound of surprise turned into a moan of pleasure as Mordo breached him. He opened his legs further, so Mordo had easier access. "...That's... that's good..." he whimpered.

"I'm glad," Mordo whispered. "I want you to feel good. You deserve to feel good."

"Want you to feel good too," Stephen breathed out, wriggling under Mordo as he could feel the other man's finger inside of him.

Mordo smiled at that. "You do," he replied. "You make me feel so good."

"As good as you make me feel?" Stephen gasped as Mordo's finger hit a very sensitive spot. "I want you to feel as good as I feel...."

"You've forgiven what I felt was unforgiveable." Mordo kissed his lips, even as he added a second finger to join the first. "You've accepted me back into your life. And you helped me handle the pain of guilt, despite the fact doing so caused you pain. Even just being able to touch you, to hold you, is enough to make me feel good." He pressed against Stephen, so the other man would be able to feel how he affected Mordo physically.

Stephen groaned as a second finger was added, moaning softly as he could feel Mordo's erection rub against his own. "Need you in my life. Had to forgive you. Needed you to forgive me... I... I need you... Please... Need you so bad...."

Mordo began to kiss his way along Stephen's neck and chest. "I need you," he whispered hoarsely. "I won't ever let you down again. I swear it." He withdrew his fingers from Stephen, using the lube on his member before pushing inside the man he loved.

Stephen groaned softly as he felt himself stretch around Mordo. It was tight and felt so wonderful to him. "I believe you..." he whispered, opening his legs to allow his lover to push in completely.

Gripping Stephen's hips firmly, Mordo leaned forward and kissed the other man deeply. At the same time, he began to thrust inside his lover, pushing in deeply.

Stephen kissed back eagerly, opening his mouth for his lover so Mordo could claim his mouth like he was claiming his backside.

Mordo pushed his tongue into his lover's mouth, even as he began to thrust deeper, harder, faster. At the same time, a soft yellow glow began to form around the two of them, centered on where Mordo was buried inside Stephen.

Stephen couldn't see the glow, but he could feel the warmth starting at the point of joining and spreading through his middle. He groaned loudly, kissing Mordo fervently, licking at and sucking on his tongue while clenching tight around his shaft to hold him deep inside. He felt like he was being consumed, possessed, and wanted more.

Mordo's groan was barely audible, swallowed as it was by Stephen's mouth. He grasped the other man's hips, his member pushing as deep as it would go...seeking out the pleasure spot inside his lover. As he focused there, the glow grew in intensity, radiating outwards, coating both of their bodies.

Stephen gasped out a tiny sob as Mordo's member pushed against then began to pound into that spot. His own member swelled to fullness and began to leak precum, the tip a red, almost purple color. He was very close to release.

"Not yet." Mordo murmured the words against Stephen's lips. "We need to release at the same time for the spell to work properly. I need you to hold on for me. Just for a little while."

Stephen nodded his head faintly, his breathing ragged. "Yes...  you... you'll tell me when..." he gasped out against Mordo's lips, ordering the other man to order him.

"I will," Mordo promised, before returning to devouring Stephen's mouth. It didn't take long before he felt himself growing and swelling inside his lover. He pulled back just enough to direct, "Now."

Stephen immediately obeyed, letting go of the tenuous control he held. He immediately released, his cum spraying his and Mordo's stomachs as his hole clenched tight around Mordo's member. His body was almost quaking from the strength of the climax.

Mordo's own release hit him at the same time, and he let go inside his lover. As they both released, the glow grew in warmth and intensity, opening up pathways inside their minds...binding them together emotionally as their bodies were linked physically.

Aa Stephen felt Mordi's seed filling him, he could also feel his lover's emotions filling him. There was a moment's disorientation as he tried to separate his own feelings from Mordo's. Every feeling he'd been trying to keep buried, so as not to burden Mordo, burst free and swamped him as well. Mordo would know of his fear and insecurity. His guilt. He couldn't hide anything. His grip on Mordo tightened and he stared up into his lover's eyes with an overwhelmed gaze.

