A New Family


Summary: Tag to the episode Safehold. Allanon connects to Bandon
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers up to and including episode nine (Safehold) of season one


He was tired.

It wasn't just the physical exhaustion of fighting his young charge. Allanon was tired of living while everyone he'd known died. He'd tried to prevent Bandon forming attachments... making the same mistakes he had.

But what else could he expect? Being a druid didn't make them unable to feel emotions... or even that those emotions were bad. But if Bandon got close to anyone, it wouldn't just put him in danger.

Allanon sighed as he stepped over to Bandon's side. The Dagda Mor's influence was strong in the boy... and if the corrupted druid turned Bandon, it would be a devastating blow to the Four Lands.

As Bandon began to stir, Allanon stepped closer to him, pinning him in place. He watched gravely as the boy's eyes widened and he began struggling, panic fuelling his movements. "Let me go!"

"I can't." Allanon knew how much being tied... being chained... frightened Bandon. But until he knew Bandon was safe... until he could trust the boy... he couldn't risk letting him go.

Bandon continued to struggle, his panic nearly as obvious as it had been when the Dagda Mor had captured his soul. Allanon wanted to try and reason with him... but it was clear Bandon wasn't going to hear him.

Not like this.

Allanon couldn't see any sign of the Dagda Mor's influence, but that didn't mean Bandon was safe and free. He did know that he'd pushed Bandon much too far and that, if he continued to push him, he'd drive him away far faster than anything else could have.

Bandon's breath came in hard, sharp pants... but when Allanon released his magic, it seemed to take him several seconds to realise he was free. When he did, he slumped back against the mattress and closed his eyes. "Please don't do that to me again."

"The Dagda Mor is using you. He will force you to hurt the people you care about if you relax your guard even a little."

"Did that happen to you?"

Allanon stepped closer to the bed. "It is not me you should worry about."

Bandon looked away. "My parents kept me chained to stop me from touching any living thing. I scared them. They couldn't understand me."

"I understand you."

"But you think I'm going to turn against you all... that I'm too weak to stand against the demons." Bandon made eye contact with him. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"I think that you will be a powerful ally for the Dagda Mor if he turns you," Allanon replied. "You need structure and guidance. I may push you, but only because I know you can be so much more powerful than you think."

"But I don't want to be like you." Bandon pushed himself up carefully.

Allanon could have pointed out that the two of them were already alike. His own tutor had cautioned him against forming emotional attachments... but he'd felt more than friendship. He still hadn't properly grieved for those who had died, but there would be time for that... once the demons were destroyed. Once Amberle returned with the seed. But Allanon knew he wasn't the one who needed help right now.

"What do you mean by structure and guidance?" Bandon asked.

Allanon sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "If you will not listen to me, you will be killed or worse. The Four Lands are in a lot of danger right now. Forming emotional attachments will give you weaknesses you cannot afford to have."

"But Amberle's supposed to return with the Bloodfire..."

"And if she doesn't... if she fails... we will face an entire army of demons." Allanon allowed himself to give voice to the possibility of failure... something he had not allowed himself to do to any of the elves.

Bandon looked away, swallowing. "What should I do?"

"You can work with me," Allanon answered. "Let me train you... and help you. You might not have your parents... but you do have a family. Our powers bind us together." He met Bandon's eyes. "I will not bind you again."

"Thank you."

"But I will do this." Allanon grasped hold of Bandon and gently drew him across his knee. Before the boy could react, he twisted his arm up behind his back, careful not to exert enough pressure to hurt him, and brought his hand down in a firm swat on Bandon's backside.

The boy went still as Allanon swatted his behind, careful not to use too much strength. He covered Bandon's backside with the firm, stinging swats and began speaking as Bandon began squirming and writhing. "Errors in judgement will get you punished. Misuse of your power will get you punished. But you are my apprentice and one thing that will never change is that I will always be here for you."

Bandon's gasp was quiet... but his tears were audible as he slumped and Allanon paused, letting his hand rest on the boy's back. "It's finished." He helped Bandon up and into his arms, surprised at how natural giving the comfort felt.

The End