A Son’s Request

Fandom: Young Avengers (Marvel Comic Universe)
Summary: Billy decides to make a request of his mother
Notes & Warnings: AU
Spoiler up to: Assume spoilers for the entire Young Avengers story arc



I have a bit of a weird request to make. I haven’t talked to my other parents about this, since I don’t think they’d understand, but I was hoping you might. And I don’t have a problem talking to you about this face to face, but I thought that if I put it in a letter, you’d have time to think about it, rather than react straight away.

Would you spank me?

I don’t mean I’ve done anything particularly bad recently. Though my friends might disagree with that statement. When I was trying to find you, I went on my own. You already know that, of course. Teddy wasn’t happy with me, but he’s my boyfriend. It’s not like he could do anything about it. And I can’t really expect my parents to respond to that. I don’t want to tell them any more about my ‘other’ life than I have to. I love them, but they aren’t you.

I inherited your powers, but even if I could manipulate reality to get what I’m fairly sure I need, it wouldn’t be the same thing. It’s not just about being punished when I do something wrong, even though that’s part of it. I know I need boundaries and someone willing and able to provide those for me. It’s not like my brother can do that. I love him, but he’s not exactly what I would call responsible. I’m pretty sure he takes after Uncle Pietro in that respect. I like my uncle, but I don’t think I want to emulate him.

You’re the only one who I think is strong enough to take me in hand when I need it. And the only one who I would trust to do that, at least out of all the authority figures in my life.

If you’re worried about the negative impacts spanking might have, you don’t have to be. I’ve researched it online (don’t worry, I stayed away from all of the fetish sites) and I think it would be beneficial for me. With my kinds of powers, there are all sorts of things I could do that are dangerous. It’s probably best to be reined in when there’s a real need. Which, as I mentioned above, could be considered when I chose to leave my friends behind and come looking for you. If I hadn’t done that, maybe Cassie would still be alive and Iron Lad wouldn’t have run away.

I don’t really think you need to use an implement, if you do decide to begin taking me in hand. Or any of the weird positions I found out about. I could go over your lap with my pants down, maybe? Of course, I should really leave it in your hands. If I’m asking for this, it means you’re the one in control of how and when I get spanked. And even where. Though I don’t think I’d be wrong to ask for a bit of privacy.

I’ll be seeing you at the weekend, so maybe…maybe this can happen then? If you agree with me that it’s a good idea, of course. It would be good if you didn’t mention this to my brother. I really don’t think he’d understand.
