A New Understanding

Summary: Tag to the end of Deadpool and Wolverine. Logan decides Wade needs someone to step in
Warning(s): Spanking; minor spoilers for Deadpool 1 and 2; major spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine; violence; references to canon character death; non-consensual spanking; crude language, innuendo and sexual references (blame Deadpool!)


"What are you doing?"

"Hey! You know it's rude to sneak up on people?" Deadpool turned from the clip that had been playing to face Wolverine, hands planted on his hips. "You could at least knock."

"Was that Johnny?" Logan walked over and stared at the screens. "What is this place? I thought you couldn't afford a setup like this."

"Oh, it's not mine." Deadpool waved a hand airily. "I'm surprised you've been able to get here, actually. Or did you learn to break the fourth wall too?"

"What?" Logan frowned.

"Okay. So just me. And the rest of the Deadpools, of course. Huh. I wonder if they all got sent back to the void," Wade rambled.

"You talk way too much."

"Yeah, yeah. Not the first time I've heard that." Wade lounged back against the console. "So what's up, peanut? Got a universe that needs saving?" he asked brightly.

"No." Logan advanced on Wade and reached out, grasping his hips firmly and pulling him away from the console.

Behind his mask, Wade's eyes widened slightly, but he couldn't help the words that left his lips. "Oooh! Are we gonna fuck? I have to warn you, I'm a screamer."

"We're not gonna fuck." Logan raised his leg and put his foot on the console. In the next movement, he had Wade upended over his leg.

"Oomph!" The breath came out of Wade's lips in a rush of air. His hands shot out to keep his balance. "You sure we're not gonna fuck?" he asked. "Personal experience is this is often a prelude to sex. Hot, sweaty, limbs tangling up with each other." He was rambling, really. Despite his big talk, he hadn't been in this kind of position before. He was thinking seriously about pulling out baby knife and sinking it into Logan's leg, to force the man to let him go...but somehow, that didn't feel like the right reaction. Not yet, at least.

"It's not about sex, bub."

Wade opened his mouth, to protest or to argue, but the next moment, Logan's hand was landing hard on his bottom.

"Ouch!" Wade couldn't help the outraged note in his voice. "You know I'm not some dainty damsel in distress in a Mills and Boon romance, right?! And if you think hitting my ass is gonna do anything to change my attitude, I've got news for you, peanut!"

"This ain't about your attitude, bub." There was a stern note in Logan's voice as he continued to swat, covering every inch of Wade's bottom in stinging, burning smacks.

The swats hurt. They weren't the worst pain Wade had experienced, but the spanking was hard and relentless. And his healing factor couldn't keep up fast enough to heal his bottom before Logan was swatting again.

"Stop!" Wade threw his hand back in a futile attempt to cover his bottom. "You can't do this!" He tried sounding authorative...and not give away how much the spanking fucking hurt...but there was a hitch in his voice that he couldn't hold back.

"That's where you're wrong," Logan stated. He grasped Wade's hand, pulling it away from his bottom and holding it against the small of his back. He then began to swat harder and faster, putting more strength behind the smacks. "I can and I am doing this."

"Why?" Wade would never admit it, out loud or even to himself, but he was reacting to the spanking. Under the mask, angry tears were pricking at his eyes. He reached for baby knife.

"Don't even think about it," Logan warned, moving his hand a little lower and beginning to focus more smacks to Wade's sit spots and the tops of his thighs.

Wade yelped loudly as Logan began swatting those more sensitive spots and began to kick his legs. It was ineffective, but maybe if he got the angle right, he could give the Wolverine a damn good kick in the ribs. Or the leg. Maybe even the groin, if he could twist his body in the right direction. Or the wrong direction, if he was willing to pop part of his body out of joint.

"You want to know why I'm doing this?" Logan asked, even as he continued to smack. He did lessen the force behind the smacks a little, even if he was continuing the spanking.

"Because I'm annoying? Because I piss you off? Because you're trying to get rid of your trauma by taking it out on my ass?" Wade whined plaintively.

"No to all of those." Logan stopped spanking and stood Wade up.

