Adventures In Texting

Summary:  Conversations taking place but not in person. 61st in the Redeeming Grant series.
Warning(s): Fluff, Hijinks, and suggestions of sex or discipline to occur.
Authors note: We wanted to try something new. Arrangement is Person sending text (person receiving text)
*lyrics from the song "you're Making Me High" as sung by Toni Braxton





Sunday, May 9

9:37 AM


Bobbi (Lance,...)All i want is Moonlights, with you there inside me

All night, doin it again and again

You know i want you so bad

Baby, baby, baby, baby

Jessica (Bobbi,...): Not that I'm not flattered...but you aren't really my type.

Bobbi (Jessica,...): That was meant for Lance! Why do you have his phone!?

Tony (Bobbi,...): Uh, sweetie. Do you notice the comma and tiny dots after his name?

Pepper (Tony,...): The dots are called ellipsis.

Tony (Pepper,...): Right you are Sweet Pepper. means you clicked on a group chat instead of just Lance. We all saw you beg to get down and dirty with him. Well, all of us in the chat anyway. 

Bobbi (Tony,...):  .....

Danny (Bobbi,...): Has anyone else noticed Hunter still hasn't answered her?

Kara (Danny,...): He prolly went back to his room to get ready to do it again and again....

Bobbi (Kara,...): KARA!

Ward (Bobbi,...): She could be right you know....

Danny (Ward,…): Hey, did you still want to see that movie tomorrow, Ward? Since we’re all in this group chat anyway, we could see if anyone else wants to join.

Peter P. (Danny,…): Oh, what movie? Is that the new Sci Fi one that came out?

Danny (Peter P.,….): Yeah! I’m still learning about a lot of things I missed and, well, movies are a fairly entertaining way of playing catch up.

Peter P. (Danny,…): I’m interested!

Harry (Peter P.,…): You finished that essay, then? Could you give me a hand with it? There’s a point I’m stuck on.

Peter P. (Harry,…): Uhh….

Bruce (Peter P,...): If you work on it now, you should have plenty of time to finish it and go to the movie.

Wade (Hunter,...): He still hasn't answered. Hey Hunter! Your lady wants to get down and dirty with you and you have nothing to say about it?!

Carol (Wade,...): Maybe he doesn't want to make Bobbi more uncomfortable seeing as how she included her Daddy in that text. 

Bobbi (Carol,...): OMG just shoot me now and put me out of my misery....


10:01 AM


Lance (Bobbi): Hey, kicked over to private chat! Not sure I can do anything about the family now being aware of…well, everything, but at least they can’t see it now.

Bobbi (Lance): love you.... maybe it's good they know now? Maybe? I think Daddy already knew. Still. Sooooo embarrassing!

Lance (Bobbi): Not denying that it’s good they know about us, but I think we can do without the teasing and all that. But hey, if you still want me to come to you….

Bobbi (Lance): My room. Five minutes. I'll tell Friday to put sound block up....

Lance (Bobbi): I’ll be there.



10:07 AM


Loki (Family Group): Hey! There was a really nice man's jacket hanging on Bobbi's doorknob. I didn't recognize it, but if you're missing your jacket, it's there....



7:12 PM


Bruce (Peter P): hey son. I'll be working later than expected on this work project. Don't wait for me to eat dinner. I'll get something when I'm done. Go ahead and eat with you brother and sister.

Peter P. (Bruce): Sure, just gotta finish this assignment.

Peter P. (Bruce): Oops! That message wasn’t meant for you, Dad!

Bruce (Peter P): who was it meant for? And what assignment?

Peter P. (Bruce): It was supposed to go to Harry.

Bruce (Peter P): and the assignment? Wouldn't be the one you were supposed to finish before going to the movie? You let me believe it was completed.

Peter P. (Bruce): I plead the Fifth?

Bruce (Peter P): Go find your siblings and eat. Then finish your assignment. I will stop by your room and talk with you later tonight.

Peter P. (Bruce): Yes, sir. Sorry.