Mordo could feel Stephen's emotions...and knew that his lover could feel his own. His embrace tightened around the other man, even as his own feelings escaped and flooded through the bond between them. His love and gratitude towards Stephen for accepting him, for taking him back, for forgiving him...those were the prominent emotions that came through.

Feeling how Mordo loved him and wanted him helped ease some of the fear, at least. He knew Mordo had been speaking the truth. Even though he'd chosen to believe him, it helped to feel the truth of the words. Calming slightly, he made sure his own love was front and foremost, but he stopped trying to hide his guilt and insecurity. He didn't feel guilty about what he'd done. He felt guilty about what he hadn't done. Maybe if he'd done those things, Mordo wouldn't have done what he did, and spanking wouldn't have been necessary. "Forgive me? For not coming after you?" he whispered. He could feel Mordo deep inside.

"Always," Mordo whispered. "I don't blame you, Stephen. It's true we could have both handled things better between us, but...we're together now. And I believe that's what is most important."

Stephen wrapped his arms, then his legs, around Mordo, holding him tightly against him. He pulled Mordo's full weight down onto him. There wasn't an inch between them on their entire torso. With Mordo still buried in him, it was almost as if they were blending into one being. Stephen felt held in place, trapped, and it helped him relax further. He felt safer than he had in a very long time.

Mordo's own body relaxed as they pressed tighter, closer together, and he kissed Stephen. Through their bond, his feelings of love, care, affection came through clearly...and he made no attempt to hide them. He wanted Stephen to feel how much he was loved, valued, wanted.

Stephen returned the kiss languidly, not pushing or demanding, but participating fully. Does the bond require one of us to be more dominant than the other, or will we be equal? he thought, only belatedly thinking he should have found that out beforehand, but not really caring either way.

This is an equal bond, Mordo replied. But that doesn't mean one of us can't take charge, can't be in control, if it feels right at the time. There are other spells that require a dominant and a submissive...but I didn't see the need for that in our relationship.

I don't either. I didn't think to ask before. Stephen blushed faintly, pulling back to look into Mordo's eyes. You could have made it so I would have to obey you and I wouldn't have known until it was done. I suppose I am lucky you did not feel it necessary to protect me from myself.

I would never have taken control. Not without talking to you about it and making sure it was the right move for us both. Mordo stroked Stephen's cheek and murmured out loud, "I wanted to bond with you because I love you...and I felt that you might be more reassured in our relationship to feel how I felt and know I could never leave you again."

Stephen swallowed. "I needed you back in my life so much, even if you had bound me in that way, I wouldn't regret it. But... that you didn't just proves my trust in you was well placed..." he whispered, before leaning up to kiss Mordo again, causing the other man to shift inside of him and rub his sensitive channel; rub that sensitive spot deep inside him. He groaned softly, his member twitching in interest.

Mordo kissed Stephen deeply, letting his hands stroke gently down his lover's shoulders, chest, stomach. He didn't try to halt or pull back his emotions from coming through the bond to Stephen. The other man would feel everything...and Mordo was okay with that. More than okay.

Stephen felt his emotions welling up again, feeling how much Mordo loved and wanted him. He'd lived for so long believing the other man hated him, only wanting to hurt him for what he believed was a betrayal of everything they stood for. He'd long given up the idea Mordo could love him. But now... not only did Mordo love him, he could feel that love physically, mentally... spiritually. Tears pooled in his eyes again, but they were tears of happiness and because he was still overwhelmed by events. He opened his mouth to Mordo's kiss, inviting the other man to claim him again.

Mordo had needed him to take charge and punish him for his actions after they'd parted to help him address his guilt. Now Stephen needed Mordo to take charge and claim as much as physically possible to ease his fears that he was dreaming and Mordo didn't want him. They were equals... but right now, Stephen just needed to be pulled so close that one of them had to control for it to work.

Mordo responded to the need he could feel from Stephen...the emotions that were broadcasting from his lover. He reached out with one hand and gently grasped Stephen's hands, moving them up and out of the way...holding them in place, holding Stephen in place. And he leaned forward, kissing the side of his lover's neck and then nipping gently at the skin; not enough to hurt, but enough to leave a small mark behind.