Immediately, Wade's hands flew back to his bottom and began to furiously rub. The sting and burn wouldn't last for more than a few minutes, but it still hurt. "Fuck you," he stated, preparing to storm past the other man.

As if he could read Wade's mind, Logan's hand snaked out and gripped his wrist. "We're not finished yet."

"Oh yes. We are," Wade stated with finality. "If this is how you're gonna treat me, I'm not doing another teamup movie with you again. No matter how many millions Disney offers me."

"Wade. Two people are dead because of you."

"Oh, peanut. A whole lot more than two are dead because of me," Wade stated. "But I hear it's all about karma these days. The good you do outweighs the bad you do. Or some shit like that." He shrugged and then tugged experimentally at his arm. "You don't let me go, we're gonna be fighting again. And not in a good way," he warned.

"Johnny. Nicepool. You think they both deserved to die?" Logan demanded.

"Oh, fuck off," Wade responded. "I apologised for both of those."

"No. You didn't."

"I didn't?" Wade cocked his head to one side. "You sure about that?" He glanced behind him at the screens. "I know an easy way to prove I'm right."

"That's not the point," Logan said. "The point is, I know what it's like."

"To be right?"

The low growl that escaped Logan's lips should probably have made Wade nervous...or at least apprehensive. But ever since he'd become Deadpool, he'd never felt either of those emotions. Not that he would admit to, anyway.

"To kill without any thought to the consequences. To kill indiscriminately, even if they're not bad men."

Wade could hear the pained note in Logan's voice. He was still pretty pissed at the way Wolverine had grabbed him and manhandled him, spanking him like a little kid, but the note of regret in the other man's voice was impossible to ignore. Or not respond to. "All of us have done something we regret," he muttered.

A sharp look came over Logan's face and he asked, "All of us?"

"Hey, I might be Marvel Jesus, but it doesn't mean I'm perfect. But that doesn't excuse you from grabbing me and spanking me like I'm a little kid!"

"The spanking's not over."

"No. No, it is. And you're lucky I'm not pressing charges. I'm not letting you put me in that position again."

"I'm not going to put you in that position," Logan said.

"Fine. That's okay then." Wade tugged at his hand. "You can let go of me now," he said.

"You're going to take that suit off and put yourself back into position over my knee," Logan said firmly, a stern note slipping into his voice.

"For sex?" Wade asked.

"For punishment."

"Like hell I am. And if you think you're gonna get me in that position, I promise you'll be bleeding all over this place." Giving up on pulling his arm free of Logan's grip, Wade reached back and drew one of his swords, eyeing his wrist speculatively. How much force would it take to cut through muscle and bone and sever his hand...?

"Don't even think about it," Logan warned.

"Hey, I thought only Charles' evil twin was able to read minds," Wade said. "I could be about to cut your head off. I've never tried that. I did get sliced in half after an explosion. My legs grew back. It'd probably happen if you cut my head off too. There might even end up being two of me, if the rest of my body could grow another head and brain." He was rambling, even as he raised his sword and prepared to bring it down on his wrist with enough force to sever his hand entirely.

Logan's other hand shot out and grabbed Wade's wrist, stopping him from cutting off his own hand. "You need to stop."

"I'm not going to let you beat my ass," Wade said.

"You deserve it. You were responsible for the deaths of two people who didn't deserve it. Probably more, if you've been so blase about the two innocent people you did kill. You crossed a line and you need someone to pull you back. Stop you from being a bad guy."

"I am a bad guy."

Logan released his wrist and grabbed the photo of Wade's family, of the people he cared the most about, and showed it to him. "Do they think you're a bad guy?"


"Don't what? Don't point out that you saved the world...that you saved every universe? That you were prepared to sacrifice yourself for them? You would have died, if I hadn't stepped in. You're not a bad person, but you've done a hell of a lot of bad things. Bad things that need a response from someone."

"Yeah? I'm not the only one who's done bad things." Wade couldn't believe it, but his resistance was seeping out of him. His healing had kicked in and his bottom was no longer stinging. It wasn't even tender. And there was a part of him that was listening to Logan's words; to the other man's belief that he wasn't a bad person.