Bruce (Peter P.): we'll talk later son. I love you.

Peter P. (Bruce): Love you too.


7:15 PM


Peter P. (Jemma): Hey, where’re you and Leo? Dad’ll be working later than expected and said we should eat together. ☹

Jemma (Peter P): I really hope that sad face is because of dad working late and not because of eating with me! 😆

Peter P. (Jemma): Neither. I’m in trouble with Dad.

Jemma (Peter P): oh. I'm sorry hon. Well come join Leo and I... We can commiserate. You can tell us about the movie. We are trying to decide if we want to see it after all.

Peter P. (Jemma): Yeah, I’ll come meet you both. Maybe we can order takeout? It might help.

Jemma (Peter P): Sure thing. Figure out where you want, and we'll order when you get here.

Peter P. (Jemma): Gotcha.



Wednesday, May 26

7:00 PM


Laura (Kaine): Watching sunset with Riktor. Come?

Kaine (Laura): Sounds good. At treehouses?

Laura (Kaine): Uh-uh. Dad knows. Riktor will call if any danger.

Kaine (Laura): I'll let dad know. Can't see why there would be danger, but he'll want to know anyway.

Laura (Kaine): See you there.



Tuesday, June 8

11:27 AM


Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): Hey! Where are you all?! I only stopped for a second to look at the leather jackets and now you're all gone!

Patsy (Carol, Jessica, Lorelei): Sorry! We spotted some jewellery that Lorelei liked the look of. And kind of got sidetracked. I think we should introduce Lorelei to the wonders of a chocolate fountain.

Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): Yeah. Only if it's not at a buffet. Too many grubby children poke their fingers in while their parents look the other way. Where's the jewellery counter? I'll meet you there. 

Patsy (Carol, Jessica, Lorelei): It’s the other side of the store to the leather jackets. Close to the back. I’ve got a couple of pieces I want to get your opinion on.

Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): on my way!


11:39 AM


Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): uh. On second thought, I may need to meet you outside.... Ran into a bit of a bitch and now we're both being escorted outside....

Patsy (Carol, Jessica, Lorelei): Maybe we’d better call our Dads.

Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): No way! I'm fine. I'll just wait for you at the shop next door. No need to cut our trip short.

Carol (Jessica, Patsy, Lorelei): Are you sure? Dad would want to know....

Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): There's nothing to know. Some busy body accused me of shoplifting and I set her straight. The clerks knew I hadn't done anything wrong, but the ensuing racket she was making- I agreed to leave as well so that they could get her out. 

Lorelei (Jessica, Patsy, Carol): If you say so. I'm pretty much done so we can meet you as soon as we've paid.

Patsy (Carol, Jessica, Lorelei): Yeah, we’ll come meet you at the shop next door once we’ve finished paying.

Jessica (Carol, Patsy, Lorelei): Sounds good. C'ya there!



Saturday, June 12

1:00 PM


Peter Q (Yondu): Hi Daddy!

Yondu (Peter Q): Hi son. These small communication devices take a bit of getting used to.

Peter Q (Yondu): yeah. Easier to talk than type but when on Terra and all. 

Peter Q (Yondu): ....

Peter Q (Yondu): ....

Peter Q (Yondu): ....

Peter Q (Yondu): Um....

Yondu (Peter Q): What’s got you all twitchy, kid?

Peter Q (Yondu): you know, when you said I could stay at the compound and watch tv instead of going to the movies in town... that was just a suggestion, right? It wasn't an actual order?

Yondu (Peter Q): Kid, you know full well that I don’t just say things for the sake of it.

Yondu (Peter Q): Do you need me to come get you?

Peter Q (Yondu): .... 

Peter Q (Yondu): Yes? Please? I walked and it's started raining....

Yondu (Peter Q): Where are you, kid? We’ll have a talk about this back at home.

Peter Q (Yondu): In front of the theater. Went to the morning show.

Yondu (Peter Q): I’ll be there soon. Wait inside for me.