Stephen quivered, leaving his hands where Mordo had moved them, moaning softly as the other man marked him. The tears slipped out of his eyes, a catharsis for the highly strung emotion he felt. His member began to fill again.

I have you, my love. Mordo sent the words through the bond. We belong to each other. I won't let you go. He shifted inside his lover, continuing to mark the other man.

Stephen's moan was wanton, his member growing fuller in response to Mordo's actions and words. You feel so good inside of me, love....

And you feel so good surrounding me, Mordo responded. I love you so much. His own member grew and swelled inside Stephen, his release coming close.

Tell me when? I want to release together... Stephen requested, with a tiny smile and moan. He wasn't fully submissive, but he still needed Mordo to 'direct'.

Of course. Mordo tightened his hold on Stephen, kissing him tenderly before he directed, Now.

Stephen's body immediately began to shake as his orgasm tore through him, spraying both Mordo and his chests again. His entrance tightened around Mordo's member, squeezing, and pulsing around it. "Mordo...!" He moaned loudly.

Mordo groaned loudly as his own release came over him. His hands tightened on Stephen, and he slumped over his lover's body, pressing a gentle kiss to the other man's lips.

Stephen weakly but fervently returned the kiss. He felt drained in a good way. "Shower now? Before we meet Wong to begin working?" he asked hopefully.

"I think that would be a very good idea," Mordo agreed.

Stephen grinned and wriggled a little under his lover, feeling as he slowly slipped out of him. "I'll follow you. Wanna watch that fine ass..." He winked.

Mordo smiled at that and leaned in, kissing his lover, before he proceeded to lead the way towards the showers.


Clint had watched as the sorcerers and Robbie Reyes had left, only relaxing when they were gone. The 'Ghost' might have been too tired to come after him and Wanda, but it was still a bit unnerving, even if they hadn't faced his gaze. He walked back into the house.

He noted that his family, barring Kate, had done their usual and fully welcomed Wanda into the family. Nate had even crawled up onto her lap. The kids missed Nat almost as much as he did. Kate looked a little out of sorts, but he could immediately tell it was jealousy, not dislike, fueling the disgruntled look on her face. He moved behind her and Lila, who were sat next to each other, and roughed their hair until it rose on end from the static. He grinned at their twin dismayed whines of protest as they tried to get away and save their hairstyles. He winked at Wanda.

Wanda's smile was more sad than anything else. She'd given up, surrendered, turned away from the path she was heading down...but it was still hard not to feel lonely. Still hard not to feel that stab of grief. Her children were lost to her forever. Even if America somehow found her way back to this dimension, Wanda knew she'd never take that route again. The Scarlet Witch needed to be pushed down, where no one could be harmed by her ever again.

Still, there was some comfort to be had in the child who was sitting on her lap. Nate might not be hers, but she felt accepted...welcomed. Not alone any longer. She'd felt alone for so long....

"Aunt Wanda?' Nate asked quietly. "Can we play a game before bed?"

"Oh! A game sounds like fun!" Lila agreed.

Clint smiled at his children, exchanging a look with Laura. "They don't have school tomorrow," he said quietly. "If you feel up to it, we'll allow it," he said to Wanda.

"What sort of game would you like to play?" Wanda asked.

"Candy Land?" Nate asked hesitantly, not sure she wouldn't think it too childish.

"Oh, I love Candy Land." Wanda's eyes were a little sad, as she couldn't help remembering why she loved the game, but even if she couldn't stop those emotions, she could push them down while she was surrounded by family.

Nate grinned brightly. "That's great! We can play together! I'll ho get the game..." He clambered off her lap to go find the box with the game in it.

"You just made his day..." Laura grinned.

Wanda smiled slightly at that. "That's good."

"Tomorrow... if you feel up to it... I'd like to show you around the farm," Lila offered hesitantly, in case Wanda didn't want to hang out with her.

"Thank you," Wanda replied. "I would like to see it."

By this point, Nate had returned and set up the game. "You can go first," he solemnly told Wanda. "And then you, Kate."

Soon, all of them were playing the game.