Wade had never considered himself a good guy. Even before he'd donned the mantle, and his damned fine suit, he'd never been good. Teaming up with Logan had been everything he'd ever wanted...and everything those on the outside had wanted, too. And if Logan was saying he was a good guy, then maybe....

"Oh...fuck," Wade muttered. "I can't believe I'm actually considering this."

Logan didn't say anything. If he had...if he'd tried to gloat or point out that he'd got one over on Wade...they'd be fighting and shedding each other's blood. Instead, he waited.

"Can't believe I'm doing this." Wade sheathed his sword and took one last look at the photo of his whole world...his family. They believed there was good in him, even if he didn't really believe there was himself.

Logan's comments made him think about how they all saw him.

Putting the photo away, Wade began to remove his suit. He wasn't bothered by being naked in front of Logan; he literally had no shame. But stripping down for punishment was very different to stripping down for sex. Or to carry out a mission.

After a much shorter time than Wade would have liked, he'd stripped out of his suit and stood naked in front of Logan. He spread his arms out and did a slow twirl, giving Logan an arch look over his shoulder. "Like what you see?"

Logan didn't say anything. Instead, he patted his leg and raised his eyebrows.

"I've lost my fucking mind," Wade muttered. Shaking his head, he walked over to stand by Logan's side. Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward and positioned himself over Logan's raised leg, adjusting his position slightly to get as comfortable as it was possible to be.

Logan didn't say anything. He didn't scold. He didn't tell Wade everything he'd done wrong. If he tried to do that, they'd end up doubling their runtime. Instead, he just resumed swatting.

Wade yelped loudly, unable to help it. He was fairly sure Logan wasn't swatting with any more force than he'd used over Wade's pants, but without the protection of any clothing, it felt so much harder.

Logan wasn't swatting in any discernible pattern, but after only a couple of minutes, Wade's entire bottom was stinging, from the crest down to mid-thigh. A few more smacks and the stinging changed to a burning sensation that just wouldn't fucking stop. Wade kicked his legs out, then threw his hand back almost mindlessly.

There wasn't a respite...at least not one that was long enough for Wade's advanced healing to kick in. Logan simply grabbed his hand, pulling it out of the way and holding it against his back, and resumed swatting, going a bit harder and faster. And then he began to talk. "I told you that I know what it's like to kill other people than the bad men. I told Cassandra about it. And I nearly let her silence them," he whispered. "The voices that I hear, all the time. The ones I...the ones that keep me awake at night. You can't tell me that you don't hear the same."

"You don't think she would have said something if she did?" Wade's voice was strained, as he tried to hide how much the spanking hurt.

"She said what she knew would affect you the most," Logan said. "She was manipulating you. She did the same to me. And I nearly let her. But that's how I know...you and me? We're not so different."

Wade opened his mouth, though he didn't know what he was going to say to that, as Logan began to focus more swats to his sit spots and upper thighs. Instead of words, he began to yelp in earnest as the pain grew to near unbearable levels. His legs continued to kick as tears filled his eyes and began to spill down his cheeks.

But it wasn't the pain from the spanking that was causing him to release his emotions. Given how often he'd been stabbed, shot, blown up, had body parts sliced off...this registered as only a miniscule amount on the pain scale of painful shit he'd endured. No, it was the words...the understanding in Logan's voice...that brought his emotions to the surface.

After a few minutes, the pain in Wade's backside began to fade and he realised that the spanking had stopped. Rubbing at his eyes, he quickly scrambled to his feet and gave Logan a half-hearted glare.

"Don't give me that look," Logan said sternly. "You're lucky all you got was a sore ass. Next mission we go on, you're not killing anyone unless I give permission. Understand?"

"Next mission?" Wade forgot the fading sting in his backside as he focused on what Logan was saying. "You think we're gonna go on more missions together?"

"Why not? I'm stuck with you, after all." Logan stood up. "Speaking of which...how do you get out of this place?"

"Oh, it's really easy!" Wade began pulling on his suit. As soon as it was nice and snug and back in place, he grabbed the tape and motioned for Logan to follow him. "I still don't know how you got here, but it's easy to show you the way out. You'd better all stop watching now," he continued to the hidden audience. "I'll get into big trouble if I show you all lot any of this works.”

The End