Peter Q (Yondu): Yessir.... I love you Daddy....

Yondu (Peter Q): I love you too, kid. I’ll be there soon.


Monday, June 14

4:24 PM


Werner (Harry): Um…I need help. Can you not tell Mom and Dad?

Harry (Werner): What happened?

Werner (Harry): I met some old friends and….

Werner (Harry): ….

Werner (Harry): ….

Harry (Werner): When you say old friends…?

Werner (Harry): I’m in trouble. I-

Harry (Werner, Tony, Pepper): Illegal trouble?

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): Harry.

Pepper (Werner, Harry, Tony): Illegal trouble? What happened?!

Tony (Werner, Harry, Pepper): Yes, what happened? And I wouldn't recommend trying to gloss over anything. Your mother dealt with me for years and can smell bull-shit a mile away.

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): ….

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): There were some friends I had…I guess they’re not really friends anymore, though. I told them I wasn’t going to get involved in what they wanted to do and now I’m stranded….

Tony (Werner, Harry, Pepper): where are you? I'll come get you.

Werner (Harry, Tony Pepper): Outside the city? I…I’m not sure exactly where.

Harry (Werner, Tony, Pepper): GPS on the phone should tell you.

Tony (Werner Harry, Pepper): Keep your phone on. Friday will track you.

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): Okay….

Tony (Werner, Harry, Pepper): Be there soon.

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): I’ll be here. I’m sorry.

Tony (Werner, Harry, Pepper): no need to be Sorry. You chose to do the right thing and got bailed on because of it. I want you to call me in situations like this. I'm proud of you. And I'm in my suit so I'll be there quick. Hope you're ready to take a ride....

Werner (Harry, Tony, Pepper): Okay, Dad. I’ll see you soon.



Sunday, July 11

8:50 PM


Quentin (Steve): Hey Dad. What are the chances we could go to a movie later this week? I'd really like to see that new Matt Damon flick.

Steve (Quentin): What day would you like to go? I’ll make sure we’re free.

Quentin (Steve): Maybe we could go on Wednesday? If you don't have meetings?

Steve (Quentin): I don’t have meetings. I look forward to spending that time together, son. I love you.

Quentin (Steve): Me too Dad. 😊



Friday, August 6

12:10 PM


Mordo (Stephen): Stephen, are you outside? Friday says you’re not in any of the labs. You were due to take a break ten minutes ago.



12:30 PM


Stephen (Mordo): I'm so sorry! I was in an area with absolutely no reception and just got your message now! What's up?

Mordo (Stephen): I was looking for you to make sure you took a break. I thought we could have a picnic in one of the treehouses, along with Wong, Frank and Amy.

Mordo (Stephen): Where were you?

Stephen (Mordo): A break would be great! Right now?

Mordo (Stephen): Considering you were supposed to take a break half an hour ago, I’d say yes. Where were you, Stephen?

Stephen (Mordo): ....

Stephen (Mordo): ....

Stephen (Mordo): ....

Stephen (Mordo): ...I'm not exactly sure....

Mordo (Stephen): Were you opening portals?

Stephen (Mordo): ... Yessir.

Mordo (Stephen): What did I tell you about those?

Stephen (Mordo): Not to do them by myself? I wasn't using the book though!

Mordo (Stephen): I didn’t tell you that you could do them without the book, did I?

Stephen (Mordo): No... but... I thought the book was the problem....

Mordo (Stephen): Stephen, if you truly thought you were doing something that was okay, you wouldn’t have seen the need to hide it from me.

Stephen (Mordo): That's not fair! I wasn't trying to hide it from you! I just didn't think I needed to tell you, since I wasn't using the book. I don't tell you every time when I travel using my sling ring... I figured this was like that....

Stephen (Mordo): ....

Stephen (Mordo): Damn it.

Stephen (Mordo): How much trouble am I in then?

Mordo (Stephen): I told you not to work on the portals alone and you disobeyed me. After getting spanked, you will be grounded.