Wanda put all of her attention and focus onto the game. It was good, to feel like she was a part of a family again. Even though she couldn't see her own children, it helped soothe something inside her to be with Clint's family.


The rest of the evening passed by quickly, with Wanda playing games with the children. She'd gone to bed feeling...not exactly content, as she still missed Billy and Tommy desperately, but better than she had been.

Partway through the night, though, Wanda woke up from a nightmare. She'd managed to avoid crying out, but there were tears streaming down her cheeks. Seeing her boys in another dimension just kept the wound from healing...but what was the alternative? She knew it would hurt worse to stop seeing them in other dimensions.

Quietly, Wanda got up and headed out of the room she'd been given. She headed out of the farmhouse and into the field outside. She wasn't planning to leave but being outside helped. Even though it was only a little.

Clint was a light sleeper. On top of that, he was highly focused on Wanda, knowing she was still struggling with her grief and loss. As a result, he knew immediately when she went outside. It took little time at all to get up to follow her.

"Let me know if I can help," Laura whispered, before rolling over to go back to sleep.

Clint smiled fondly, leaning over, and kissing the back of her head before slipping out of the room and heading out to meet Wanda.

Wanda hadn't gone very far. She was sitting on the ground, knees drawn up to her chest, arms wrapped around them. She was crying, but not making any sound. She desperately wanted her sons, but they didn't exist in this dimension. And while she'd been willing to do whatever it took to get to them...she couldn't take that path now. That didn't stop the pain of grief and loss, though.

Clint quietly sat next to her, close enough to touch shoulders, but otherwise not encroaching on her space. He remembered how he'd felt when his family had been disappeared. He hadn't wanted to be talked at, or told everything would be okay, or told that one day, it wouldn't hurt as bad, or anything really. What had helped, however slightly, was having someone just be there. So, he would be here for Wanda. If she wanted to talk, he'd let her set the pace.

It took a little while for Wanda to acknowledge Clint's presence, even though she knew he was there. When she did speak, it was without looking up and in a voice rough with tears. "I'm sorry I woke you," she whispered.

"I was listening for you. You're family." Clint glanced over at her with a small, sad smile.

"I know...they're still alive. They still exist. Even if it's not here." She took a deep, almost shuddering breath. "Stephen told me that I only created them with magic, but...they were still real."

"Stephen... isn't a parent. And at heart is still a doctor who leans toward only believing in what he views as tangible. First time he holds a child he views as his, he'll understand." Clint didn't argue the realness of them. To her, they were real, and she was grieving their loss.

"I wish they were here," she whispered. "Part of me still wants go to another dimension. To find them again. But I know I can't. I just...." She closed her eyes and wiped at the tears. "After Vision...after I had to kill Vision...I came back, and it was five years later and everything just...." Her voice trailed off. "I didn't mean to turn a whole town into my puppets. I didn't mean to hurt all those people."

"I know," Clint said quietly.

"I'm scared," she admitted, her voice quiet...barely audible. "I'm scared of...of becoming the Scarlet Witch again. Of not caring how many people I hurt or even kill. If I could do it once...I could do it again. How do I stop it?"

"You don't separate yourself from those who care about you... from me, Laura, the kids. And you don't hide how you feel from us..." Clint reached over, putting a hand on her knee and squeezing. "And I'll do a better job of asking, instead of assuming you'll just let me know."  Clint's smile was apologetic this time.

"And if I go back down that path'll stop me? Whatever it takes?" She looked at him with obvious trust.

"Whatever it takes," Clint promised, looking into her eyes so she could see his conviction.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"You're more than welcome," Clint whispered, squeezing her knee again.

"I'm okay," she said. "If you wanted to go back inside. It's late...."

"It is late. We can go back in together..." Clint suggested.

"Okay," she said quietly, not sure she'd be able to go back to sleep, but willing to try.

Clint carefully stood, holding out a hand to her. "Maybe a cup of warm milky cocoa before we go back to sleep might be nice..." he offered. More milk than cocoa and it might help her sleep.

Wanda took his hand, climbing to her feet. "It sounds good," she agreed.