A Ninja’s Honour

Summary: Gordon steps in to stop Adam from doing something he shouldn't
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the movie Ninja Commandments; potentially triggering material (a character trying to take their own life); AU; references to violence and canon character death
Author's Note: The Ninja Commandments movie is weird, to say the least, and I can't really say it's acted very well. However, when I originally discovered it several years ago, this plot idea immediately came to mind. And now that I found it again...I figured I'd write the idea. For those who might be interested, the full move is available on YouTube...but it is spliced with an entirely separate movie and that just adds to the overall weirdness (the splicing was done deliberately as part of the movie)


The sense of relief that had filled Adam when he heard Gordon calling for him was gone very quickly, as he looked up at his fellow ninja, Gordon's blade to his throat. "I didn't kill our master!" He spoke the words, but even as he did so, a sense of hopelessness filled him.

He didn't know what Stuart had said to Gordon...but whatever it was, it had set Gordon on the path of revenge. And Adam couldn't see any sign that the other ninja believed him. The mask obscured most of Gordon's face, but his eyes were hard and cold.

"There's only one way to prove my innocence." Adam rolled to the side and grabbed his own sword. He turned it on himself, plunging the blade towards his stomach.

"Wait." Gordon moved lightning quick, grabbing the hilt of Adam's sword and pulling it away.

Breathing in deeply, Adam looked up into Gordon's eyes. He watched as the other man reached up and lowered his mask. "Do you believe me?" he asked.

"You were going to kill yourself," Gordon whispered, sounding shaky and almost shocked.

"There was no other way to convince you that I'm telling the truth. That I'm innocent." Adam stared into Gordon's eyes, willing the other man to believe him. If Gordon still couldn't, if he still sought revenge, Adam couldn't do anything else to convince him.

"Why would Stuart lie to me?" Gordon whispered.

It might have been a rhetorical question, but Adam tried to answer anyway. He'd had a long time to think about it, since fleeing to the mountains. "He knows you're stronger than him. You were to take our master's place. I'm sure he sent you after me because he knew it would give him time. Either time to escape, or time to figure out how to defeat you." He glanced away briefly. "He wouldn't be able to defeat you honourably. The only chance he'd have would be to trick you."

By this point, Gordon had lowered his weapon. He looked...distant. Perhaps he was in shock. He focused once more on Adam. "You were about to take your own life." He sounded like he couldn't believe what he'd just seen.

"Do you believe me?" Adam asked again. There was no point in continuing along this path if Gordon still believed he was responsible for killing their master.

"I don't know what to believe," Gordon admitted quietly. "But I do know that you nearly threw your own life away. If you'd succeeded, I wouldn't have any allies left to help me stop Stuart. If you're telling the truth." He paused. "But I believe you are telling me the truth. I trust you."

"Where does that leave us?"

Gordon sheathed his weapon and walked over to Adam. He reached down and grasped his shoulder, pulling him to his feet. With his hand still resting on Adam's shoulder, he said quietly, "I won't allow you to risk your own safety, to throw your life away as if it means nothing more than a way of proving your innocence. You can't do this again. I'm not going to let you throw your life away."

The grip on his shoulder was tight, nearly painful. Adam found himself looking into Gordon's eyes and almost shifting towards the other man. If another person had held him in such a way, trying to demonstrate their control over him, he would have pulled away...maybe even tried to fight them. But it was almost instinctual to trust Gordon; to let the other man put his hands on him. "If you believed I was a traitor, my life wouldn't have been worth anything anyway." He'd spoken more honestly than he'd intended and couldn't help but wince as the words slipped out.

"That's what worries me the most." Gordon looked around. He seemed to come to a decision and walked over to the other side of the clearing, using his grip on Adam's shoulder to guide him along.

Adam didn't really know what Gordon planned, even when the other man sat down on the ground. It wasn't until Gordon's grip shifted from his shoulder to his wrist, and the other man tugged him forward across his lap, that Adam had an idea of what was about to happen.

Gordon wrapped an arm around Adam's waist and proceeded to divest him of the clothing covering the lower half of his body, making his backside down to his ankles bare and vulnerable.

Adam only had a second to feel the cold air waft over his naked skin before Gordon's hand was landing firmly at the crest of his right buttock, leaving behind a sharp sting. As the initial sting faded, a matching swat was delivered to the crest of his left buttock and he couldn't help but draw in his breath sharply.

The swats continued at the same force as Gordon worked his way over every inch of Adam's bottom, down to mid-thigh, before he began again from the top.

The second circuit of swats was almost too much for Adam to bear, and he threw his hand back to cover his bottom. "Wait, please."

Gordon merely grabbed his hand, pulling it out of the way and holding it against the small of his back. "What do you want me to wait for, Adam?" he asked directly, even as he continued to cover Adam's backside with the stinging, burning smacks. "Wait for you to decide to do something else dangerous, like take your own life?"

"That's not fair!" Adam protested, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. He began to squirm over Gordon's lap, grasping the other man's hand almost desperately. "You were willing to believe Stuart over me!" he burst out. "You believed I was capable of killing our master."

"You're right." Gordon paused briefly, his spanking hand resting on Adam's aching bottom, still holding onto his hand. "I did listen to Stuart. I let myself believe him, believe you could turn traitor. I'm sorry for that." Squeezing Adam's hand lightly, he added, "But that still isn't a reason for you to attempt to take your own life. I know you would have gone through with it, if I hadn't stopped you." He then lifted his hand and began to smack once more.

Somehow, the brief pause made the swats hurt even more and Adam's squirming quickly became more pronounced. He continued to squirm and writhe for several more moments, as the sting built to increasingly unbearable levels. Then, after a flurry of swats to his sit spots and the tops of his thighs, his whole body slumped as one sob caught in his throat, quickly followed by more.

Gordon stopped the spanking and let go of Adam's hand. He rubbed his back for a few moments, then pulled his clothing back into place and helped him to stand up, before standing as well. Placing both hands on Adam's shoulders, he said firmly, "Look at me."

Swallowing hard, trying to gain some semblance of control over his tears and his emotions, Adam raised his eyes to meet Gordon's. It was difficult to force himself to, especially after Gordon had just spanked him to tears, but he made himself do so.

"Stuart killed our master. He took control of the rest of our clan," Gordon said. "That means the only person I can trust, the only one I can rely on, is you."

"And the only person I can rely on is you," Adam whispered, wiping the tears from his face.

Gordon nodded. "No dangerous behaviour. No risking your life. No trying to take your own life. Do you understand me?"

"I understand," Adam whispered.

"Good." Gordon's eyes softened slightly and he wrapped his arms around Adam, holding him tight. "You're the only friend I have left," he whispered. "The only one I can be sure is still on my side." His voice grew hoarse with emotion.

"I'm sorry." Adam wrapped his own arms around Gordon, holding on just as tight in return, and drew his breath in slowly. "I'll keep myself alive. I promise." Perhaps he couldn't realistically keep a promise like that...but he'd do his best, now that he knew Gordon believed and trusted him.

The End