Stephen (Mordo): ...

Stephen (Mordo): yessir. Am... 

Stephen (Mordo): ...

Stephen (Mordo): I still meeting with you to hang out? Or should I go to my room and wait for you to return?

Mordo (Stephen): I still want you to take care of yourself and eat, Stephen. We’ll eat inside, with the rest of our family, before I take you in hand.

Stephen (Mordo): Where should I meet you?

Mordo (Stephen): In Wong’s room.

Stephen (Mordo): Heading there now.

Mordo (Stephen): No stopping off at the lab on the way.

Stephen (Mordo): Yes sir. I will not stop anywhere.

Mordo (Stephen): I’ll see you soon.



Thursday, August 11

1:13 PM


Pietro (Gabe): Hey, do you want to come down to the lab? I was talking to Tony and he thinks he has some ideas for upgrades to your chair so we can run.

Gabe (Pietro): yes! Really?! With everything going on, I figured that had been forgotten about.

Pietro (Gabe): I didn’t forget, but I figured talking to Tony might be better than trying to experiment alone again.

Gabe (Pietro): of course. I'm on my way now.

Pietro (Gabe): See you soon!



Tuesday, September 20

2:02 PM


Kaine (Laura): hey! Are you busy right now?

Laura (Kaine): Not right now.

Kaine (Laura): want to practice? At the treehouses? If grandpa doesn't mind?

Laura (Kaine): Yes. I will ask.

Kaine (Laura): Great! You can ask Riktor too, if you want.

Laura (Kaine): I will. I’m sure he would like to join.

Kaine (Laura): This will be so fun. Let me know if you can come out!



2:07 PM


Laura (Kaine): I asked. We can both come out.

Kaine (Laura): wonderful! I'll meet you there!

Laura (Kaine): Okay!



Tuesday, October 18

3:46 PM


Kara (Danny): what is Ward's favorite pastry? Does he like pastries? I'm in town with Bobbie at this little shop that sells coffee and all types of desserts and I want to bring him something as a surprise. So I can't ask him!

Danny (Kara): He likes pastries. Doesn’t have a particular favourite, though. He’ll like anything you bring back for him.

Kara (Danny): I don't remember seeing him eat chocolate. Does he like vanilla or caramel or butterscotch?

Danny (Kara): Butterscotch or caramel would be better for him.

Kara (Danny): Butterscotch it is! What is your favorite pastry? I will bring you one as well.

Danny (Kara) I like chocolate 😊 Thanks

Kara (Danny): I will bring it to you for dinner!

Danny (Kara): Thanks, Kar-Bear. But I think Mom would prefer I eat it after dinner.

Kara (Danny): HAHAHA

Danny (Kara): Enjoy the rest of your day out!

Kara (Danny): Thank you! See you tonight!



October 30

8:35 AM


Bakshi (Bucky): Um, Dad?

Bakshi (Bucky): I had a…dream last night.

Bakshi (Bucky): Not really a nightmare. I think it might have been a memory.

Bucky (Bakshi): where are you? This is big. I'm coming to you. We can talk if you want.

Bakshi (Bucky): I’m with Blake in the dining room. I wanted to try eating some breakfast, but I don’t have much appetite.

Bucky (Bakshi): I'll be there in five minutes. I'll bring oatmeal. It won't upset your stomach, is filling and healthy... Even with no appetite you need to eat.

Bakshi (Bucky): I know. Thanks, Dad.

Bucky (Bakshi): You're always welcome. I love you. Be there soon.



Monday, November 7

2:05 PM


Foggy (Sam): Hey, Dad? Is Matt with you? He was supposed to be here at the court house with me, five minutes ago and he isn't answering his phone. I'll go forward without him, but it doesn't look good to the judge when half the defence isn't at their appointments.

Sam (Foggy): I haven’t seen Matt today. I’ll ask Friday if she can tell where he is using the GPS on his phone.

Foggy (Sam): Thanks. 



2:14 PM


Foggy (Sam): Dad. Matt showed up. He... we'll explain when we get there. The judge rescheduled given what happened. We'll be there soon.

Sam (Foggy): Is anyone hurt? Do I need to ask Lincoln to meet us?

Foggy (Sam): Yeah. Bring Lincoln. Matt swears he's fine, but he looks like he lost a bout with a bus.

Sam (Foggy): I’ll head to the medical rooms



2:15 PM


Sam (Lincoln): Can you meet me, Foggy and Matt in the medical rooms? Matt’s hurt. I don’t know what happened, but I plan to find out.

Lincoln (Sam): On my way. Need me to get anyone else?

Sam (Lincoln): It sounds like Matt’s the only one hurt. Foggy says he swears he’s fine, but I still want to get him checked out.

Lincoln (Sam): okay. If we need help, we can have Friday call for it. 

Sam (Lincoln): Thanks. I’m heading there now.



Wednesday, November 23

4:16 PM


Jemma (Skye): Did you get it?

Skye (Jemma): I’ve got it. Still don’t know what you want it for, though.

Jemma (Skye): Who wouldn't want it? 

Skye (Jemma): It really doesn’t look like much.

Jemma (Skye): doesn't look like much?! Do you even know what it is???

Skye (Jemma): Not really, no.

Jemma (Skye): It's a toothbrush sanitizer! 😁

Skye (Jemma): Why do you need that?

Jemma (Skye): I think the question really should be, who wouldn't need that.

Skye (Jemma): If you say so. Where do you want to meet?

Jemma (Skye): Lemme know when you're back and we can meet in the common area and watch that new movie you were talking about!

Skye (Jemma): I’ll be there in five minutes.

Jemma (Skye): Great. I'll wait for you there.



Monday, December 12

6:00 PM


Harry (Tony, Pepper): Could I get some help with my college application, please?

Pepper (Harry, Tony): of course! You free right now?

Tony (Harry, Pepper): Your mom's really good at this type of thing. You'll be accepted in no time. 

Harry (Tony, Pepper): Thanks, Mom, Dad. I’m free right now. I’ve decided on my major. Well, majors, actually.

Tony (Harry, Pepper): Want to meet in you mom 's and my room?

Harry (Tony, Pepper): I'll be there in five. 



Wednesday, December 14

5:20 PM


Hope S (May): I wanted to go see a movie, but I...will you come with me?

May (Hope S): I could be persuaded to do that.  What do you want to see?

Hope S (May): The one the others saw recently. I want to watch it so that I can join in with the conversation.

May (Hope S): Sounds good. You want to invite anyone else or just us?

Hope S (May): Could it be just us? 

May (Hope S): Of course!  I just looked on their app and if we leave now, we can catch the next showing in forty minutes. We'll have time to get popcorn and a drink too.

Hope S (May): Great! I'll meet you at the garage. 

May (Hope S): Be there soon!




Friday, December 23

10:07 PM


Shuri (T'Challa): Brother. I have something to tell you that cannot wait for us to talk in person as it needs handling now.

T'Challa (Shuri): What is it? Are you hurt? 

Shuri (T'Challa): I am fine brother. It is Erik I am worried about. He was acting very suspiciously and I have just followed him to the garage where he looked around almost guiltily before taking one of the motorcycles. I do not know where he is going or why- but he was very obviously trying to do it in a way that would not be noticed by anyone else.

T'Challa (Shuri): Thank you for telling me. He didn't know you were there?

Shuri (T'Challa): When I first noticed him heading that way, I stopped him and asked where he was going. He said nowhere, that he was just walking. He was acting so oddly I decided to follow him and made certain he did not know. 

T'Challa (Shuri): I will ask Friday to track his phone. 

Shuri (T'Chalka): I hope he is not angry I told you. I am just worried.

T’Challa (Shuri): I am worried as well. I am certain he will understand.

Shuri (T'Challa): Good Luck, brother.

To Be Continued…?